Issue details

Arne, Blandford +, Chickerell, Milton Abbas,Portland, Puddletown and Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plans

Reason for the decision


To formally make the neighbourhood plan part of the statutory development plan for the areas that they cover. Furthermore, to correct errors relating to the maps in the Blandford + and Chickerell Neighbourhood Plan. In addition, to recognise the significant amount of work undertaken by the Town and Parish Councils involved and members of each of the Neighbourhood Plan Groups in preparing the plans and to congratulate the Councils and Groups on their success.


Budget implications


When decisions were formally made to progress the neighbourhood plans to referendum, Dorset Council became eligible for a grant of £20,000 in respect of each plan. This grant is intended to cover the costs associated with the Council’s input into the production of each neighbourhood plan including the costs associated with each examination and referendum.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/06/2021

Decision due: 22 Jun 2021 by Portfolio Holder for Planning

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Planning

Lead director: Executive Director, Place

Contact: Ed Gerry, Community Planning Manager Email:

