Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Declarations of Interest'
- Councillor Dave Bolwell - Non Pecuniary - Cllr Bolwell declared an interest in item 5d, due to chairing the Bridport Town Council meeting, where this application was discussed, he withdrew from the meeting during the consideration of this item.
- Councillor Kelvin Clayton - Personal and Prejudicial - Cllr Clayton declared an interest in item 5d due to being the co-applicant of this application, as such he withdrew from the meeting and did not take part in debate or vote.
- Councillor Kelvin Clayton - Non Pecuniary - Cllr Clayton declared an interest in item 5a, due to previously sitting as chairman of Transition Town Bridport.
- Councillor Louie O'Leary - Personal - Cllr O’Leary declared an interest in item 5b, due to member of his family being the applicant and withdrew from the meeting during the consideration of this item.