Issue - decisions

Financial Policies

26/07/2019 - Revenues and Benefits Policies and Schemes



1. That Council agree, effective from 1 April 2019, that 100% of all

income from War Disablement or War Widows Pension be disregarded when

calculating entitlement to Housing Benefit in line with the resolution at Appendix A of the report. 




2. That the Council Tax Discretionary Discount Policy set out at Appendix B of the report be adopted.


3. That the Business Rates Revaluation Support Scheme set out at Appendix C of the report be adopted.


4. That any underspend in the government grant allocation of £243,000 be used to

provide additional support for struggling businesses and that approval of such

cases be delegated to the Executive Director - Corporate Development (S151) after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance, Commercial and Assets.


5. That the Hardship Relief Policy set out at Appendix D of the report be adopted.


6. That the Discretionary Housing Payments Policy set out at Appendix E of the report be adopted.


Reason for Decisions


To ensure that a consistent approach was taken in relation to the award of discretionary awards, discounts, payments and reliefs.