Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Thursday, 14th May, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions

Contact: Fiona King  01305 224186 Email:


No. Item




An apology for absence was received from Cllr Robin Legg.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Cllr Val Pothecary declared an interest in minute 102 and advised members that as she had voted in favour of the application as a Gillingham Town Councillor she would remove herself from the meeting for this item.


Cllr Belinda Ridout as a Local Member for Gillingham had been advised that as she was not a member of Gillingham Town Council at the time when this application was considered she would not be in conflict with this item and therefore would take part in the debate and decision making. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 116 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2020.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 February were confirmed and signed.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Members of the public wishing to submit a written representation to the

Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting.


Please note that the deadline for written submissions to the Northern Area Planning Committee is at 8.30am on Tuesday 12 May 2020.


Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee and specifically the "Covid-19 Pandemic – Addendum to the Guide to Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee meetings" included with this agenda.


Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 158 KB

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.



West Of Shaftesbury Road At Land South Of Gillingham, Shaftesbury Road, Gillingham, Dorset - 2/2018/0036/OUT pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


Link to the February 2019 planning report:-



The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to develop land by construction of an urban extension to the south of Gillingham between Shaftesbury Road (B3081) and New Road (B3092). The urban extension would comprise up to 961 dwellings. Up to 2,642 sq. m. in a new local centre providing retail, community, health and leisure uses, new and enhanced pedestrian/cycle routes, open spaces, roads, car parking and vehicular access. To include all ancillary works and associated infrastructure.  This was an outline application to determine access only.


The Area Lead Planning Officer outlined the relevant planning history of the site. Members were advised that the primary reason that this application was back before the Committee was that the Archaeological trial trenching was not completed within 4 months of the resolution to grant planning permission. There had also been rewording and addition of further planning conditions.


Members were advised that there were no objections from Gillingham Town Council and very few local objections. Reference was made to the Neighbourhood Plan which had catered for this growth. There also had been no objections from the Environment Agency and Senior Archaeologist subject to the conditions.  A comment had now been received from Environmental Health and the Area Lead Planning Officer outlined the condition he expected to see brought forward and a caveat had been included in the recommendation to allow for this.  With regards to the signing of the Section 106, negotiations were ongoing but positive.


Members were reminded that this application was to decide the principle of development along with details relating to access points only.


The Planning Caseworker referred to the update paper which had been circulated to members prior to the meeting which clarified one section on archaeology and the balanced judgement that had been considered regarding the scale of any harm or loss and the sacrifice of the heritage assets, along with a slight change to Recommendation A and B regarding the Environmental Health consultation and Section 106 timescales. There were proposed change to some of the conditions but these were largely wording issues, the rest remained unchanged.


The Transport Development Liaison Manager highlighted the 3 points of access being considered and these were explained to members.



Stephen Hill, local resident.

A statement had been received from Mr Stephen Hill and was read out to the Committee.  Mr Hill was speaking against the application and felt that in these changed times and the impact on our priorities, the community will support a decision to refuse.  He urged the Planning Committee to refuse this application and by doing so avoid:

·         incurring misdirected public expenditure;

·         few affordable homes;

·         no site financial viability;

·         risks of a successful challenge or SoS Call In;

·         poor public safety; and

·         facilitating a proposal that is flawed in the current economic climate.


He also made reference to a number of pre-conditions and that the Section 106 was not yet completed.  The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that officers were trying to secure other offside elements and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99.


Land at Park Farm Kingsmead Business Park, Gillingham, Dorset - 2018/0077/OUT pdf icon PDF 177 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


Link to the February 2019 planning report:-



The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to develop land by the erection of up to 634 dwellings (use class C3), a primary school (use class D1), sports pitches with floodlighting, public open space, play facilities, access and internal estate roads, internal footpaths and cycleways, sustainable drainage system with ponds, landscaping, utility connections and associated/infrastructure. This was an outline application to determine access only.


The Area Lead Planning Officer made reference to the planning balance and highlighted the heritage assessment that had been undertaken.  Historic England were supportive of the application and asked that a planning balance exercise be undertaken in respect of designated heritage assets. Historic England had no objection in principle.  It was felt that the Public benefits outweighed any less than substantial harm.


The Transport Development Liaison Manager highlighted the 3 access points along with proposed cycleways.


There were no speakers/written representations for this item.


Members comments and questions:

Cllr Belinda Ridout, was aware of the amended conditions and felt they gave more clarity.  She felt there was a lot of local support and had no hesitation in putting the recommendation forward for approval.  She made reference to the access points off Cerne Avenue and Trent Square and highlighted some issues with people parking in front of bollards.  The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that if the application was approved officers would look comprehensively at the linkages and could ensure Keep Clear markings and the like would be put in place.


Cllr Val Pothecary, advised members that the community of Gillingham were totally supportive of the plans and was happy to second the recommendation.


Cllr Bill Pipe, in the Section106 there was reference to a two-form entry school, what type of school would it be and would that be sufficient? The Planning Officer advised it would be a Primary School and felt there would be probably be an over provision of classroom availability. He understood from Education colleagues this would be a stand-alone new school


Cllr Les Fry, expressed concern that developers could get an upper hand as it is a much needed development by the residents.  He was concerned regarding energy efficiencies and affordable housing as he had previously mentioned.


Cllr David Taylor, made reference to just the one access and asked if there could there be another one? The Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that there were 2 pedestrian accesses and one vehicular one.  Local residents were not keen to have a second one and a 6 metre access into the site was adequate.


Cllr Jon Andrews asked that when building regulations changed any houses that were not constructed by then would those measures be able to be put in place then? The Area Lead Planning Officer confirmed they would have the opportunity to review this on numerous occasions over the coming years.


Proposed: Cllr Belinda Ridout


Seconded: Cllr Val Pothecary



Recommendation A

Delegate authority to the Head of Planning to grant conditional planning permission subject to, no adverse comments being  ...  view the full minutes text for item 100.


Traffic Regulation Order

To consider the Order listed below.


Gillingham Road and Transport Improvements pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To consider a report by the Executive Director for Place.


Cllr Val Pothecary removed herself from the meeting and did not take part in this item.


The Project Engineer introduced the proposals on Station Road (Higher) to reduce the carriageway to one-way to enable the improvement of the pedestrian environment by widening the footway on the eastern side. 

Following the advertisement of the proposed One-Way Street restriction on Station Road (Higher) two objections, both from the same household, were received.


The 2 objections that had been received were highlighted to members along with alternative routes for cyclists that had been considered.


Following a question from a member regarding mobility scooters and whether they would be able to travel in the opposite direction, the Project Engineer advised that as they were able to use the pavements if they wanted to go north they could as any pedestrian could. Mobility scooters were not recognised as motor vehicles.


Cllr Belinda Ridout felt this had been a comprehensive presentation which was part of the Gillingham growth project to improve Gillingham. It was part of a much wider scheme of improvements and did not remove any car parking.   There had been a lot of work on public engagement and all the main consultees were in agreement. She was happy to propose recommendation for approval.


One member felt it was a long way round for cyclists and queried if the road was really needed.  The Project Engineer advised that the High Street was quite heavily used.


Proposed: Cllr Belinda Ridout

Seconded: Cllr Jon Andrews



That having considered the representations received in response to public advertisement and the officers report, that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to implement the Traffic Regulation Order as advertised.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items of business.


Update Sheet pdf icon PDF 224 KB

Additional documents:


Members received the attached update sheets prior to the meeting.