Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Kate Critchel 01305 252234 - Email:
No. | Item |
To approve the minutes of the
last meeting held on 5 April 2022. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 5 April 2022 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Declarations of Interest To
disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest as set
out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are
asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they
propose to take as part of their declaration. If
required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in
advance of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest to report. |
Public Participation Representatives of town or parish councils and
members of the public who live, work, or represent an organisation within the Dorset
Council area are welcome to submit up to two questions or two statements for
each meeting. Alternatively, you could submit one question and one
statement for each meeting. All submissions must be emailed in full to
by 8.30am on Thursday 12 May 2022. When submitting your question(s) and/or
statement(s) please note that:
Dorset Council Constitution Procedure Rule 9 Minutes: There was no public participation
for the meeting. |
Questions from Councillors To receive
questions submitted by councillors. Councillors
can submit up to two valid questions at each meeting and sub divided questions
count towards this total. Questions and statements received will be published
as a supplement to the agenda and all questions, statements and responses will
be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. The
submissions must be emailed in full to 8.30am on Thursday 12 May 2022. Dorset Council Constitution – Procedure
Rule 13 Minutes: There were two questions from
Councillors P Kimber and B Heatley; these along with the responses are set out
in Appendix 1 to these minutes. |
To consider the Cabinet Forward Plan. Minutes: The draft Cabinet
Forward Plan for June 2022 was received and noted. |
Revised Inter Authority Agreement for Joint Archives Service To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Culture, Communities and Customer Services. Additional documents: Decision: That the adoption
of the revised Inter-Authority Agreement with BCP Council over the provision of
the Joint Archives Service be approved. Reason for the
decision To enable and
underwrite proper political, financial and strategic oversight
of the Joint Archives Service. To provide relevant
governance structure to oversee both the strategic direction and standard of
service delivered to residents. Ensuring that both governance and
accountability are clearly retained by the partner local authorities. Minutes: The Portfolio
Holder for Culture, Community and Customer Services set out a report on the
proposed revised Inter Authority Agreement for Joint Archives Service. In proposing the
recommendation, the Portfolio Holder advised that the Joint Archives Service
(JAS) based at the Dorset History Centre (DHC) Dorchester was funded pro rata
to population by Dorset Council and BCP Council. The JAS had been governed since 1997 by a
tripartite Inter-Authority Agreement and to allow for continuity this agreement
was maintained through the local government re-organisation in 2019. Members
were advised that the JAS had been reviewed and updated with the support of the
Joint Archives Advisory Board which endorsed this new Inter-Authority
agreement, as set out in appendix 1 to the report. The proposal was seconded by
Cllr T Ferrari. In response to
questions, members were advised that there was a long-standing ambition to
extend the history centre. Discussions were on-going with the national lottery
fund and it was hoped that an application would be shortly completed with match
funding from the council. Decision That the adoption
of the revised Inter-Authority Agreement with BCP Council over the provision of
the Joint Archives Service, be approved. Reason for the
decision To enable and
underwrite proper political, financial, and strategic oversight of the Joint
Archives Service. To provide relevant
governance structure to oversee both the strategic direction and standard of
service delivered to residents. Ensuring that both governance and
accountability are clearly retained by the partner local authorities. |
Minimum Income Guarantees in Charges for Adult Social Care and Support To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health. Decision: Cabinet agreed
that: - (i)
the Dorset Minimum Income Guarantees (MIG) for
financial year 2022/23 should be set at the DH&SC MIG rates, which have
been uplifted by 3%. (ii)
the approach to the review in Dorset, (which began
in October 2021) involved first establishing that the MIG rates for 2021-22
were sufficiently robust. (iii)
Dorset Council should not set a maximum
percentage of a person’s disposable income (over and above the guaranteed MIG)
which may be considered in charging during 2022-23. (iv)
Dorset Council should not set
a maximum charge for receiving care outside a care home during 2022-23. (v)
both formal complaints and informal appeals
concerning the MIG should be recorded and reported in a way that gives us
ongoing feedback about whether the MIG rates we have set have are sufficient. (vi)
The Dorset MIG rates should be increased whenever
the DH&SC rates increase, with any unplanned mid-year increases being
