Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: Joshua Kennedy 01305 224710
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2023. Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2023 were confirmed and signed. |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission. Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on
planning applications as set out below. |
Application P/FUL/2022/07710 Newlands Farm, Coldharbour, Chickerell Part full and part retrospective application for the change of use of land and buildings from agricultural use to storage (B8) and the siting of up to 43 storage containers. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for the change of use of land and buildings from agricultural use to storage (B8) and the siting of up to 43 storage containers. Members were shown an aerial view of the site and the proposed layout, which showed the proposed location of the storage containers and parking area within the site. The application included a comprehensive landscaping scheme and there would be planting along the boundary of the site. The Senior Planning Officer summarised the main planning issues of the application including, the principle of development, impact on the landscape and visual amenity, the impact on residential amenity and impacts on highways safety. Public representation was heard from the agent for the applicant, Mr Tregay, who spoke in support of the application. In response to questions from members the Senior Planning Officer and Engineer provided the following responses: · The application met the government guidelines for the appropriate site lines and a minimal level of traffic was expected to be generated from the site. · The SPO indicated highways-related works would be required within 3 months as the application was in part retrospective. · The number of storage containers kept on the site would be limited to a maximum of 43 and would be used for miscellaneous household storage. · There would be no record of what the storage units contained, however If any complaints received over alleged hazardous substances being stored this matter would be referred to the Environmental Health Officer or Environment Agency if appropriate One member expressed concern over the operating hours of the business and the impact this could have on residential amenity and felt that the opening hours should be restricted at the weekends and on bank holidays. Other members felt this restriction would have a detrimental impact on residential amenity, due to visits to the site being concentrated over a small period of time. Proposed by Cllr Worth and seconded by Cllr O’Leary.
That the application be approved with the addition of a condition to limit the opening hours of the business. On being put to the vote the proposal was lost. Proposed by Cllr Williams and seconded by Cllr Ireland.
Application P/OUT/2021/05309 Land Adjacent Broadmead, Broadmayne Development of up to 80 residential dwellings, together with open space, allotments and enhanced drainage features (outline application to determine access only). An Appendix – Committee report from July 2023 has been attached to this item for information only. Minutes: The Lead Project Officer presented the officer report for the development of up to 80 residential dwellings, together with open space, allotments and enhanced drainage features. It was explained that this application had been heard at the previous committee meeting and the committee had been minded to approve the application subject to conditions. The Lead Project Officer explained the planning conditions that were proposed and the Section 106 Heads of Terms. This included 45% affordable housing provision; an appropriate mix of affordable rented and intermediate affordable housing; the provision of a local play area and off-site highways works. Oral representation in objection to the application was received from Mr Spenceley, Mr Youngs, Mr Cady, Cllr Tarr, Dorset Council Ward Member and Cllr Ellis on behalf of Broadmayne Parish Council. Their concerns included the unsustainability of the location, due to a lack of facilities and the size of the proposed development. Oral representation in support of the application was received from, Mr Jones, the applicant, Ms Yeates and Cllr Carr-Jones. The Transport Development Liaison Manager addressed the committee on the highway’s aspect of the application, noting that the applicant had agreed to complete off-site works to mitigate any impact on the highways. In response to questions from members the Lead Project Officer explained that the management of the open spaces would be determined at a later date and any funding for this would come from the applicant. A viability assessment was not required for this application, as it provided a larger affordable housing contribution than required. Several members expressed concern that the level of affordable housing proposed in the application may not be fulfilled. They also noted the fact that the development was located outside of the Defined Development Boundary and in an unsustainable location with a lack of access to public amenities. Other members felt that this application provided an important contribution to housing in the area and would help in alleviating some of the housing shortage in Dorset. Proposed by Cllr Kimber and seconded by Cllr O’Leary.
Application P/FUL/2021/0525 Land Adjacent Broadmead, Broadmayne Change of use of agricultural land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and temporary formation of a construction haul road. An Appendix – Committee report from July 2023 has been attached to this item for information only. Minutes: The Lead Project Officer presented the application for the change of use of agricultural land to Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and temporary formation of a construction haul road. Members were shown an aerial view of the site with the boundaries of the site highlighted, as well as photographs of the site in its current condition and the proposed masterplan of the SANG. The Lead Project Officer summarised the key planning issues with the application, including the fact that the site was located outside of the Defined Development Boundary, however the SANG was required as mitigation for the residential development. There were no objections from Dorset’s AONB team, there was no adverse impact on amenity and there was considered to be an ecological benefit from improved biodiversity. Oral representation was received from Mr Spenceley, Mr Youngs, Mr Cady, Cllr Ellis, on behalf of Broadmayne Parish Council and Cllr Tarr, DC Ward Member, who all expressed concern over the increased traffic this development may bring to the area. The applicant, Mr Jones, also spoke in support of the application. The Transport Development Liaison Manager addressed comments about parking and highways. In response to questions from members the Lead Project Officer stated there was a condition included to reuse any sand or gravel that was removed as part of the construction process, however this would be likely limited due to only the carpark requiring construction. Several members felt that due to the approval of the adjacent housing development the SANG was necessary. One member expressed concern over the impact on residential amenity from the development, due to increased traffic and noise, notably from the proposed car park. 12:36 - 12:48 Adjournment. Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Cocking. That the application be refused due to the adverse impact on residential amenity. On being put to the vote the proposal was lost. Proposed by Cllr Worth and seconded by Cllr Dunseith. Decision: That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement and the conditions outlined in the appendix to these minutes. In accordance with procedural rule 8.1 a vote was taken to extend the duration of the meeting. Cllr O’Leary left the meeting at 12:53 12:53 – 13:46 Lunch Break. |
