Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Joshua Kennedy 01305 224710
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: No
apologies for absence were received at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: Cllr O’Leary declared an
interest in item 5a, due to having participated in the committee in 2019 when a
previous application for the same building was considered, however was not
predetermined on the new application. Cllr O’Leary also declared an interest in
item 5i, due to having had discussions around the Greenhill Chalet Buildings
before, but was not predetermined on the application. Cllr Shortell declared an
interest in item 5a, also due to being present on the committee that determined
the 2019 application, however was not predetermined on the application. Cllr Penfold declared that
regarding item 5a, she was a member of the Harbour’s Advisory Committee,
however this application had not been discussed by that committee. Cllr Penfold
also disclosed that she had been contacted by Abri regarding item 5b, but no
discussion had taken place. Cllr Worth declared an
interest in item 5d, stating that he sat as Chair of Chickerell Town Council
Planning Committee, but did not take part in any debate or vote on that
committee. Cllr Wheller declared an
interest in items 5a and 5i, due to having been involved in discussions about
the North Quay building and Greenhill Chalet buildings in the past, however was
not predetermined on either application. Cllr Kimber declared,
regarding item 5a that he had used the building as a councillor, however, was
not predetermined on the application. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2023. Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2023 were confirmed and signed. |
Registration for public speaking and statements Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Tuesday 18 July 2023. Minutes: Public representations were received at this point for item 5i from Ms Brown, on behalf of the applicant and Mr Spooner, as a trustee of the Residents of Greenhill Gardens Group. They supported the application and noted the importance of restoring the building to its original condition and improving the longevity of the building. |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on
planning applications as set out below. |
P/FUL/2023/01846 Former Council Offices, North Quay, Weymouth, DT4 8TA PDF 434 KB Demolition of the existing (former council) building, alterations to the existing car park and provision for additional car parking spaces. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for the demolition of the former council building and creation of additional parking spaces. The committee were made aware of a late representation that had been received, the details of which had been included in an update sheet. The committee were informed of a previous application for the building that had been considered in 2019, since which the building had been unoccupied, resulting in water damage to the building and that the committee were not bound by the decision made in 2019, as this was a new application. Members were shown a map with the site outlined and the nearby listed buildings, as well as a layout plan showing the footprint of the existing building and the location of the 45 car parking spaces that would be created as part of the application. The Senior Planning Officer explained that, to compensate for the loss of 6 trees, 10 new trees would be planted on the site. Photographs of the building from various angles and the area surrounding the site were shown to members, in addition to photographs of the existing car park. The Senior Planning Officer summarised the key planning considerations for the application. This included the heritage aspects, archaeological interest, residential amenity, ecological considerations, flood risk, land contamination and highways. All of which, were considered to be acceptable and any concerns had been addressed through condition. Public representations were received from Mr Johnson, Mr Perry, Mr West and Cllrs Ferrari and Heaton, who spoke in opposition to the application. The speakers noted the environmental impact of the application and challenged the carbon analysis figures provided in the application. Ms Spiller, the representative of the applicant also spoke in support of the application, emphasising the need for the rejuvenation of the area and the damage the building had suffered from being unoccupied for several years. In response to
questions from members the Senior Planning Officer stated the following: · Funding
for the development was not a material planning consideration and although
funding had been secured for this project, no weight had been attached to that. · The
retaining walls are not a part of the application, but a demolition plan was
included in the report, which considered how the surrounding area would be
affected by demolition. · Conditioning
electric vehicle charging points would be not be appropriate due to the small
scale of the development and the limited time scale of the permission. · After
three years the applicant would either have to reapply
for permission or apply for a new application to redevelop the site. · A
condition could be included to ensure that the retaining walls were
