Meeting attendance

Monday, 12th July, 2021 10.00 am, Strategic and Technical Planning Committee

Venue:   A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.

Contact:    Elaine Tibble
01305 224202 - Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Robin Cook Chairman Present
Councillor John Worth Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Shane Bartlett Committee Member Present
Councillor Dave Bolwell Committee Member Present
Councillor Alex Brenton Committee Member Present
Councillor Kelvin Clayton Committee Member Present
Councillor Jean Dunseith Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Dyer Committee Member Present
Councillor Sherry Jespersen Committee Member Present
Councillor Mary Penfold Committee Member Present
Councillor Belinda Ridout Committee Member Present
Councillor David Tooke Committee Member Present
Councillor David Walsh Guest In attendance
Anna Lee Officer In attendance
Emma MacDonald Officer In attendance
Philip Crowther Officer In attendance
Trevor Badley Officer In attendance
Hannah Massey Officer In attendance
Lindsey Watson Officer In attendance