Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Kate Critchel 01305 252234 - Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 2025. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 28 January 2025 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the
Chair. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: The Leader of the Council
declared an interest in respect of min 129 as his employer may possibly tender
a bid for this work. He indicated that he would leave the meeting, whilst the
item was considered. |
Public Participation Representatives of town or parish councils and members of the public who
live, work, or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area are welcome
to submit either 1 question or 1 statement for each meeting. You are welcome to attend the meeting in
person or via MS Teams to read out your question and to receive the response. If you submit a statement for the committee
this will be circulated to all members of the committee in advance of the
meeting as a supplement to the agenda and appended to the minutes for the
formal record but will not be read out at the meeting. The first 8 questions
and the first 8 statements received from members of the public or organisations
for each meeting will be accepted on a first come first served basis in
accordance with the deadline set out below.
Further information read Public Participation - Dorset Council All submissions must be emailed in full to by 8.30am on Thursday 20 February 2025. When submitting your question or statement please note that: • You can submit 1 question
or 1 statement. • a question may include a
short pre-amble to set the context. • It must be a single question
and any sub-divided questions will not be permitted. • Each question will consist of no more
than 450 words, and you will be given up to 3 minutes to present your question.
• when submitting a question please
indicate who the question is for (e.g., the name of the committee or Portfolio
Holder) • Include your name, address, and contact
details. Only your name will be published but we may need your other
details to contact you about your question or statement in advance of the
meeting. • questions and statements received in
line with the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a
supplement to the agenda. • all questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. Minutes: There were 2 questions from
the public. A copy of the full
questions and the detailed responses are set out in Appendix 1 to these minutes. |
Questions from Councillors To receive
questions submitted by councillors. Councillors can submit up to two
valid questions at each meeting and sub divided questions count towards this
total. Questions and statements received will be published as a
supplement to the agenda and all questions, statements and responses will be
published in full within the minutes of the meeting. The submissions must be emailed in
full to 8.30am on Thursday 20 February 2025. Dorset
Council Constitution – Procedure
Rule 13 Minutes: There was one question from
Councillor G Taylor; this along with the response are set out in Appendix 2 to
these minutes. In response to Cllr Taylor’s
question and as the Chair of the People & Health Scrutiny Committee, Cllr T
Coombes indicated that she would ask officers to carry out some scoping on this
matter, however due to the current national circumstances, it might not be brought
forward for consideration in the immediate future. |
To consider the Draft Cabinet Forward Plan. Minutes: The Cabinet Forward Plan
for March was received and noted. |
Public health disaggregation: progress and overview of key decisions To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Health and Housing. Decision: (a) That Cabinet recognised and supported the work done to date to disaggregate the shared public health service, following BCP Council’s decision to terminate the agreement in April 2024. (b) That Cabinet endorse the decisions set out in appendix A (of the report) that the steering group was proposing to take, recognising the pragmatic approach adopted in order to maintain positive working relationships, financial stability and service provision to residents. Reason for the decision To ensure continued provision of efficient, equitable and effective public health services for both councils, in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Health and Housing set out a report that provided an overview on the progress with disaggregation of the shared public health service and the establishment of two new separate teams. The Council had now appointed a Director of Public Health and Prevention who will lead on public health and community and public protection functions for the Dorset Council area. A similar paper has been considered and approved by BCP Council and there were a number of key decisions for Cabinet, and these were set out in detail in the appendix to the report. In response to questions, the Director of Public Health and Prevention confirmed that there was still a lot of work to be carried out by both public health directors in considering how to two public health teams will operate in their respective councils. The question of how the service interacted with councillor oversight and scrutiny was still under consideration, as it was important that members saw the full scope of the public health function. In the meantime, he was happy to continue to meet with individual councillors. In response to a further question, the Director of Public Health and Prevention confirmed that rough sleeper grants were to be lead by a 3rd sector provider. It was proposed by Cllr G Taylor and seconded by Cllr C Sutton. Decision (a) That Cabinet recognised and supported the work done to date to disaggregate the shared public health service, following BCP Council’s decision to terminate the agreement in April 2024. (b) That Cabinet endorse the decisions set out in appendix A (of the report) that the steering group was proposing to take, recognising the pragmatic approach adopted in order to maintain positive working relationships, financial stability and service provision to residents. Reason for the decision To ensure continued provision of efficient, equitable and effective public health services for both councils, in line with the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. |
Local Plan Local Development Scheme update To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning. Additional documents: Decision: (a)
agreed that the current plan-making system continued, and this was to be
reviewed at the point the new plan-making system was in place. (b)
That the
revised Local Development Scheme and key programme milestones for development
plan preparation contained within it be agreed, and to bring this into effect
on 5 March 2025. (c)
That the
Local Development Scheme be published on the Dorset Council website. (d)
That a
copy of the Local Development Scheme be submitted to the Ministry for Housing,
Communities and Local Government by 6 March 2025, to comply with the request
from the Deputy Prime Minister. (e)
Cabinet agree to continue to produce a Local Plan separate from the
Minerals plan and Waste plan but to undertake a review of this approach once
the new plan-making system was introduced. Reason for the decision To respond to the request from the Deputy Prime Minister for
all Local Planning Authorities to update their Local Development Scheme within
12 weeks of the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework.
The revised Local Development Scheme needed to be agreed with a copy being sent
to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government by 6 March 2025. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning presented an update on the Local Development Scheme to establish a timetable to produce the Dorset Council Local Plan, the Dorset Council Minerals Plan, the Dorset Council Waste Plan, various neighbourhood plans and other planning policy documents, as required by central government by 6 March 2025. Transitional arrangements had been put in place for the local plans being produced under the current plan-making system and these arrangements had set a target for Dorset of submitting the local plan for examination by December 2026. Even though the deadline of December 2026 was ambitious, members supported the need to have the Dorset Council Local Plan in place as soon as was possible. In response to a question around design code and village design statements, the Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning confirmed that a cross-party meeting would shortly to be arranged to discuss design codes. It was proposed by Cllr S Bartlett seconded by Cllr R Biggs Decision (a)
agreed that the current plan-making system continued, and this was to be
reviewed at the point the new plan-making system was in place. (b)
That the
revised Local Development Scheme and key programme milestones for development
plan preparation contained within it be agreed, and to bring this into effect
on 5 March 2025. (c)
That the
Local Development Scheme be published on the Dorset Council website. (d)
That a
copy of the Local Development Scheme be submitted to the Ministry for Housing,
Communities and Local Government by 6 March 2025, to comply with the request
from the Deputy Prime Minister. (e)
agree to continue to produce a Local Plan separate from the Minerals plan and
Waste plan but to undertake a review of this approach once the new plan-making
system was introduced. Reason for the decision To respond to the request from the Deputy Prime Minister for
all Local Planning Authorities to update their Local Development Scheme within
12 weeks of the publication of the revised National Planning Policy Framework.
The revised Local Development Scheme needed to be agreed with a copy being sent
to the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government by 6 March 2025. |
Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning. Additional documents: Decision: (a) That the Council makes the Modified Fontmell Magna neighbourhood Plan 2017 – 2031 (as set out in Appendix A, of the report) part of the statutory development plan for the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan, (b) That the Council offers its congratulations to Fontmell Magna Parish Council and members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group in producing a successful neighbourhood plan review. Reason for the decision To formally make the modified neighbourhood plan part of the statutory development plan for the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Area. In addition, to recognise the significant amount of work undertaken by the Parish Council and members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group in preparing the plan review and to congratulate the Council and the Group on their success. Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning presented the report and the recommendation to make the modified Fontmell Magna neighbourhood plan and congratulated all those involved in producing the plan. Cllr J Somper, the local ward member spoke in support of the plan and the report’s recommendation. It was proposed by Cllr S Bartlett and seconded by Cllr S Clifford Decision (a) That the Council makes the Modified Fontmell Magna neighbourhood Plan 2017 – 2031 (as set out in Appendix A, of the report) part of the statutory development plan for the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Plan, (b) That the Council offers its congratulations to Fontmell Magna Parish Council and members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group in producing a successful neighbourhood plan review. Reason for the decision To formally make the modified neighbourhood plan part of the statutory development plan for the Fontmell Magna Neighbourhood Area. In addition, to recognise the significant amount of work undertaken by the Parish Council and members of the Neighbourhood Plan Group in preparing the plan review and to congratulate the Council and the Group on their success. |
Determination of School Admissions Arrangement 2026 - 2027 To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Education and Skills. Additional documents:
Decision: That the following
policies that make up Dorset Council’s School Admissions Arrangements and
Coordinated Scheme for school place allocations for September 2026, be approved
and adopted (a)
Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Timetable
2026-2027 (b)
Primary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (c)
Secondary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (d)
In Year Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (e)
Admissions Arrangements for Community &
Voluntary Controlled Schools 2026-2027. (f)
Admissions to Maintained Nursery Units Policy
2026-2027 (g)
Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2026-2027 (h)
Armed Forces Policy 2026-2027 In addition, the following reductions in Pupil Admissions Number be
approved: (i)
Gillingham School reduction of their Pupil
Admissions Number from 280 to 270 with effect from September 2026. (j)
Sturminster Marshall First School reduction of
their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 30 to 15 with effect from September
2026. (k)
Hazelbury Bryan Primary School reduction of their Pupil
Admissions Number (PAN) from 17 to 15 with effect from September 2026. (l)
Primary School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 25 to 20
with effect from September 2026. Reason for the
