Issue details

The Old Radio Station, Dorchester, Dorset

To authorise Dorset Council to complete a new lease of the car park and training centre and complete a reversionary lease at the Old Radio Station, Dorchester as approved by Dorset Council Cabinet on 5 September 2023.


The recommendations approved by Cabinet were as follows


1.              That Cabinet approves the withdrawal of the break notice, the variation of the Lease and the taking of a reversionary lease to allow the continued occupation by the Council of the Property.


2.              That Cabinet approves the taking by the Council of a new lease of the car park and training centre located on the same site and adjacent to the Property.


3.              That Cabinet delegates authority to the Executive Director of Place to complete the necessary legal documents to give effect to the above, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Assets & Property.


Reason(s) for Decisions:


To allow the Council to continue its current occupation and deliver services from the Property at reduced cost.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


The Council considered whether the services in use at the Property could be relocated elsewhere (including County Hall). However, several operational issues arose which mean that the most favourable option is to remain at the Property.


Any conflict of interest declared by any member consulted:



Any dispensation granted in respect of any declared conflict of interest:



Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 16/04/2024

Decision due: 4 Mar 2024 by Executive Lead for Place Directorate

Lead director: Executive Lead for Place Directorate
