Issue - decisions

Draft Statement of Licensing Policy

02/07/2020 - Statement of Licensing Policy 2021-2026



(a)      That the draft Licensing Policy 2021-2026 (as set out at appendix A to the report) be published for a period of public consultation of not less than 12 weeks.


(b)      That the proposed Cumulative Impact Area, as detailed in Appendix A of the Draft Licensing Policy, be published alongside the Cumulative Impact Assessment and Violent Crime Analysis from Dorset Police as part of the public consultation.


(c)      That, subject to there being no relevant representations, the Service Manager for Licensing & Community Safety in consultation with the Chairman of the Licensing Committee recommends to the Council the adoption of the Draft Licensing Policy.


(d)      Should relevant representations be received, which require consideration of one or more significant amendments to the policy, Officers be instructed to bring a further report to the meeting of the Licensing Committee with the outcomes of the consultation.


Reason for Recommendations


To comply with legislative requirements,

To ensure openness and transparency in the Council’s decision making, and To ensure that those persons affected by the policy are given the opportunity to have an input into it.