On Thursday 7 September 2023, the Western and
Southern Area Planning Committee resolved to approve the following application:
The Committee resolution was as follows:
Delegate authority to the Head of Planning and
the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject
to conditions to cover the following points, with the detailed wording of the
conditions having first been agreed with the Chairman of the Southern and
Western Planning Committee:
The wording of the conditions has since been
agreed with the Cllr David Shortell as the Chairman of the Southern and Western
Planning Committee. As such, the decision is taken to issue approval for this
planning application, subject to conditions, in accordance with the committee’s
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/09/2023
Decision due: 19 Sep 2023 by Officer Delegated Decision
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Planning
Lead director: Head of Planning
Contact: Anna Lee, Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement Email: anna.lee@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.