Issue details

Approval of Dorset Council Harbours Communication Plan

Reason for the Decision


Having a communications plan will build relationships with stakeholders, harbour users and suppliers to improve efficiency promote trust and responsibility. There needs to be a consistent approach to provide high quality customer service across the harbours and to build excellent working relationships.


The plan is an overarching document that aims to support the objectives identified in the Harbour Strategy. An action plan has been included detailing current methods, aims and future scope. This action plan will be updated and continually reviewed by the harbour teams.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected






Harbours Advisory Committee – 15 March 2023.


Budget Implications


There are costs relating to staff time and costs already built into the budget to fund the aims of the action plan. Should there be any significant changes in approach to advertising or promoting the harbours and increased costs would be considered as part of future budget setting.


Legal Implications


As set out in the report.


Any Conflict of Interest?




Reference Documents


Committee papers of the Harbours Advisory Committee – 15 March 2023.


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 30/03/2023

Decision due: 30 Mar 2023 by Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment

Lead director: Director of Legal and Democratic Services - Monitoring Officer

Contact: Ken Buchan, Head of Environment and Wellbeing Email:
