Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 17th September, 2019 2.00 pm

Venue: Stour Hall - The Exchange, Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH. View directions

Contact: Elaine Tibble  01305 838223/01305 224202 Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 202 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2019.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21 August 2019 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest


Cllr Cook declared an interest in the Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Church Lane and Lyons Walk, Shaftesbury as he had previously shown interest in the item.  He did not take part in the debate and decision.


Proposed Traffic Regulation Order - Church Lane and Lyons Walk, Shaftesbury pdf icon PDF 537 KB

This report considers the objections and support received, and whether the proposals in Shaftesbury should be implemented as advertised.


The Senior Traffic Engineering Officer presented the application which proposed changes to parking restrictions in Church Lane and Lyons Walk, Shaftesbury. This followed a request to advertise the Order from Shaftesbury Town Council and support from Local Member Cllr D Beer.


Concerns had been received from local residents regarding parked cars causing obstructions and the inability of fire and rescue vehicles to manoeuvre around the corner of the two roads.  Additionally, gas meter boxes on the highway were frequently damaged and access to the properties from the highway obstructed by parked cars.


The disabled parking bay would be exempt from the order to ensure parking facilities were available for those who needed them.  If the disabled parking bay was no longer required it would also be replaced with double yellows lines.


Cllr T Cook declared interest and took no further part in the discussion as he had already shown support for the scheme.


Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Ms A Sellers and Ms C Coward.  They felt that a more measured approach should be considered, perhaps resident permit parking only as currently it was mainly those who worked in or visited the town who parked in the area.  If fire engines needed access this could be achieved from Trinity car park.  Residents needed parking for their cars, the car park charges were £600 a year with no free passes for residents.



Ms J Bradford and Cllr D Beer spoke in support of the order.  Some residents favoured no waiting time at all.  The roads were single track with houses on one side and church yard wall on the other with a tight bend and double yellow lines for a short distance.  Gas meter boxes outside homes had been damaged and parked cars made it very difficult to navigate the road.  Some residents were unable to exit their properties due to parked cars and there was the issue of access for emergency vehicles.


In response to Member questions the committee were advised that an emergency vehicle would be able to access the road if there was a car parked in the disabled parking bay.  The bay had been put in for a resident in Lyons Walk but like all disabled parking bays in Dorset it could be used by anyone with a blue badge.


Members debated the circumstances whereby someone with a blue badge could park on the double yellow lines unless the area was designated as strictly no waiting.

There was parking available across the town but this was unaffordable.  Some Members had sympathy with residents who would lose parking and would like to see some residents parking as a solution. The Road Safety Team Leader advised that if members wanted to suggest a new proposal, then the Traffic Regulation Order process would start again, as this would be considered as a new Traffic Regulation Order.


It was proposed by Cllr B Ridout and seconded by Cllr B Pipe


Decision: that Cabinet be recommended to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Application No: 2/2018/1240/FUL, Huntley Down, Milborne St Andrew, DT11 0LN, pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Erect 25 No. dwellings with garages, form vehicular access


Additional documents:


The Area Lead (Major Applications – Eastern) presented the application to erect 25 dwellings with garages and vehicular access.


He explained that the application was being reconsidered due to the fact that the Planning Inspectorate issued their decision on an earlier application for residential development of 30 houses on this site, on the same day as the Planning Committee considered the current application for 25 houses.  The appeal was dismissed, however the Inspector highlighted several issues which related directly to this committee’s suggested reasons for refusal.  The appeal was therefore a material consideration that needed to be taken into account in the decision making process.


The MSANP had been approved at referendum and should be given full weight as if it were part of the Development Plan for the Council.


The Inspector considered the most relevant NP Policies to the appeal were: MSA 1 (housing need) and MSA 14 (character) the context of which were explained to committee members


The Inspector had no particular problem with the design of the scheme for 30 units.  The proposed development had been amended to address previous concerns raised with layout and density and the scheme has been reduced in the number of houses and parking spaces.


There were no objections from the Housing Enabling Officer in terms of layout and noted that the proposed affordable houses should be seen as an additional benefit of the scheme.


The proposed parking and layout were considered in the context of Milborne St Andrews by the Officer. The relationship of parking areas was not dissimilar.  It was considered that the movement and parking of cars were a part of everyday life and the applicant had addressed the concerns raised previously about neighbour amenity.