decision To determine
admissions arrangements in accordance with statutory requirements including the
Schools Admissions Code September 2021. To ensure
compliance with the latest legislation and any subsequent regulation/statutory
guidance. Minutes: The Cabinet Member
for Children’s Services, Education & Skills set out the annual report that asked
members to support proposed changes in Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) for
Gillingham School, Hazelbury Bryan Primary School and
Greenford Primary School. It was proposed by
Cllr C Sutton and seconded by Cllr S Robinson Decision That the following
policies that make up Dorset Council’s School Admissions Arrangements and
Coordinated Scheme for school place allocations for September 2026, be approved
and adopted (a)
Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme Timetable
2026-2027 (b)
Primary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (c)
Secondary Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (d)
In Year Co-ordinated Scheme 2026-2027 (e)
Admissions Arrangements for Community &
Voluntary Controlled Schools 2026-2027. (f)
Admissions to Maintained Nursery Units Policy
2026-2027 (g)
Sixth Form Admissions Policy 2026-2027 (h)
Armed Forces Policy 2026-2027 In addition, the following reductions in Pupil Admissions Number be
approved: (i)
Gillingham School reduction of their Pupil
Admissions Number from 280 to 270 with effect from September 2026. (j)
Sturminster Marshall First School reduction of
their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 30 to 15 with effect from September
2026. (k)
Hazelbury Bryan Primary School reduction of their Pupil
Admissions Number (PAN) from 17 to 15 with effect from September 2026. (l)
Primary School reduction of their Pupil Admissions Number (PAN) from 25 to 20
with effect from September 2026. Reason for the
decision To determine
admissions arrangements in accordance with statutory requirements including the
Schools Admissions Code September 2021. To ensure compliance
with the latest legislation and any subsequent regulation/statutory guidance. |
Enterprise Resource Planning System (Outline Business Case)
To consider a report of the Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation. Additional documents:
Decision: That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation, to commence the procurement of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, with the approval of contract award to be subject to a future report to Cabinet (estimated May/June 2025 with Full Business Case) Reason for the decision Dorset Council’s ways of working and financial sustainability required core business processes, across our HR, finance and procurement functions, that were transformed to improve the user and customer experience; to improve the quality and availability of rich data and insights to inform strategic planning and operational delivery; and to take advantage of the opportunity to adopt automation and artificial intelligence to streamline processes to make them more agile and less costly to operate. In addition, the incumbent SAP solution would become ‘end of life’ in December 2027, meaning the product would no longer receive functionality or security updates. Minutes: Cllr B Wilson, the Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation updated Cabinet on the enterprise resource planning replacement programme (ERP). The ERP was the core system used by the Council for finance, human resources, payroll and procurement and the project was an integral part of the broader Our Future Council (OFC) transformation programme. He further advised that the current system had been in place since 2009, and this would become “end of life” in December 2027. This meant that the product would no longer receive functionality or security updates and would pose an unacceptable level of future cyber risk. There were four options for consideration set out in the paper and the Cabinet Member recommended to Cabinet the option to replace the current system with a new ERP system that would align with the transformation programme. The Cabinet Member, Executive Director for Corporate Development and Hed of ICT Operations responded to questions on operating costs, risk, impact on the organisation and the life cycle of any new product procured by the Council. Members recognised the risk in introducing a new solution, but the risk of doing nothing was greater in terms of cyber protection. It was proposed by Cllr B Wilson seconded by Cllr J Andrews Decision That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate Development and Transformation, to commence the procurement of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, with the approval of contract award to be subject to a future report to Cabinet (estimated May/June 2025 with Full Business Case) Reason for the decision Dorset Council’s ways of working and financial sustainability required core business processes, across our HR, finance and procurement functions, that were transformed to improve the user and customer experience; to improve the quality and availability of rich data and insights to inform strategic planning and operational delivery; and to take advantage of the opportunity to adopt automation and artificial intelligence to streamline processes to make them more agile and less costly to operate. In addition, the incumbent SAP solution would become ‘end of life’ in December 2027, meaning the product would no longer receive functionality or security updates. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items
considered at the meeting. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and
the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information
within the meaning of paragraph x of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting
whilst the item of business is considered. There are no exempt items scheduled for
this meeting. Minutes: There was no exempt
business scheduled at this meeting. |