Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.
Contact: Fiona King
01305 224186 - Email:
Attendee | Role | Attendance | Attendance comment |
Councillor Rebecca Knox Dorset Council | Chairman | Present | |
Forbes Watson Chairman, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group | Vice-Chair | Present | |
Vivienne Broadhurst Executive Director for People - Adults, Dorset Council | Committee Member | In attendance | |
Louise Bate Healthwatch Manager | Reserve | ||
Paula Bennetts Voluntary Sector | Reserve | ||
Mark Callaghan Assistant Chief Constable | Reserve | ||
Sam Crowe Interim Director of Public Health | Committee Member | Present | |
Dani Farrell GP Representative | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Spencer Flower Dorset Council | Committee Member | Present | |
Marc House | Committee Member | Present | |
Tim Goodson Chief Operating Officer, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group | Committee Member | Apologies | |
Margaret Guy Healthwatch, Dorset | Committee Member | Present | |
James Jackson GP Representative | Reserve | ||
Karen Kirkham Locality Executive Team | Reserve | ||
Martin Longley GP Representative | Committee Member | Present | |
Theresa Leavy Executive Director for People - children, Dorset Council | Committee Member | Present | |
Councillor Laura Miller Dorset Council | Committee Member | Present | |
John Sellgren Executive Director of Place, Dorset Council | Committee Member | Present | |
James Vaughan Chief Constable | Committee Member | Present | |
Simon Wraw Chairman, Dorset Community Action | Committee Member | Present | |
Patricia Miller NHS Provider | Committee Member | Apologies | |
Andrew Billany | Officer | In attendance | |
Lesley Hutchinson | Officer | In attendance | |
Paul Iggulden | Officer | In attendance | |
Rupert T Lloyd | Officer | In attendance | |
Rachel Partridge Public Health | Officer | In attendance | |
Matt Prosser | Officer | In attendance | |
Phil Richardson Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group | Reserve | ||
Claire Shiels Dorset Council | Reserve | ||
Rosie Sharpe | Officer | In attendance | |
Kirstie Smith | Officer | In attendance | |
Seth Why Head of Prevention and Protection, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service | Reserve | ||
Eugine Yafele NHS Provider | Committee Member | Apologies | |
Simone Yule GP Representative | Committee Member | Absent | |
Fiona King | Officer | In attendance | |
Natasha Morris | Officer | Expected |