The Officer also considered the proposal in light of the Site Assessment Criteria of the MSANP.  In his opinion the application would not undermine the Neighbourhood Plan and was recommending it for approval.


Oral representation against the application was received from Mr J Mardell, Mr S Bulley and Ms J Witherden on behalf of the Parish Council. Their objections related to the number of alternative sites with planning applications pending in the area and felt there was no case for breaching the existing settlement boundary.  A holistic approach should be taken, there had been a 48% increase of housing in the area and the previous application had been refused at appeal.  It was felt that this application had been given undue prominence.  Time had moved on since the Inspectors decision and he had not indicated that he would have approved the scheme for 25 homes.  There was no current housing shortfall in the area.


Oral representation in support of the application was received from Mr R Lock, Ms S Maitland-Gleed and Ms S Southwood of Wyatt Homes.

The supporters believed the application met the criteria set out in the Neighbourhood Plan and was one of the four preferred sites for future development.  Local schools and businesses were struggling and the area needed more  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Comfort Break 15.30 - 15.38


Application No: 2/2019/0351/FUL, Three Choughs Inn, West Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 7AJ pdf icon PDF 149 KB

Change of use and conversion of ground floor and rear outbuilding to additional staff accommodation for the Crown Hotel and create 3 No. parking spaces (demolish existing single storey rear outbuilding).




The Area Manager (Eastern) presented the application for the change of use and conversion of the ground floor and rear building to additional staff accommodation for the Crown Hotel, the creation of 3 parking spaces and demolition of the existing single storey rear outbuilding.


The application site was a Grade 2 listed building set within the settlement boundary of Blandford Forum, it was located in a high-risk flood zone and conservation area, surrounded by other listed buildings.


The ground floor had been vacant since 2009, the applicant had looked at alternative uses for the site and made extensive attempts to market the building at an appropriate price.  The building was currently at risk so there was high importance to secure a use for it.  There had been no objections in conservation terms.  The building would be used to create three bedrooms, manager’s accommodation and a kitchen, there were plans to restore the building and maintain original features


Although situated in a high-risk flood zone there were no objections from the Environment Agency as the building would be tied to the Crown Hotel and would provide accommodation for staff working at the hotel.


The Area Manager (Eastern) concluded the presentation with a summary of the relevant planning considerations.


Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Cllr Carter of Blandford Town Council.  The Town Council was not opposed to increasing accommodation within the town, nor the demolition of the building at the rear of the site but they felt that this was a prominent building which would be more attractive for alternative uses.  If permission was granted it could start a precedent whereby more primary and secondary shopping areas could be lost.


Mr N Jones the agent addressed the committee on behalf of applicant.  The application had come to Planning Committee for consideration only because the Town Council had objected.  The building had not been used for over a decade and would continue to deteriorate and be un-used.  Hall and Woodhouse, the applicant, were long residents and employers in the town.


In response to member questions regarding plans to repair or decorate the outside of the building the applicant confirmed that they would be looking at repairing and decorating the outside of the building.


Members felt that it was important to bring the building back to life and this was a good scheme, there was sympathy with the Town Council but the over-riding consideration was that the building could be put to good use and restored.  They did not feel that the proposal would set a precedent and a flexible approach should be taken to empty properties, local companies should be supported in providing accommodation for their staff.


Proposed by Cllr V Pothecary and seconded by Cllr J Andrews.


Decision: that the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes, plus the addition of an informative note to the applicants to ensure the outside of the building was tidied up and decorated to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 41.


Application No: WD/D/19/001562, All Saints Ce Vc Primary School, Giles Lane, Bishops Caundle, Sherborne, DT9 5NQ pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Replacement of existing temporary timber external changing rooms with new combined temporary timber cladded changing room/storage unit.


The Area Manager (Eastern) presented the application for the replacement of existing temporary timber external changing rooms with new combined temporary timber cladded changing room/storage unit.  The application site was within the constraints of the school grounds and the principle was supported by policy COM6 of the adopted local plan.  There was no detriment to neighbour amenity and no Highways concerns


The room height would be of similar proportion to the current timber sheds and there was a fair degree of separation from neighbours, if the application was moved just 1.5m from the boundary it would come under permitted development.


It was proposed by Cllr B Pipe and seconded by Cllr L Fry.


Decision: that the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended)

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.

Appendix pdf icon PDF 89 KB