Meeting attendance

Thursday, 23rd July, 2020 10.00 am, Dorset Council - Place Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.

Contact:    Lindsey Watson
01305 252209 - Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Daryl Turner Chairman Present
Councillor Cherry Brooks Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Robin Cook Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Jean Dunseith Committee Member Present
Councillor Simon Gibson Committee Member Present
Councillor Ryan Hope Committee Member Present
Councillor Val Pothecary Committee Member Present
Councillor Andrew Starr Committee Member Present
Councillor Roland Tarr Committee Member Present
Councillor David Taylor Committee Member Present
Councillor Ray Bryan Guest In attendance
Councillor Kelvin Clayton Guest In attendance
Councillor Paul Kimber Guest In attendance
Councillor Jane Somper Guest In attendance
Councillor David Walsh Guest In attendance
Councillor Shane Bartlett Guest In attendance
Councillor Barry Goringe Guest In attendance
Councillor David Gray Guest In attendance
Councillor Nick Ireland Guest In attendance
Councillor Laura Beddow Guest In attendance
Councillor Andrew Parry Guest In attendance
Councillor Molly Rennie Guest In attendance
Councillor David Tooke Guest In attendance
John Sellgren Officer In attendance
Matt Reeks Officer In attendance
Ken Buchan Officer In attendance
Antony Littlechild Officer In attendance
Andrew Galpin Officer In attendance
Richard Dodson Officer In attendance
Lindsey Watson Officer In attendance