Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties'
- Councillor David Walsh - Pecuniary - Declared an interest in respect of item 17 on the agenda ‘Council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties’ and indicated that they would leave the room during discussion and voting on the item.
- Councillor Gary Suttle - Pecuniary - Declared an interest in respect of item 17 on the agenda ‘Council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties’ and indicated that they would leave the room during discussion and voting on the item.
- Councillor Graham Carr-Jones - Pecuniary - Declared an interest in respect of item 17 on the agenda ‘Council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties’ and indicated that they would leave the room during discussion and voting on the item.
- Councillor Spencer Flower - Pecuniary - Declared an interest in respect of item 17 on the agenda ‘Council tax premiums on second homes and empty properties’ and indicated that they would leave the room during discussion and voting on the item.