safeguarded. Several members expressed concern over the application, due to the lack of plans around redevelopment of the site and felt that the site could be better used for purposes other than car parking. Other members felt that the building had remained unoccupied for too long and was an eyesore within Weymouth, therefore supported the recommendation to grant permission. ... view the full minutes text for item 28a |
P/OUT/2021/05309 Land Adjacent Broadmead, Broadmayne PDF 699 KB Development of up to 80 residential dwellings, together with open space, allotments and enhanced drainage features (outline application to determine access only). Minutes: The Lead Project
Officer presented the application for the outline permission for up to 80
dwellings. Members were shown the location of the application site within Broadmayne and it was noted that the site fell outside of
the Defined Development Boundary. The site was made up of 30% Grade 2 and 70%
Grade 3a agricultural land, which was classified as very good and good. The Lead Project
Officer showed photographs of the site and the surrounding area and explained
that the south of the site was affected by surface water flooding. The
application included a 45% contribution to affordable housing, which had been
increased from 35% and 80 dwellings, which had been reduced from 90. It was
also noted that the applicant had the intention of providing an affordable
housing contribution of 100%, however this had not been secured. Members were
informed of the planning benefits of the application, which included 80 new
dwellings, 45% of which would be affordable, the SANG and biodiversity
benefits. There had been 144 public objections to the application and common
objections included, the impact on the AONB, the impact on the character of the
area and the scale and density of the development. The Lead Project
Officer noted that because Dorset Council could demonstrate a five-year housing
land supply, full weight ought to be given to the Local Plan and due to the
application site falling outside of the Defined Development Boundary and the
loss of agricultural land the application was in conflict with policy SUS2 in
the Local Policy Plan. Public
representations were received from Mr. Mason, Mr. Eason, Mr. Cady, Mr. Stubbing
and Cllr Diamond in opposition to the application. Their concerns included, the
large scale of the development, which would increase the population of Broadmayne by around 10% and the lack of services to
support this population increase. The development falling outside of the
Defined Development Boundary and the significant local opposition were also
raised. Mr. Stone a
representative of the applicant, Mr. Jones and Cllr Carr-Jones spoke in support
of the application. They noted that there was a need for affordable housing
within Dorset and this scheme would deliver a range of different types of
housing. In response to
questions from members the Lead Project Officer answered with the following: · The
applicant is only able to commit to providing a 45% contribution to affordable
housing but have the intention of providing 100% subject to funding. · Allocation
of the affordable housing would follow the standard procedure. Several members
felt that the application was in contradiction to local policies and should be
refused on those grounds. Proposed by Cllr
Worth and seconded by Cllr Cocking. Proposal to refuse
permission for the application failed. Other members felt
that this application provided a positive contribution to much needed housing
in the area and the 45% contribution would benefit the local housing market. Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Wheller. Decision: That the application be deferred to a subsequent meeting for members to ... view the full minutes text for item 28b |
P/FUL/2021/05255 Land Adjacent Broadmead, Broadmayne PDF 302 KB Change of use of agricultural land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and temporary formation of a construction haul road. Minutes: Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Wheller. Decision: That the
application be deferred to allow the report to be revised following the
approval of the outline application. The meeting was
adjourned at 13:41. Cllr Penfold and Cllr
Wheller left the Council Chamber at 13:41. |
P/FUL/2022/07710 Newlands Farm, Coldharbour, Chickerell PDF 534 KB Part full and part retrospective application for the change of use of land and buildings from agricultural use to storage (B8) and the siting of up to 43 storage containers Minutes: The Senior Planning
Officer presented the application for the change of use of land from
agricultural use to storage (B8) and the siting of 43 shipping containers, some
of which were already situated on the site. Members were shown
the location and an aerial view of the site, which comprised of a large yard
area with storage containers on site. The proposed layout of the development
was shown, with a storage barn and five visitor parking spaces, along with
shipping containers located at the southern end of the site. Photographs of the
existing site were also shown, as well as photographs of the access to the site
and the proposed parking area. The Senior Planning
Officer summarised the main planning issues including, the principle of
development, the effect on landscape and amenity, the effect on residential
amenity and highways safety, all of which were considered acceptable. There was public
representation received from Mr. Tregay, who spoke on behalf of the applicant
and noted that this was not a waste transfer site but simply a storage site and
there were no objections from Dorset Council’s Highways team or other consultees.
