Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 22nd October, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions

Contact: Elaine Tibble  01305 224202 Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


Cllr Fry declared an interest in Application No 2/2018/1829/FUL.  He did not take part in the debate or decision.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 206 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2019


The minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2019 were confirmed and signed.


Application number: 2/2019/0009/FUL - Stickland Farm House, 9 West Street, Winterborne Stickland, DT11 0NT pdf icon PDF 159 KB

Convert 2 No. outbuildings into 1 No. residential dwelling and 1 No. gallery/exhibition use with residential use.


The Planning Officer presented the application which sought approval for the conversion of 2 No. outbuildings into 1 No. residential dwelling and 1 No. gallery/exhibition use with residential use.


The Committee received a verbal update in relation to the approved drawings and conditions which comprised:-

Site Parking Plan - PL-1276-103A [Received 03/06/2019]

East Barn Plans and Elevations - PL-1276-101C [Received 10/07/2019]

And the additional condition regarding opening hours which was missed from the report - to read :-


The premises shall not be open to the public for the D1 (gallery/exhibition) use hereby permitted at anytime other than between the hours of 10am - 7pm (including Bank Holidays).

Reason: To safeguard neighbour amenity.


The application site was located within the settlement boundary of Winterborne Stickland. Plans showing the location of the farmhouse and it’s relationship to the adjacent buildings, together with diagrams of the existing and proposed elevations, plus an artist’s impression of the proposed development were presented to the committee.


In summarising the Planning Officer highlighted how the main planning issues had been addressed.


Oral representation was received in objection to the application from Mr D Godden and Mr K Barker. Their concerns included proximity of the development to boundaries, overlooking, loss of privacy, (some of these concerns had been addressed following previous objections from the Parish Council), increased noise and number of visitors to the farmhouse, the impact on grade 2 listed buildings and possible pollution from the chimney.


Cllr Kerby the Ward Member, read a statement on behalf of the Parish Council who did not support the application. 


Mr S Pitman, the agent for the applicant addressed the committee in support of the application.  He advised that the dwelling accommodation would be occupied by an elderly relative asked for condition 3 to be amended to ancillary use to reflect this.


The Area Manager (Eastern) responded to the objectors’ comments and advised that the new flue would be sited 14 metres away from the neighbouring properties, this would serve the log burner and was not considered to be detrimental to amenity.  There would be obscured glazing conditioned for overlooking windows.


Conditions would also cover boundary treatments, hard surfacing and ensure there was no detrimental impact on the division of the curtilage.


The Area Manager (Eastern) clarified that as the applicant’s agent had indicated that the accommodation would be used as ancillary use, this was acceptable but condition 3 would need to be amended to reflect this.


In response to a member question she advised that the whole of the accommodation could be tied in the same way so that either barn could be used either way, or the conditions could be split one for East Barn and one for West Barn, so the ground floor could be conditioned as the gallery and the first floor accommodation as holiday and ancillary use.


The committee members were supportive of the scheme and considered it to be a good re-use of farm buildings. The development would preserve the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47.


Application number: 2/2018/1829/FUL - Crown Inn, High Street, Stalbridge, DT10 2LL pdf icon PDF 142 KB

Make alterations to existing single storey skittle alley, demolish storage shed/garage and replace with pitched roof extension to form 1 No. apartment.  Internal alterations to existing Inn to create 2 No. apartments and refurbish existing apartments.



Cllr Fry had declared an interest in this item, he did not participate in the debate or decision.


The Area Manager (Eastern) presented the application for alterations to the existing single storey skittle alley, demolition of storage shed/garage and to replace with a pitched roof extension to form 1 No. apartment.  Internal alterations to existing Inn to create 2 No. apartments and refurbish existing apartments.


The site location was within the settlement boundary of Stalbridge and the conservation area which was constrained by listed buildings within the High Street.

The boundaries were irregular in shape with a mix of residential and business use in the area.


The former public house had been unsuccessfully marketed and was no longer viable as a business.  It was not planned to increase the number of units already approved but to make them bigger and configured differently to incorporate two bedrooms per flat with separate lounge and kitchen areas


The main planning issues were addressed in summarising the report.


Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Mrs D Jeneson, Mr A Wood, Cllr Carr-Jones (Ward Member) who also read a statement on behalf of Mr H Adams and Cllr K Garland, Chairman of Stalbridge Town Council.


Their concerns focussed on the potential detrimental impact to the conservation area, the number of bins required for the communal area, the lack of communal access from the rear of the building, neighbour amenity and infringement of privacy. 


Members heard that the waste water drainage system in the area was over 100 years old and would have problems coping with the proposed extra dwellings.  The objectors considered the application to be overdevelopment and there were also issues over the ownership of the land and rights of way.


Mr N Worgie the agent for the applicant addressed the committee in support of the application.


In response to queries from the committee, the Area Manager (Eastern) advised that in relation to access for emergency vehicles, the application was for self-contained units and would have to satisfy building regulations.  There were no planning policy requirements to provide parking in the town centre and with regard to disputes over land ownership and access this was a civil matter not a planning consideration.  Members were concerned about approving an application where there could be a possible dispute over land ownership and access.  They considered the application ill thought out, overdeveloped and had concerns regarding neighbour amenity and drainage.


Proposed by Cllr Pothecary, seconded by Cllr Jones


That the application be refused due to overdevelopment of the site, the impact on grade 2 properties in the locality, overlooking and the historical impact on the conservation area.


The committee adjourned from 16.16 to 16.28 in order for the Area Manager (Eastern) to formulate planning reasons to refuse the application.


On return the Area Manager (Eastern) re-iterated the reasons for refusal.


Decision: that the application be refused due to the reasons outlined in the appendix to these minutes.





Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.

Appendix pdf icon PDF 69 KB