Agenda and minutes

Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 25th May, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: A link to the meeting can be found on the front page of the agenda.. View directions

Contact: George Dare  01305 224185 - Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence.



An apology for absence was received from Belinda Ridout.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting.


Public Participation pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public.

Public speaking has been suspended for virtual committee meetings during the Covid-19 crisis and public participation will be dealt with through written submissions only.

Members of the public who live, work, or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area, may submit up to two questions or a statement of up to a maximum of 450 words.  All submissions must be sent electronically to  by the deadline set out below. 

When submitting a question please indicate who the question is for and include your name, address, and contact details.  Questions and statements received in line with the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a supplement to the agenda.

Questions will be read out by an officer of the council and a response given by the appropriate Portfolio Holder or officer at the meeting.  All questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. 


The deadline for speaking at this meeting is 8.30am on Friday, 21 May 2021.


Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee and specifically the "Covid-19 Pandemic – Addendum to the Guide to Public Speaking Protocol for Planning Committee meetings" included with this agenda.



Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion.


Planning Applications pdf icon PDF 83 KB

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission.


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.


The Chairman reminded members that at the Annual Meeting of Council on 4 May 2021 it was agreed that all council meetings that were not executive in nature, would continue to be held virtually from 7 May 2021 until such time as social distancing requirements were removed (currently scheduled to be lifted on 21 June 2021).  Where a decision was required, committee members would express a ‘minded to’ decision in respect of recommendations set out in officer reports, with decisions being taken under officer delegated authority in the light of ‘minded to’ decisions expressed by members in the virtual meetings.


WD/D/20/002080 - Sherborne House, Newland, Sherborne, DT9 3JG pdf icon PDF 171 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.

Additional documents:


The Planning Officer introduced the application to re-use Sherborne House as an exhibition, events, function, restaurant and office space, with associated repair and extension.


The first application members considered was in respect of the planning permission whilst the second application was in respect of the listed building consent.


As both applications were concerned with the same property, officers were asked to give just the one presentation for both applications.


Officers highlighted the history of the site to members although recognised that members had visited the property in the past.


The Business Plan for the Sherborne House Trust was highlighted to members.


A number of written responses were received and are attached as an annexure to these minutes.


Members comments and questions

Cllr Fry was concerned that the issue of renewables was not covered. The Planning Officer advised that the applicants were working with a company that had sustainability at the centre of their ethos. However, they recognised some of the limitations of the building but offered other environmental designs.


Cllr Andrews considered whether a condition could be put in place to implement a highways suggestion regarding pedestrianisation. The Planning Officer advised that it would not be necessary to add a condition as it was for the applicant to measure and manage their flow of visitors. 


Cllr Hall asked for an update in respect of Historic England’s letter regarding not wanting to see any alteration in certain rooms.  The Planning Officer advised that the updated Plan reflected the concerns raised and the principle had now been agreed.


Cllr Hall sought clarification about a possible condition for car parking, and whether something in literature could be included for visitors to use specific car parks.  The Planning Officer advised this was outside the realms of planning control but applicants could be asked to put this in their literature.


Cllr Hall requested that he and Cllr Andrews be included in discussions on the traffic management plan.  The Planning Officer undertook to advise the members when the documentation was ready.


Cllr Hall expressed concern regarding noise in an area which was surrounded by residential areas and considered if something could be included regarding the monitoring of noise.  The Planning Officer drew members’ attention to the conditions for noise and noted that Environmental Health had not raised any concerns in this area. It was noted that Licensing would cover music and alcohol issues in respect of times.


Cllr Penfold asked for clarification of a landscape plan in respect of the loss of trees.  The Planning Officer advised that the Tree Officer was satisfied there was a fair assessment of the trees on the site. She confirmed there would be no loss of any significant healthy trees.  There was a landscaping plan for both the rear and front of the Plan with a 15 year maintenance condition included.


Cllr Cook asked if the foraging bats had been assessed in light of some of the trees being removed and considered if this would have an impact on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


WD/D/20/002081 - Sherborne House, Newland, Sherborne, DT9 3JG pdf icon PDF 133 KB

To consider a report by the Head of Planning.


The Area Lead Planning Officer introduced the application to re-use Sherborne House as an exhibition, events, function, restaurant and office space, with associated repair and extension.


This application was in respect of listed building consent.


Members were advised of the issues concerned around the listed building consent.  There were no concerns around any loss with any historic fabric.  Most of the concerns raised by Historic England had now been agreed.


Local Member for Sherborne

Cllr Andrews proposed the recommendation and was pleased to note that everything had been done in line with Historic England.


Proposed: Cllr Andrews

Seconded: Cllr Fry


The Committee were ‘minded to’ allow the application. The Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement, having considered the representations and the officer’s presentation and having taken into account the views of the committee, made the following decision under delegated authority:



That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the appendix attached to these minutes.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items of business.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There was no exempt business.