Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Alex Brenton - Non Pecuniary - For the Arne application, the RSPB was the landowner. Cllrs Bartlett, Brenton, and Tooke declared that they were all members of the RSPB. As the councillors were not directors, trustees, or management of the charity, the Senior Lawyer advised that it was appropriate for councillors who were members of the RSPB to take part in the discussion and decision.
- Councillor David Tooke - Non Pecuniary - For the Arne application, the RSPB was the landowner. Cllrs Bartlett, Brenton, and Tooke declared that they were all members of the RSPB. As the councillors were not directors, trustees, or management of the charity, the Senior Lawyer advised that it was appropriate for councillors who were members of the RSPB to take part in the discussion and decision.
- Councillor Shane Bartlett - Non Pecuniary - For the Arne application, the RSPB was the landowner. Cllrs Bartlett, Brenton, and Tooke declared that they were all members of the RSPB. As the councillors were not directors, trustees, or management of the charity, the Senior Lawyer advised that it was appropriate for councillors who were members of the RSPB to take part in the discussion and decision.