Issue details

Domestic Abuse Strategy



a)    That the continued publication of the consultation draft of the Domestic Abuse Strategy 2021-24 be endorsed; and,

b)    That the authority be delegated to Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety to approve a final Strategy for publication, in consultation with the Executive Director for People - Adults, taking into account the responses made to the consultation.



Reason for the decision


To ensure that the Council meets its statutory duty under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 relating to preparing and publishing a domestic abuse strategy.


Budget implications


Funding details set out within the report to Cabinet of 8 November 2021.


Reference documents


Cabinet 8 November 2021



Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/11/2021

Decision due: 8 Nov 2021 by Portfolio Holder for People - Adult Social Care, Health and Housing

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for People - Adult Social Care, Health and Housing

Lead director: Executive Director, People - Adults

Contact: Andy Frost, Service Manager for Community Safety Email:
