Meeting attendance

Thursday, 7th May, 2020 2.00 pm, Western and Southern Area Planning Committee

Venue:   A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.

Contact:    Denise Hunt
01305 224878 - Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Simon Christopher Chairman Present
Councillor David Gray Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Pete Barrow Committee Member Present
Councillor Kelvin Clayton Committee Member Present
Councillor Susan Cocking Committee Member Present
Councillor Jean Dunseith Committee Member Present
Councillor Nick Ireland Committee Member Present
Councillor Louie O'Leary Committee Member Present
Councillor David Shortell Committee Member Present
Councillor Sarah Williams Committee Member Present
Councillor Kate Wheller Committee Member Present
Ann Collins Officer In attendance
Philip Crowther Officer In attendance
Darren Rogers Officer In attendance
Denise Hunt Officer In attendance
Councillor David Walsh Guest In attendance