funded by efficiencies within the Adult Social Care directorate. Accepting that
there is a financial risk to the Council (vii)
the approach to setting the Dorset Council
Personal Expenses Allowance (PEA), (which applies to residents and temporary
residents in residential care) should follow the approach to setting the MIG in
future, to offer consistency between care settings. (viii)
Adult Social Care should recommend considering
further increases to the MIG and PEA levels as part of setting the Council’s
2023-24 budget, and annually thereafter as part of setting future budgets. (ix)
Dorset Council may wish to consider the impact
of the MIG and PEA in any wider suite of measures it identifies for alleviating
increases in the cost of living that all residents have experienced, and
particularly those who are receiving care and support. Reason for the
decision The reason for the recommendations is
to achieve transparency and more explicitly meet the expectations of the
Department of Health and Social Care’s Care
and support statutory guidance - GOV.UK ( - particularly paragraphs 8.42–8.48 and Annex
C paragraphs 48) - 50). Minutes: In the absence
of the Portfolio Holder, the Cabinet Lead Member for Health presented the
report outlining the adoption of current national regime of charges to
residents called the Minimum Income Guarantee or “MIG”. She advised that the
MIG was the weekly amount of income, that residents who were in receipt of
adult care and support at home received to retain a certain level of income to
cover living costs. Cabinet was asked
to consider the mechanism for all future decision making on setting the MIG
rates, including the ability of overview and scrutiny committees to be able to
comment on the position. This would allow the Council to continually review the
MIG rates in its area. In response to
a question relating to the recent and continuing rise in the rate of inflation
and those individuals who were most vulnerable, the Corporate Director for
Adult Social Care advised that the national recommendation (at 3%) was made at
a point when the inflation rate was running at a lower rate. However, one of
the recommendations in the report indicates that Cabinet and Council may wish
to take a broader degree of scrutiny about the wider range of measures on the
cost of care. In respect of
the councils most vulnerable residents, the adult social care team had a level
of oversight and the ability to intervene both at an informal and exceptions
point of view. This was part of the strengths-based practice of the service. It
was also confirmed that any complaints would be monitored and reported
accordingly through the Dorset Council complaints process. Cabinet
members unanimously supported the recommendations. Decision
Cabinet agreed
that: - (i)
The Dorset Minimum Income Guarantees (MIG) for
financial year 2022/23 should be set at the DH&SC MIG rates, which have
been uplifted by 3%. (ii)
The approach to the review in Dorset, (which began
in October 2021) involved first establishing that the MIG rates for 2021-22
were sufficiently robust. (iii)
Dorset Council should not set a maximum
percentage of a person’s disposable income (over and above the guaranteed MIG)
which may be considered in charging during 2022-23. (iv)
Dorset Council should not set
a maximum charge for receiving care outside a care home during 2022-23. (v)
Both formal complaints and informal appeals
concerning the MIG should be recorded and reported in a way that gives us
ongoing feedback about whether the MIG rates we have set have are sufficient. (vi)
The Dorset MIG rates should be increased whenever
the DH&SC rates increase, with any unplanned mid-year increases being
funded by efficiencies within the Adult Social Care directorate. Accepting that
there is a financial risk to the Council (vii)
The approach to setting the Dorset Council
Personal Expenses Allowance (PEA), (which applies to residents and temporary
residents in residential care) should follow the approach to setting the MIG in
future, to offer consistency between care settings. (viii) Adult Social Care should recommend considering further increases to the MIG and PEA levels as part ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Re-procurement of the Learning and Development Framework for Children and Adult Services To consider a report of the Portfolio Holders for Children, Education, Skills and Help & Adult Social Care and Health. Decision: (i)
Cabinet agreed to commence the procurement
process, award contracts, and implement the framework as per timetable
summarised in 1.4 of the report of 17 May 2022. (ii)
That the further step of making any framework
award be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and
Early Help in consultation with the Executive Director People – Children’s. Reason for the
decision Cabinet is required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more The current contractual arrangements will come to an end in March 2023. To be compliant with procurement legalisation, to ensure best value and quality of training provision Minutes: The Portfolio
Holder set out the report for approval of a tender of framework contract in respect
of learning and development activities for Children’s Services, the Pan-Dorset
safeguarding Children Partnership (PDSCP) and Adult and Housing Services. The current framework would expire in March
2022. Cllr A Parry
