Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 22nd September, 2021 2.00 pm, Health and Wellbeing Board

Venue:   A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.

Contact:    Fiona King
01305 224186 - Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Sam DeReya Dorset Police Reserve
Councillor Rebecca Knox Dorset Council Chairman Present
Forbes Watson Chairman, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group Vice-Chair Present
Louise Bate Healthwatch Manager Reserve
Paula Bennetts Voluntary Sector Reserve
Vivienne Broadhurst Executive Director for People - Adults, Dorset Council Committee Member In attendance
Scott Chilton Chief Constable Committee Member Present
Sam Crowe Interim Director of Public Health Committee Member Apologies
Dani Farrell GP Representative Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Spencer Flower Dorset Council Committee Member Apologies
Tim Goodson Chief Operating Officer, Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group Committee Member Present
Margaret Guy Healthwatch, Dorset Committee Member Present
Marc House Area Manager, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Committee Member Present
Karen Kirkham Locality Executive Team Reserve
Martin Longley GP Representative Committee Member Apologies
Theresa Leavy Executive Director for People - children, Dorset Council Committee Member Present
Councillor Laura Miller Dorset Council Committee Member Present
Patricia Miller NHS Provider Committee Member Present
Rachel Partridge Public Health Committee Member Present
Phil Richardson Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group Reserve
John Sellgren Executive Director of Place, Dorset Council Committee Member Present
Chris Spackman Dorset Community Action Committee Member Present
Claire Shiels Dorset Council Reserve
Seth Why Head of Prevention and Protection, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service Reserve
Simon Wraw Chairman, Dorset Community Action Committee Member Apologies
Eugine Yafele NHS Provider Reserve
Simone Yule GP Representative Committee Member Absent
Kirsty Hillier Officer In attendance
Jane Horne Officer In attendance
Lesley Hutchinson Officer In attendance
Paul Iggulden Officer In attendance
Natasha Morris Officer In attendance
Rosie Sharpe Officer In attendance
Kirstie Smith Officer In attendance
Fiona King Officer In attendance
Matt Prosser Officer Apologies