Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 9th November, 2021 10.00 am, People and Health Overview Committee

Venue:   A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.

Contact:    Fiona King
01305 224186 - Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Pauline Batstone Vice-Chair Present
Councillor Rod Adkins Committee Member Present
Councillor Anthony Alford Committee Member Present
Councillor Pete Barrow Committee Member Present
Councillor Jean Dunseith Committee Member Present
Councillor Ryan Holloway Committee Member Present
Councillor Stella Jones Committee Member Present
Councillor Beryl Ezzard Committee Member Present
Councillor Rebecca Knox Committee Member Present
Councillor Mike Parkes Committee Member Apologies
Louise Drury Officer In attendance
Kirsten Hallett Officer In attendance
Theresa Leavy Officer In attendance
Sarah Jane Smedmor Officer In attendance
Steve Veevers Officer In attendance
Vik Verma Officer In attendance
Fiona King Officer In attendance
Councillor Jon Andrews Guest In attendance
Councillor Cherry Brooks Guest In attendance
Councillor Les Fry Guest In attendance
Councillor Barry Goringe Guest In attendance
Councillor Rob Hughes Guest In attendance
Councillor Nick Ireland Guest In attendance
Councillor Laura Beddow Guest In attendance
Councillor Andrew Parry Guest In attendance
Councillor Byron Quayle Guest In attendance
Councillor Molly Rennie Guest In attendance
Councillor Jane Somper Guest In attendance
Councillor David Taylor Guest In attendance