Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions
Contact: Fiona King 01305 224186 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from David Taylor and Matthew Hall. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. Cllr Mary Penfold declared a non-pecuniary interest in application number WD/D/19/000872 – Barton Farm Development Site because as a former district councillor she had previous involvement in this application. Cllr Penfold withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2019 were confirmed and signed. |
Public Participation There will be no opportunity for Members of the public to speak on a planning application unless proper notification is given to Democratic Services no later than two clear working days before the meeting in accordance with the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning
applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or
deputations received on other items on this occasion. |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below. |
WD/D/19/000872, Barton Farm Development Site, Yeovil Road, Sherborne PDF 161 KB Erection of 66 dwellings and associated works. Minutes: Cllr Penfold left the meeting for this item. The Senior Planning Officer introduced the
outline application for the erection of 66 dwellings and associated works.
Members were shown a site location plan and advised that the principle of
residential development had been agreed at an outline stage and that the
proposal would result in less than substantial harm to the nearby Grade II
listed barn. This harm would be
outweighed by the public benefits of the proposal, in terms of the provision of
dwellings, including affordable homes. The design of the dwellings had been
improved through negotiation and the principle buildings fronting towards the
listed building would employ natural stone to their exterior elevations. The Planning team had received an objection
from Sherborne Town Council which had now been addressed. The applicant’s Biodiversity Mitigation and
Enhancement Plan had not yet been agreed by the Dorset Natural Environment Team
but this was expected shortly. As such,
the Area Lead proposed an amendment to the recommendation to account for this
and allow changes to Condition 12 The Planning team had received one objection
from Sherborne Town Council which had now been addressed. The Senior Planning Officer proposed an
amendment to the recommendation to be subject to comments being received from
the Dorset Natural Development teams on the bio diversity mitigation plan and
to condition12 being updated, all of the following conditions remained. Mr Christopher Perfect, resident of Barton
Farm spoke objecting to the application. Mr Perfect advised members he was a
homeowner at Barton Farm, in Phase 1 of the development which was built 3 years
ago. He strongly objected to application in that the proposed 2 storey property
at unit 33 was immediately opposite his property. It would be 12.5 metres from his property in
respect of full height windows and balconies and views and light would be
compromised, in effect his property would be completely overlooked and
therefore urged the Committee to refuse permission. As Cllr Matthew Hall was unable to attend
the meeting, Cllr Jon Andrews read out a statement from him objecting to the
application. His comments included that
whilst he welcomed the number of affordable homes he felt the spread across the
phase was inadequate. He had issues with
the proposed tree planting, the current infrastructure not being sufficient,
obstruction of views and loss of light for existing properties, the narrow road
network and the sustainability of the site. He would like to see a condition in
place that required the developer to use one are of open space for a toddler’s
play area. Suzanne Knowles speaking on behalf of the applicant, highlighted that 23 units would be affordable. She advised that they had worked with the Local Authority in respect of this proposed development and had also worked closely with the design officer and with the Sherborne Conservation Team. Additional information regarding flooding and drainage was highlighted. Highways officers had not raised any objections. Whilst there had been several concerns regarding existing green spaces there had ... view the full minutes text for item 81. |
WD/D/19/001069 Land at Shakes Hole, Southover Farm Access Road, Tolpuddle PDF 163 KB Variation of conditions 2 & 3 of reference APP/F1230/C/07/2056624 to allow activities (excluding clay pigeon shooting) to take place on four days per week (excluding Sundays) plus a variation of hours of operation to 8am - 18.30pm between 1st April - 30th September in any calendar year. Minutes: The Senior Planning
Officer introduced the proposal which sought the variation of 2 conditions
attached to the planning permission that was granted on appeal to allow the change
of use of the agricultural land to use for leisure purposes. A comparison
between the existing and proposed use of the site was highlighted to members.
No statutory noise complaints had been received from residents. An update sheet circulated to the Committee
prior to the meeting provided an update on the comments that had been received
from Affpuddle and Briantspuddle
Parish Council. A statement from Affpuddle
and Briantspuddle Parish Council was read out by the
Vice-Chairman which highlighted their objections to the application. The Chairman allowed this as there had been
some confusion around the use of an incorrect email address which had resulted
in the Parish Council not receiving the notice of when the item was being
presented to committee in a timely way which had led to members of the Parish
Council not being able to attend. Mr Pitman, the Applicant, advised members he
had lived in Tolpuddle for 30 years and had been
working with the local community for the past 10 years. The existing use of the land was primarily on
a Saturday. The additional 2 days
requested would be used to target new groups to the site. There was no
significant change to the original application and no significant noise or disturbance
complaints had been received. Sound was not an issue as had been stated. The
Highways Officer had no issue with any potential increase in traffic. Mr Pitman commented that he hoped to attract
new diverse groups to the area and would embellish local employment and revenue
if accepted. In response to a
question about ‘blind driving’, the Senior Planning Officer advised this was
when the driver was blindfolded and the passenger directed them, a form of team
building exercise. Comments from
members are detailed below:- ·
Would be good for the local area, would bring
people in and help the local economy. ·
a notice or something similar to encourage better
litter collection. A condition could be
inserted to address this. ·
supported an amendment to ensure a register was kept of the days of operation,
to ensure the business operated no more than 4 days each week. ·
to attract businesses to the countryside highlighted. ·
the catering van sell alcohol? Was
currently just food, but would be a matter for
Licensing should this be required. ·
about the noise assessment and when this was carried out. Possibly not carried out at the busiest times
but then guidelines would have been referred to. Proposed: Cllr
Carole Jones Seconded: Cllr Les
Fry All members voted
in favour of the application. Decision:
That the application be approved
subject to the amended conditions outlined in the appendix attached to these
minutes. |
2/2019/1223/FUL, Land at, 9-10 Pigeon Close, Blandford St Mary, Dorset PDF 130 KB Erect 4No. dwellings and create new vehicular and pedestrian access (demolish existing garages). Minutes: The Planning
Officer introduced the outline application for the erection of 4 No.2 storey
dwellings, in the form of 2 semi-detached units. The existing permission for 4no. chalet style
dwellings with amenity space and car parking was members. The previously
approved application was accompanied by an approved Biodiversity Mitigation and
Enhancement Plan and officers advised that a new certificate had since come
through and would be updated. Cllr Mackay from
Blandford St Mary Parish Council spoke objecting to the proposal and
highlighted that access to the properties 9 and10 were solely form Pigeon
Close, whilst the access road at the back serviced Knights Close. The Parish Council considered the application
to be an overdevelopment of the site. Mr Mckeon, speaking in support of the application and on
behalf of the Applicant, highlighted the positive impact on an underused site
and noted that the proposed development was within settlement boundary. Comments from
members are detailed below:- ·
raised about the inundation of sewers.
Members were advised that Wessex Water had not raised any objections but
felt this could be dealt with by an additional condition. ·
In respect
of Biodiversity and landscaping, it was not clear in the report how much tree
planting was planned but could there be more?
The Planning Officer referred members to Condition 4 and advised this would
be taken into account. ·
regards to the height of dwellings in respect of other properties, the Planning
Officer advised that there was a condition included that related to this. ·
did not believe the application represented overdevelopment of the site. Proposed: Cllr
Belinda Ridout Seconded: Cllr Les
Fry All members voted
in favour of the application. Decision:
That the application be approved
subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix attached to these minutes. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |