Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions
Contact: Fiona King 01305 224186 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr Ridout for the afternoon session only. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. With regards to Item 5a, Cllr Fry declared an interest in respect of predetermination as his wife works at Dorset County Hospital. Cllr Fry undertook to not take part in the debate and agreed to speak only as a Local Member for this item. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2020 were confirmed and signed. |
Public Participation PDF 37 KB To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from
town and parish councils and members of the public. Public speaking
has been suspended for virtual committee meetings during the Covid-19 crisis
and public participation will be dealt with through written submissions only. Members of the public
who live, work or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area, may
submit up to two questions or a statement of up to a maximum of 450
words. All submissions must be sent electronically to by the deadline set out below. When submitting a
question please indicate who the question is for and include your name, address
and contact details. Questions and statements received in line with the
council’s rules for public participation will be published as a supplement to
the agenda. Questions will be
read out by an officer of the council and a response given by the appropriate
Portfolio Holder or officer at the meeting. All questions, statements and
responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. The deadline for
submission of the full text of a question or statement is 8.30am on Friday 11
September 2020. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee and specifically the "Covid-19 Pandemic – Addendum to the Guide to Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee meetings" included with this agenda. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning
applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or
deputations received on other items on this occasion. |
Planning Applications PDF 129 KB To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as
set out below. |
WD/D/19/002627, Dorset County Hospital, Williams Avenue, Dorchester, DT1 2JY PDF 282 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning. Minutes: Cllr Fry spoke as the Local Member only and
then removed himself from the meeting for this item. The Lead Project Officer introduced the application
for the erection of a multi storey car park and improvements to internal site
roads and temporary change of use of former school field to car parking and
Dorset County Hospital. The officer identified the whole hospital
campus and drew members’ attention to the main access point s on the site. The
location and extent of the Dorchester conservation area was highlighted
and it was noted that no development was planned in the designated conservation
area. The nearby Listed Buildings were also highlighted. The proposed site
plans and the proposed elevation and section drawings were highlighted to
members. There was no in principle land use objection and the main
considerations in the determination of the application were set out int the
application report. The officer highlighted a number of updates
for members since the publication of the report which included:-
The Conservation Officer had no further
comments to make. The Transport Development Liaison Manager
highlighted that on-site parking provision would be increased to 1064 spaces
once the works were completed. The view
from the Highways Authority was that the proposed development was satisfactory
and robust and had no objection in principle to the proposal. A number of written submissions supporting and
objecting to the recommendation and a statement by the applicant were read out
at the meeting and are attached to these minutes. Cllr Tony Alford who was the Dorset Council representative on the hospital Board addressed the committee. He focussed on the concept of heritage significance and noted that it was not clear from the report that Historic England had set any guidance about how heritage should be discussed. He felt this was missing from the Planning Officer’s report. He concluded from the report there would be a very low level of harm arising from the proposed development. There was a high level of compliance with other areas of the application. Sustainable development was mentioned in the report, and this application would help to deliver all three elements. He highlighted that approval of this application would ensure the funding ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
To consider a report by the Head of Planning. Minutes: The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application for the construction of a principal street, associated access, landscaping and infrastructure works in Gillingham. The officer highlighted the holding objection
by the Environment Agency to members and explained why this featured in the
recommendation. He advised that the road had been designed
as a tree-line road which would be 6.75m wide, widened at the bends, where
necessary. There would be shared use footway/cycleways provided and therefore
the Highways Authority fully supported the proposal. Local Members
for Gillingham Cllr Walsh Cllr Walsh
addressed the committee and advised that he had been involved in the scheme for
the past 8 years. He had seen this
evolve over the years and noted that it was being led by the community. Previously, he had spoken in Parliament
regarding this issue and highlighted that the funding was time limited. The
residents of Gillingham designed and supported this development. Cllr Pothecary Gillingham Town
Council resolved to recommend approval of this application subject to
pedestrian islands, to make crossing the road safer. Highways have stated that
given the number of people wanting to cross the street there would only be a
need to include dropped kerb crossing points and asked for their location with
regards to footpaths. The officer highlighted them in his presentation. The Transport Development Liaison Manager
noted that Dorset Council had advised that there was no need for any controlled
crossings along the principle street. It
was felt to be safe to cross a 30mph road at that width and anyone using the
Rights of Way footpaths should be safe to cross the road. Cllr Ridout Gillingham was
fortunate to have received funding at the outset of the development and she
felt that any impacts had been addressed and mitigated. The application had gone through a rigorous
public consultation. She asked that the
tree and landscaping detail be discussed and liaised with Gillingham Town
Council. Members comments
and questions Cllr Cook made
reference to the link to the B3081 and asked if this didn’t come to pass what
would be the implications for buses coming down the street and would there be
enough space for them to turn? The
Transport Development Liaison Manager advised that the road has not been
designed with a turning head at the eastern end. The officer advised that the
draft phasing plan illustrated that development would start at the Eastern end
of the site and therefore it was highly likely that this connection to the
B3081 would be provided in the early stages of development as the intention is
that the link will be provided, most probably at the first phase of residential
development. In the unlikely event that
this connection was not delivered the Transport Development Liaison Manager
added that there were always engineering solutions to any problems that might
be encountered. Proposed: Jon Andrews Seconded: Belinda Ridout Decision That the application be approved subject to no adverse comment from the Environment Agency and the conditions outlined in the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
2/2019/1710/REM, Land at E 373794 N 117227, Thornhill Road, Stalbridge PDF 179 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning. Minutes: The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced
the application for the erection of 60 No. dwellings, form public open space, local
equipped area of play and attenuation pond. (Reserved Matters application to
determine appearance, layout, landscaping and scale; and to discharge Condition
Nos. 15 - Landscape Environment Plan, 17 - Soft Landscaping, 18 - Footpath
Link, 21 - Materials Palette, 22 - Public Art and 24 - Lighting and Signage;
following grant of Outline Planning Permission No. 2/2017/1095/OUT). The officer highlighted the proposed site
layout and the layout specifics. The proposed development was a mix of 2, 3 and
4 bed houses and flats. There were no design constraints as the application was
not in a conservation area. There was a holding objection from the lead
local flood authority in place. Conditions had previously been imposed on the outline
application that prior to commencement of development drainage matters had to
be agreed. With these in place already
this matter had been adequately addressed. The key planning matters were highlighted –
neighbour amenity and matters of design and layout. The Transport Development Liaison Manager
highlighted that the road layout complied with a speed limit of 20mph. Car parking was built in line with council
guidance, the provision being all on-street.
The Applicant had stated that the road would remain private and would
not be offered for adoption. A number of written submissions supporting and
objecting to the proposal and a statement by the applicant were read out at the
meeting and are attached to these minutes.
One late representation was received raising concerns about boundary
fencing adjacent to existing properties. Local Member for
Stalbridge – Cllr Graham Carr-Jones As the portfolio
holder for housing Cllr Carr-Jones was very pleased to have this 100%
affordable homes development within his ward.
He made reference to local chatter about the
homes not being available for local people and explained to members how the
housing register worked. He was still slightly disappointed with the design
site layout. However, he was not asking for the application to be refused but
asked that if there was anything in planning that could be done to mitigate the
layout. He asked who would be
responsible for the maintenance of the trees and lighting specifics. The Areas Lead Planning Officer advised that
with regards to lighting the applicant would have to assign a management
company to undertake maintenance and due care in the roads. In respect of tree
management, condition 17 was around soft landscaping, and that the developer
would need to notify Dorset Council for the first 4/5 years so the tree officer
could go and see that it was all acceptable. Members comments
and questions Cllr Fry asked about the size of the 2 bed houses and if they fitted with national criteria. The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that officers could not enforce the size as this was guidance. In terms of renewable energy to make them climate change complaint, the officer advised that the applicant was not ... view the full minutes text for item 8. |
2/2018/1808/OUT, Land North of Burton Street, Marnhull, Dorset PDF 119 KB To consider a report by the Head of Planning. Additional documents: Minutes: The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced
the application to develop land at Marnhull by the erection of up to 61 No.
dwellings, form vehicular and pedestrian access, public open space and
attenuation basins. (Outline application to determine access). The application had been originally
determined by the former North Dorset District Council in 2019. However, the reason the application was
before members was because there had been a change to the terms of the Section
106 Agreement, specifically the NHS contributions could not be secured and
their request for contributions had been retraced. Therefore, members were now being asked to
review the application and approve. A number of written submissions supporting and
objecting to the proposal and a statement by the applicant were read out at the
meeting and are attached to these minutes. Local Member for
Marnhull – Cllr Graham Carr-Jones There has been
broad acceptance that Marnhull could take some development, although the
application had not been that popular.
Parishioners would rather not have street lighting in the development,
if they have to have something could it be sympathetic and considerate. He
asked that a condition be added to the application that reduces the speed limit
down to 20mph. The Transport
Development Liaison Manager advised that Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) and
Planning Permissions were governed by separate legal processes. He suggested
that the normal procedure would be that the Parish Council would pursue a TRO
with Dorset Council. He felt it was not
particularly essential to this planning application. With regards to street
lighting, the Area Lead Planning Officer advised that these details had not yet
been supplied and would be brought forward at the layout stage. However, the officer felt that the applicant
would want to address this. Members comments
and questions Cllr Cook made
reference to the 40% affordable housing in this location and asked for details
how much the NHS contribution would have been and if there was a way in asking
for affordable housing to make up what the developer was going to give to the
NHS. The Area Lead Planning Officer
advised that the Section 106 was legally binding and officers were unable to
secure any additional contributions. Cllr Fry asked
about the consideration of renewable energies being included. The Chairman advised that this application
was an outline application at the present time, more details would follow at a
later date. The Area Lead Officer
advised that he would add an informative on this matter. Cllr Jones
considered if members should be reviewing the other Section 106 monies as the
original application was submitted in 2018 and approved in 2019. The Area Lead Planning Officer advised that
this was specific to the NHS Trust as they had withdrawn their request for
Section 106 money and then proceeded to this basis. It was not made clear what
needed to be reviewed as this was a bespoke issue relating solely to the NHS
Trust. Cllr Pothecary proposed approval of the application and that members did their ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items of business. |