Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions
Contact: Susan Dallison Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for
absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr A Brenton and Cllr N Lacey-Clarke. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary,
other registrable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of
Conduct. In making their decision
councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and
any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice
should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Presentation The Chairman to receive, on behalf of Dorset Council, the Armed Forces Covenant Silver Employer Recognition Award. Minutes: The Chairman welcomed Rachel Brannagan, Emily Kadoch of Wessex Reserve Forces & Cadets Association (RFCA). She also welcomed Kevin Moore, Programme Co-ordinator Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme. Rachel Brannagan advised that the RFCA was responsible for delivering the Armed Forces Covenant programme to employers in the south west region. Dorset Council had successfully achieved silver in the Employer Recognition Award for 2021. In response, Cllr D Walsh, the member Champion for the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant advised that he was very proud to be part of the programme and that Dorset had achieved silver in the Employer Recognition Award for 2021. The Award, which would be displayed in the council building, was presented to the Chairman of the Council by the Chief Executive. |
Chairman's Announcements To receive any announcements from the Chairman of Council. Minutes: The Chairman announced the sad death of Terrance Farmer, ex-Councillor for West Dorset District Council. She invited Cllr M Penfold to pay tribute to him. The Chairman also announced the sad death of Darran Gunter ex Chief Fire Officer for Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service. She invited Cllr R Knox to pay tribute to him. The Chairman also announced that she had planted an Oak tree outside of county hall to launch the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee initiative. The Chairman also advised about the Volunteer Hero Awards which were being promoted by the council and other partners. She invited members to make their nominations. |
Public Participation - Questions and Statements PDF 175 KB A period of 30 minutes is allocated to receive and respond to questions and statements on the business of the Council in the following order: (a) Questions and statements from Town and Parish Councils; (b) Questions and statements from those living or working in the Dorset Council area; A person or organisation can ask either 2 questions, or 2 statements or 1 question and 1 statement at each meeting. **Important**The full
text of the question or statement must be received by 8.30am on Thursday 9
December 2021 and each question or statement is limited to 450 words. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic public speaking has been suspended, however questions and statements will be published on the website and the Chairman of Council will decide whether a question or statement is to be read out aloud in whole, in part or not at all in the meeting. The Chairman will invite the relevant member to respond to the questions and statements at the meeting. Details of the Council’s procedure rules can be found at: Temporary
Council Procedure Rules Minutes: Public questions, statements and the responses from the Leader of the Council or the appropriate Portfolio Holder were set out in Appendix 1 attached to these minutes. |
Public participation - petitions and deputations A period of 15 minutes is allocated to receive and respond to petitions in accordance with the council’s petitions scheme. A period of 15 minutes is allocated to receive and respond to deputations in accordance with the council’s constitution. The petitions scheme and procedures relating to deputations can be viewed at : Temporary Council Procedure Rules Minutes: There were no petitions or deputations. |
Announcements and Reports from the Leader of Council and Cabinet Members To receive any announcements and reports from the Leader of Council and members of the Cabinet.
Minutes: The Leader of the Council advised members that his bulletin would be published following the meeting and a few areas that would be included in the were as follows: - ·
Children’s Services was judged as “good” by
Ofsted following
an inspection of local authority children’s services (ILACS) in September. · Inspectors also noted that the council has a “proven determination to give every child in Dorset a brighter future.” Dorset Council was judged to have “outstanding leadership” for Children’s Services, noting that “senior leaders have taken the challenges presented by the pandemic as an opportunity to engage partners more firmly in the wider safeguarding agenda and in the vision of making Dorset the best place it can be for children to thrive.” He congratulated those involved. · He also referred to the financial challenges facing the local government sector which were huge for the next financial year and in the medium term. He also mentioned to the two really useful Budget Cafes for members that were held during November. · Reports had been considered by the People and Health Scrutiny Committee, with the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee considering this on 7 January. Then budget proposals would be put to the Cabinet in January for a recommendation to Full Council in February. · The leader of the Council also advised members of the lobbying of central government for a fair deal for council that had taken place over the year. Senior members continued to meet with local MPs on a regular basis. Cllr
A Parry, Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help took
the opportunity to thank officers for their hard work in achieving a judgement
of “Good” in the recent Ofsted inspection. In
response to a question regarding underfunding of council services, the Leader
of the Council advised that lobbying was taking place across the sector and
there was no question that local government did require further funding. The
Chairman invited the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health to read
a short briefing from Sam Crowe, Director of Public Health. This document
contained important information about the current Covid situation in Dorset,
the work being carried out to rapidly expand the vaccination programme and the
pressures faced by the health & care system. He asked members to share this information
with their local communities. |
Questions from Councillors PDF 271 KB To receive questions submitted by councillors. The deadline for receipt of questions is 8.30am on Thursday 9 December 2021. Minutes: There were three questions received from councillors. A copy of the questions and the responses were attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes. In response to a supplementary question from Cllr N Ireland, the Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health confirmed that he would reply to Cllr Ireland in writing after the meeting. |