Several members
expressed concern over various highways issues with the application and due to
the lack of a Highway’s Officer attending the meeting these questions were not
able to be addressed. Proposed by Cllr
Worth and seconded by Cllr O’Leary. Decision: That the application
be deferred until a later meeting, where a Highway’s Officer could be present. |
P/FUL/2023/01475 Atlantic Academy Portland, Lerret Road, Portland, Dorset, DT5 1FN PDF 171 KB Provision of additional car parking spaces, vehicular circulation space, footpath alteration, together with associated hard and soft landscaping works to include EV charging, air source heat pump and additional boundary fencing and gates. Minutes: Cllr Wheller returned to the Council Chamber at 14:37. The Development
Management Team Leader presented the application for works to the Atlantic
Academy Portland and explained that it had come to the committee for
determination because the site was located on Dorset Council land. Members were shown
the application site within Portland and the site plan, which showed the oval
building of the previous primary school and various areas of hard standing
around the building. The arrangement of the proposed development was also
shown, with the new parking area and electric vehicle charging stations. In response to
questions from members the Development Management Team Leader explained that
the application should help alleviate parking concerns for the school. Proposed by Cllr
Cocking and seconded by Cllr Kimber. Decision: That the
application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to
these minutes. |
P/FUL/2023/00766 The Town Mill, Mill Lane, Lyme Regis, DT7 3PU PDF 286 KB Alterations include:- Replace wooden gates with metal gates. Replace closed gate and install access stairs. Replace railings with hooped railings. Replace and enlarge main entrance with glass door. Replace archway to car park. Minutes: Applications,
P/FUL/2023/00766, P/LBC/2023/00767 and P/ADV/2023/01041 were presented as a
single presentation as they all related to works on the Town Mill in Lyme
Regis. The Development Management
Team Leader presented these applications, which sought to improve the
infrastructure of the site and provide a singular appearance across the site
and it was explained that the Town Mill was a Grade II listed building. Members were shown
a map of Lyme Regis with the application site outlined, in addition to
photographs of the existing site, showing the various different units. The Development
Management Team Leader provided a site plan and listed the various different
improvements that were included within the application, including new fencing,
a new gate and external stairs to be added to the garden, replacement railings,
a new archway and a serving hatch to be installed. A concern was raised by
Dorset Council’s Conservation Team about the serving hatch, due to a loss of
historic materials, however this was considered to be outweighed by the
benefits it would provide. Public
representation was received from Cllr Bawden and read on her behalf by the
Chairman. She expressed support for the application and noted that it would
deliver benefits to Lyme Regis by improving the site. Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Bolwell. Decision: That the application be granted subject to conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes. |
P/LBC/2023/00767 The Town Mill, Mill Lane, Lyme Regis, DT7 3PU PDF 264 KB Alterations include- Replace wooden gates with metal gates. Replace closed gate and install access stairs. Replace railings with hooped railings. Replace and enlarge main entrance with glass door. Install serving hatch. Replace archway to car park. Minutes: Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Bolwell. Decision: That the
application be granted subject to conditions set out in the appendix to these
minutes. |
P/ADV/2023/01041 The Town Mill, Mill Lane, Lyme Regis, DT7 3PU PDF 177 KB Replace existing entrance sign with new entrance sign over footpath. Minutes: Proposed by Cllr
O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Bolwell. Decision: That the
application be granted subject to conditions set out in the appendix to these
minutes. |
P/LBC/2023/01913 Greenhill Chalet Buildings, Weymouth PDF 149 KB Change of colour of the painted metalwork from the existing blue to the original grey. Minutes: The Conservation
and Design Officer presented the application to change the colour of the painted
metal work from the existing blue to grey. It was explained that this
application had come to the committee for determination because the site was
located on Dorset Council land and there had been objections from Weymouth Town
Council. Members were shown
photographs of the existing iron railings and it was explained that the current
paint was insufficient to protect the railings from the weather and prevent
rust. The railings had been painted blue in 2012, for the Olympics and were
going to be returned to the original grey colour, while the doors of the
building would remain blue. There was not considered to be any impact on the
heritage assets and the proposal would enhance and protect the building. In response to
questions from members the Conservation and Design Officer explained that there
was no previous planning history for the site as Listed Building Consent was
not sought when the railings were painted in 2012. Proposed by Cllr
Wheller and seconded by Cllr O’Leary. Decision: That the application was granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. Minutes: There
was no exempt business. |