proposed the recommendation, and this was seconded by Cllr L Miller. Decision (i)
Cabinet agreed to commence the procurement
process, award contracts, and implement the framework as per timetable
summarised in 1.4 of the report of 17 May 2022. (ii)
That the further step of making any framework
award be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and
Early Help in consultation with the Executive Director People – Children’s. Reason for the
decision Cabinet is required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more The current contractual arrangements will come to an end in March 2023. To be compliant with procurement legalisation, to ensure best value and quality of training provision |
Aspire Adoption Annual Report 2021-2022 and Statement of Purpose 2022 To receive a report of the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help. Additional documents:
Decision: That the Aspire Adoption Annual Report
and Statement of Purpose be received and noted. Reason
for the decision That
Cabinet is satisfied that the Aspire Statement of Purpose accurately describes
the activities that the agency discharges on behalf of Dorset Council and the
Annual Report satisfies the report that these activities were discharged to a
high standard in the last year. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Children,
Education, Skills and Early Help presented the Aspire Adoption Annual Report
and Statement of Purpose to Cabinet for noting.
He invited the Executive Director of People (Children) to update members
on the Somerset Judgement and how that impacts Dorset Council and its processes
going-forward. Members took the opportunity to thank
officers for their work on this report. It was proposed by Cllr A Parry seconded
by Cllr J Haynes. Decision That the Aspire Adoption Annual Report
and Statement of Purpose be received and noted. Reason
for the decision Cabinet
was satisfied that the Aspire Statement of Purpose accurately described the
activities that the agency discharged on behalf of Dorset Council and the
Annual Report satisfied the report that these activities were discharged to a
high standard in the last year. |
To Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help to present the recommendation. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help presented the Youth Justice Plan for 2022/23 and he thanked the People & Health Overview Committee for their consideration of the report on 3 May 2022. The Executive Director for People (Children) took the opportunity to highlight the areas from the report where progress had been made and any areas where attention was needed. It was proposed by Cllr A Parry seconded by Cllr R Bryan. Recommendation to Full Council That the Youth Justice Plan 2022/23 be approved. Reason for the recommendation Local authorities are required to publish an annual Youth Justice Plan, setting out how the statutory requirements for a multi-agency youth offending team are fulfilled locally. Dorset Combined Youth Justice Service is a partnership between Dorset Council and Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council, along with Dorset Police, NHS Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group and The Probation Service (Dorset). Approval for the Youth Justice Plan is also being sought from Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council. |
Portfolio Holder - Lead Member(s) Update Summary Cabinet Portfolio Holder(s) and Leader Members to report. Minutes: The Cabinet Lead member for Environment, Travel and Harbours updated members on the Low Carbon Dorset programme. For more detail the Cabinet Lead’s report was attached at appendix 2 to these minutes. The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment advised that Steve Ford, the new Corporate Director for Climate and Ecological was now in post. A progress report was to be presented to scrutiny on 26 May for Spring 2022. He also reported on the position in respect of · Switching fleet vehicles from fossil fuels · The funding secured for the farming and protected landscapes programme and · Reduction in the use of fossil fuel companies in the Pension Fund. The Portfolio Holder for Education, Children, Skills and Early Help indicated that he had a small pecuniary interest in an automated group that operated in the South and West of the County. The Monitoring Officer confirm that this report was not for decision but to note. However, in the interests of transparency the Portfolio Holder asked that the interest be recorded. |
Cabinet member update on policy development matter referred to an Overview Committee(s) for consideration Cabinet Portfolio Holders to report. Minutes: There were no referrals to report. |
Climate & Ecological Emergency Executive Advisory Panel Update To receive an update from the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment. Minutes: There was no additional information to report following the Portfolio Holder’s update at minute 11 above. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items
considered at the meeting. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public
for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information
within the meaning of paragraph x of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the
meeting whilst the item of business is considered. There was no exempt business scheduled for the
meeting. Minutes: There was no exempt
business to report. |