Community Governance Review - Revised Timetable PDF 349 KB To consider a report by the Service Manager for Democratic and Electoral Services. Minutes: The Leader of the Council set out a report seeking agreement to amend the Community Governance Review timetable. This proposal would enable sufficient time to be able to consider the detailed responses that had been received to the public consultation process. The Leader of the Council proposed the motion and Cllr N Ireland seconded the motion. Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” motion was carried. The Chief Executive advised that in the light of the “minded to” vote to support the recommendations he set out his decision as follows: Decision (a) That the Community Governance Review timetable be amended as follows: (i) Draft recommendations to Full Council – 15 February 2022 (ii) Public consultation on draft recommendations – 28 February 2022 to 23 May 2022 (12 weeks) (iii) Final recommendations to Full Council - 14 July 2022 Reason for the decision To enable sufficient time to be able to consider the detailed responses that have been received to the public consultation seeking initial submissions for changes to community governance arrangements for town and parish councils, and for appropriate analysis to be carried out against the statutory criteria, ensuring that community governance arrangements within the Dorset Council area are reflective of the identities and interests of the community in that area, and achieve electoral equality. |
Changing the arrangements for bringing motions on notice to Full Council PDF 338 KB To consider a recommendation from the Audit & Governance Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee presented a “minded to” recommendation from the committee regarding changing the arrangements for bringing motions on notice to Full Council. He advised that the committee was charged to find the balance between the inclusion of political thought and stopping council from becoming overloaded with several motions. In proposing the recommendation, the Chairman of Audit and Governance Committee advised that it was the committee’s view that the recommendation struck a balanced compromise. Cllr L Fry seconded the motion. As the Leader of the largest opposition group, Cllr N Ireland supported this proposal. Cllr P Kimber expressed concern that for smaller groups the number of 17 members would be difficult to achieve and he proposed the following amendment “that the number of councillors required to support the submission of a motion on notice be 10.” This was seconded by Cllr B Heatley. Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” motion was LOST. Members then voted on the original motion as set out in the recommendation. Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” motion was carried. The Chief Executive advice council that he had read the papers, listened to the debate and “minded to” decision. Following this his decision was set out as follows. Decision That Rule 14.2 (i) be removed altogether (meaning that the Proper Officer would no longer decide on whether or not to accept a notice of motion) and that the number of councillors required to support the submission of a motion on notice be 17. Reason for the decision The option in paragraph 11.3 (of the attached report) would mean that an officer would no longer decide whether to accept a motion on notice. Setting the threshold of councillor support for a motion on notice at 17 councillors would reflect the significance to be attached to debating an issue at Full Council. |
Appointment of Overview Committee Chairmen (a) To appoint a Chairman of the Place & Resources Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. The nomination from the Conservative Group is Cllr Carole Jones. The nomination from the ALL Group is Cllr Les Fry. (b) To appoint a Chairman of the People & Health Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. The nomination from the Conservative Group is Cllr Mike Parkes. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr S Flower that Cllr C Jones be appointed as Chairman of Place and Resources Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. It was proposed by Cllr R Hughes that Cllr L Fry be appointed as Chairman of Place and Resources Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” decision was to appoint Cllr C Jones as Chairman of Place and Resources Overview Committee. It was proposed by Cllr S Flower that Cllr M Parkes be appointed as Chairman of the People & Health Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. There were no other nominations. The Chief Executive advised that he had listened to members views and noted the “minded to” decision; and under his delegated powers he confirmed the following decision. Decision (a) That Cllr C Jones be appointed Chairman for the Place and Resources Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. (b) That Cllr M Parkes be appointed Chairman of the People & Health Overview Committee for the period up to the Annual Meeting of Council in 2022. |
Review of Political Balance PDF 196 KB To consider a report by the Democratic Services Team Leader. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr S Flower, Leader of the Council reported that Cllr M Barron had recently joined the conservative group and as a result this had impacted on the council’s political balance, resulting in some minor changes. It was proposed by Cllr S Flower that the allocation of committee seats be approved, and this was seconded by Cllr J Haynes Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” motion was carried. Following the vote, the Chief Executive advised that having listened to the “minded to” decision he had decided to agree the recommendations as set out in the report, including a minor typo amendment to the report’s appendix. Decision (a) That following a review of the Political Balance, the allocation of committee seats, as set out in the Appendix to this report be approved. (b) That the following nominations to vacancies on committees be approved in accordance with the wishes of the respective Political Group: Cllr M Barron – Appeals Committee Cllr M Barron – Licensing Committee Cllr M Roe – Place & Resources Overview Committee Reason for the decision To approve the allocation of committee seats following a formal review of the political balance of the Council, as a consequence of Cllr M Barron moving from the Liberal Democrat Group to the Conservative Group. |
Adoption of the Calendar of Meetings 2022 - 2023 PDF 189 KB To consider a report by the Senior Democratic Services Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: In presenting the calendar of meetings for 2022/2023, Cllr S Flower, Leader of the Council proposed its formal adoption. This was seconded by Cllr C Sutton A member expressed concern that there were few evening meetings set out in the calendar which precluded some members of the community in standing as a councillor. In response the Leader of the Council advised that the calendar of meetings before members reflected the current mandate that existed following a member survey, however to make sure that this was still the current trend, a further councillor survey would be carried out to garner members views on this matter going forward. Upon being put to the vote the “minded to” motion was carried. The Chief Executive advised that he had listened to members “minded to” decision and confirmed his decision as follows: Decision (a)
the calendar of meetings for the period May 2022 to May 2023 be approved. (b)
authority be delegated to the Corporate Director – Legal and Democratic
Services to make any necessary changes, in consultation with the relevant
Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen, to ensure effective political management. Reason for the
decision To ensure effective
political management, comply with the Dorset Council Procedure Rules and to put
into place appropriate arrangements for council committee meetings. |
Urgent items To consider any items of
business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be
urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The
reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items to
report. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public
for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within
the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972
(as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting
whilst the item of business is considered. There is no exempt business. Minutes: There was no exempt business for this meeting. |