agree a review of the Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) with Persimmon Homes
Ltd (the developer) relating to the proposed development of 502 dwellings and
associated infrastructure at land east of Chickerell (application
WD/D/20/002569). The PPA was originally agreed in December 2020, and was
previously reviewed in July 2021 and April 2023, and sets out commitments on
behalf of the Council and the developer in relation to the processing of
application WD/D/20/002569. There is a fee associated with the PPA to ensure
that the Council can meet its obligations. The PPA does not fetter the Council
in any way from exercising its statutory duties as the Local Planning Authority
and does not prejudice the outcomes of any planning decisions.
review of the PPA will allow more time for both parties to resolve matters
arising from the re-consultation of the application and to allow a new set of
Performance Deadlines to be agreed.
decision to agree the review of the PPA is taken under delegated powers, as set
out in paragraph 136 of the Officer Scheme of Delegation. Paragraph 136
provides delegated powers to “undertake all action in respect of administering
/ processing any application under
of the Town and Country Planning Legislation”, including “(n) enter into
planning performance agreements”. The Local Scheme of Nomination for Planning
Services includes delegation of these powers to the Service Manager for
Development Management and Enforcement.
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2023
Decision due: 19 Oct 2023 by Officer Delegated Decision
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Planning
Lead director: Head of Planning
Contact: Anna Lee, Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement Email: