Issue details

Wessex Water, 2 October 2023 - 5 October 2023 between 19:30 – 07:00 - A350 Blandford Road North, Beacon Hill between Royale Heights and a point approximately 170 metres north

Wessex Water, 2 October 2023 - 5 October 2023 between 19:30 – 07:00 - A350 Blandford Road North, Beacon Hill between Royale Heights and a point approximately 170


metres north




This Notice will enable Wessex Water safe access to carry out connection works in the highway.




Following consultation, comment received regarding access for X8 bus, Wessex Water confirmed they will allow the last bus through before closing the road.



Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/09/2023

Decision due: 18 Sep 2023 by Officer Delegated Decision

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment

Lead director: Executive Director, Place

Contact: Jack Wiltshire, Head of Highways Email:
