Agenda and minutes

Harbours Committee - Wednesday, 4th December, 2019 9.00 am

Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions

Contact: Elaine Tibble  01305 224202 - Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2019.


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 September 2019 were confirmed and signed.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


The Chairman reminded members of the need to update their register of interests.


Jim Clarke declared an interest as an occasional user of all three harbours, and a family interest in restaurants based in West Bay and Lyme Regis.


Public Participation


A number of speakers addressed the Harbours Committee, a summary of their questions and a response statement are attached as appendices.


Appendices: Public questions and statement pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Additional documents:


Harbour Consultative Group Minutes pdf icon PDF 104 KB

To note the minutes of the Weymouth, Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbour Consultative Groups

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group presented the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November.


He highlighted the salient points raised by the Group members regarding the composition of the group and the mess and damage created by the seabirds.


It was recognised that something more needed to be done in the sense of the Weymouth Harbour consultation and that the constitution of the Harbour Consultative Group could be looked at further.


The Harbour Master for Lyme Regis and West Bay presented the minutes of the respective Harbour User groups. The groups had looked at how they would be set up as a consultative group in the future, it was intended to look at the Terms of Reference in the new year and set up a meeting in March to appoint a Chairman to run the meetings.








Harbour Master Updates pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive the Harbour Master Updates.

Additional documents:


The two Harbour Masters presented their updates.


Weymouth – the Harbour Revision Order (HRO) was progressing, there had been some delays due to the MMO raising additional queries which had now been answered and it was hoped that the HRO would be approved by Parliament in the new year.


Highlighted points from the report included the WiFi coverage around the harbour and the related complications with BT.  It was planned to replace some more of the electricity bollards and some of the decking on the North Quay pontoons.


The recently appointed designated person had visited all three harbours for his first look and a report would be brought to the next Harbours Committee meeting.


There was a FLAG update.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Weymouth Harbour Master explained that the draft lease for the Rowing Club would be ready soon but was dependent on the HRO being approved.


The MCA consultation was well attended, local fishermen were briefed on and discussed a proposed new Code of Practice for Small Fishing Vessels.


The Sealife Tower was being dismantled and the area would revert back to a car park in the coming months.


Favourable reports had been received following the recent oil spill exercise.


The Chairman asked, when the Seafood Festival was organised if the Council would liaise with the organiser and security provider regarding security concerns for the charter boats.


The Harbour Master agreed to remove the percentage signs on the inner harbour moorings information figures.


Bridport – the season tickets plus the shop and boat repair figures had increased.


Lyme Regis – the visiting boat nights were down mainly due to the weather and the summer of south easterly winds, the pontoons had also been disconnected a number of times.  Work was being done to submit a proposal for the slipway, the timescale for these works would depend on whether planning permission was needed.


In response to a question regarding the pontoon piles, the Corporate Director for Place Services advised that the costs for the pontoon piles would have to be included within a list of capital bids which would be decided by Cabinet. However, it was still hoped that the EMF grant would cover some of the costs.


Harbour staff for Lyme Regis and Bridport had stayed the same.


Following the Bridport Gig Club accident, it had been agreed that life jackets were to be used by everyone, not just children.




Engineering Update pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To provide an engineering update, for all three Dorset Council harbours, to Harbours Committee.

Additional documents:


The Engineering Projects Manager reported that the engineering inspection works in Weymouth were now complete.


There had been delays in the Wall D strengthening works due to harder ground conditions and a piling obstruction in the harbour. The structural conditions had been worse than anticipated, resulting in anticipated delays of 4 to 5 weeks for completion of the work.


The new Sheet Pile in wall D would have a life span of 50-60 years.


There were no plans for dredging in Weymouth Harbour at the current time.


Appointments of Co-Opted Independent Members of the Harbours Committee pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To endorse the nomination of the Harbours Committee’s Appointments Panel for one new Co-opted Independent Member, Mr Lee Hardy, as provided for in the Constitution.


To endorse the appointment for a second 3-year period for one Co-opted Independent Member, Mr Matt Walkden as provided for in the Constitution.


The Chairman reported that there had been a good response for a new Co-opted Independent Member to join the Harbours Committee.  A report to endorse the nomination of Mr Lee Hardy and the appointment of a second three year period for Mr Matt Walkden was recommended to Full Council for approval.


Proposed by Cllr Roberts, seconded by Cllr Wheller.


Decision: that the following 2 recommendations be forwarded to Full Council for approval:-


1.    That Lee Hardy be appointed as a Co-opted Independent Member of the Harbours Committee for an initial term of three years.

2.    That Matt Walkden be appointed as Co-Opted Independent Member of the Harbours Committee for a second term of three years.


Harbours Budget Monitoring 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To set out the current position for the Harbour Revenue Budgets for Weymouth, Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbours at the end of October 2019.


To set out the predicted position of the Harbour Reserves for 2019/20.


Additional documents:


The Weymouth Harbour Office Manager presented the report summary for 2019/20.


The Weymouth Harbour Budget had been approved with the knowledge that there was a £116,000 predicted shortfall which would be taken from the reserves.  A number of projects had been deferred following a review of the Asset Management Plan. The Chairman asked for reassurance that those deferred items would be monitored.


A commitment of £250,000 had been made from the harbour budget reserve to demolish the Terminal Building, this had not been taken into account in the figures, but would be incorporated at a later date.  There had been some noteworthy variances to the budget predictions which included a number of major water leaks on the Peninsula and a secondary leak on the Cargo Stage.  It had also been necessary to appoint a contractor to carry out the role of the Designated Person.


The number of PWC berths would be increased from 3 to 6 next year, the cost of the installation would be incurred in the current financial year, but would hopefully generate new income from next April.


It was requested that attention be paid to climate change implications when reviewing the pilot boat and take into consideration, where possible, how the boat was powered and investigate lower energy and carbon footprint options.


The Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbour Master presented the budgets for those two harbours.  He highlighted the main variances to the budgets which were predominately related to employee costs, transport, supplies and services, including costs incurred for the Lyme Regis slipway and HRO.  In response to a question regarding dredging costs, the Harbour Master advised that he had requested a higher budget to cover those.


Medium Term Financial Plans pdf icon PDF 82 KB

To set out the budget requirement for the Harbour Revenue Budgets for Weymouth, Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbours for 2020/21 and beyond.  This requirement includes Scales of Charges for all harbours and the Asset Management Plan Improvements for Weymouth.


Additional documents:


The Weymouth Harbour Master presented the Harbours Budget Requirements 2020/21 and beyond.  The report set out the budget requirements for Weymouth, Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbours and the Asset Management Plan Improvements for Weymouth. 


The figure of £250,000 mentioned in the Harbours Budget Monitoring 2019/20 report for the demolition of the Terminal Building and a further £100,000 committed to the Quayside Re-generation Project had not been included in this budget as it was hoped funding would come from the income as a consequence of the HRO work.


There were some unknowns in moving forward on the impact the Peninsular would have on the budget.  It was hoped that the improvements would help with the five-year trend of having a £100,000 shortfall.


Following comments on the presentation of the reports it was suggested, going forward, that the finance reporting mechanism be aligned for all three harbours so that comparisons could easily be made.


The Bridport and Lyme Regis Harbour Master highlighted the salient points relating to both harbours, including the HRO costs.  In relation to employees cost, the income generated by the mechanic had offset any additional costs.


There was an increase for commercial mooring costs, tender and kayak storage was charged per space, a 3% increase across the board had been applied to miscellaneous services.


In response to the reports it was suggested that the Committee’s role was not to look at lots of costings but rather to look at the impact of the prices on services and sectors and where the change of price had the biggest impact.


There should be an impact from the workshops that committee members attend and contribute to.  At the last workshop the committee looked at standardising where possible, yet one set of charges presented was rounded off and another not.  Should this be aligned?.


Inflation adjustments 3% at one 2% at other, minor small charges which could be standardised but are still different, charity discount at some but not others.  Standardisation of promotional discount schemes – still not done.


The Chairman responded that it was unfortunate that due to the timing of the workshop there was not enough time for the ideas and discounts considered to be implemented for this meeting.


The committee members were keen to have the reports standardised with the same headings and layout, the Chairman advised that this was being worked towards, but the staff needed time to set these up.


In accordance with procedural rule 28 it was proposed by Cllr Wheller and seconded by Cllr Roberts.


Decision: that a recorded vote be taken


It was proposed by Cllr Wheller, seconded by Cllr Roberts.


Those who voted in favour; Cllrs Wheller, Williams, Bolwell and Roberts.  Mr Jim Clarke and Mr Matt Walkden.

Those who abstained: Cllr O’Leary


Decision: that the following related to budget requirements for the Harbours’ Budgets for 2020/21 be approved, including:


1.    That the 2020/21 Weymouth Harbour budget be included in the overall Dorset Council 2020/21 budget.

2.    That the scale of charges for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Workplan pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To note the Harbours Workplan


The Forward Plan was noted and a request was added for;-


A review of external finance.

A performance and assessment review.

An explanation of finances within the council and how the harbour finances would be ring-fenced when the HRO comes into effect.



Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.