Application P/OUT/2022/00852 Land at Newton's Road, Weymouth, DT4 8UR Outline Application for mixed use development comprising up to 141 dwellings (Use Class C3) and 60 bed care home (Use Class C2), with up to 340 sqm associated leisure floorspace comprising gym, swimming pool / spa (Sui Generis); up to 1,186 sqm office /light industrial floorspace (Use Class E(g)); up to 328 sqm restaurant floorspace (Class E(b)); with associated car parking, public open space, public realm, cliff stabilisation & sea defence works, with vehicular and pedestrian access from Newtons Road & associated infrastructure - some matters reserved (appearance & landscaping) Minutes: The Lead Project Officer presented the application for a mixed-use development inlcuding of 141 dwellings and a 60-bed care home. Members were shown a map outlining the site location within Weymouth and the boundaries of the application site. The Lead Project Officer explained the history of the site and that most of the site was located within Flood Zone 1, however small portions of the site were in Flood Zones 2 and 3. There were also heritage constraints with the site, due to it being partly located within the Weymouth Town Conservation Area. Members were shown various photographs of the site from different points, as well as photos of the site in its previous usage for the MOD and QinetiQ. The planning history of the site was also provided along with visualisations of the 2016 proposal, which had been approved previously. The Lead Project Officer explained the details of the application and provided illustrative plans of the proposed development, showing the density of the development and the proposed height and scale. A viability assessment had been submitted as part of the application, which determined that the scheme was only viable as a 100% open market development with an off-site affordable housing contribution of £48,000. It was considered that there were other benefits of this development that outweighed the lack of full affordable housing contributions. The Lead Project Officer summarised the key issues with the application and noted that the World Heritage Trust had withdrawn their objection, the level of traffic and noise was not considered to be harmful and although there would be an impact on visual amenity, this was balanced against the benefits of the development. Public representation was received from the applicant, Mr Dean and their agent, Mr Tarzey, who spoke in support of the application. Cllr Sutton, the Ward Member, also spoke and expressed concern over the lack of affordable housing contribution and suggested conditions to improve residential amenity. The Transport Development Liaison Manager addressed the committee in regard to highways and parking issues. It was explained that the development was considered to be acceptable in terms parking provision and that traffic levels were predicted to be lower under this proposal than the previous proposal in 2016 or the previous usage of the site by the MOD and QinetiQ. In response to questions from members the Lead Project Officer provided the following responses: · A viability review at a later date wasn’t considered to be appropriate, and the level of financial contribution would be tied down in the Section 106 agreement. · Flood modelling had been completed as a part of the application to determine the effects of wave overtopping on the site and the Environment Agency had no objections subject to conditions. · Cliff stabilising protective works had been included as a condition to address any concerns over coastal erosion. Members were in agreement that there were no issues with the development being proposed. Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Cocking. Decision: That authority be delegated ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Application P/FUL/2022/06311 West Bay Holiday Park, Forty Foot Way, West Bay, DT6 4HB New converted shipping container catering unit. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for the siting of a converted catering shipping container in West Bay. Members were shown the location of the application site within West Bay, as well as an aerial view of the site. The exterior paved dining area outside of a café was indicated on the photograph, which was where the proposed container would be located. It was explained that the phone boxes currently in place would be removed as a part of the application. The Senior Planning Officer provided an illustrative image of the proposed shipping container and explained the main planning issues with the application. The site was located within the Defined Development Boundary of West Bay and there were numerous other similar food kiosks located in the area, meaning the kiosk would not look out of place. The site was located in a Flood Zone 3 area, which was high risk, however the usage was categorised as less vulnerable and flood resilience measures had been set out by the Environment Agency. The applicant had also submitted details of an air filtration system to address any concerns over odour. Members felt that this development would be suitable within the context of the area and as such was acceptable. Proposed by Cllr Worth and seconded by Cllr Clayton. Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes. 15:00 – 15:10 Adjournment. Cllrs Cocking and Worth left the meeting. |
Application P/FUL/2023/00384 Highlands End Holiday Park Highlands End Eype DT6 6AR Installation 300 ground mounted photovoltaic (Solar Panels) to provide
carbon free electricity for Park. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for the installation of 300 ground mounted photovoltaic panels in the Highlands End Holiday Park in Eype. Members were shown the location of the site within Eype and the nearby footpaths and bridleways. Photographs of the site were shown to the committee, as well as photos of the footpath running adjacent to the application site. The Senior Planning Officer explained that the development consisted of 7 tables comprised of 300 panels and a plan was provided of the previous refused application, which showed a larger number of panels extending further up the hill side. A landscaping plan had been submitted to mitigate the visual impact of the site, including hedgerows along the boundary of the site and orchard planting to obscure the view of the panels from the footpath. The landscape impacts of the development were still considered to be significant, given the site was located within the AONB and Heritage Coast. Dorset Councils AONB team and Landscape Officers had assessed the application and determined it would have a harmful impact on the landscape, which was not outweighed by the renewable energy benefits of the scheme. The applicant had also failed to demonstrate the suitability of any alternative sites for the development. Oral representation in objection to the application were received from Ms Froy, Mr Mayers and Ms Boyze, noting the unsuitability of the location of the site. The applicant, Mr Cox and the agent Mr Carthy addressed the committee in support of the application. Several members felt that a site visit to the application site was necessary in order to further understand the impact on landscape that the application would have. Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Kimber. Decision: That the application be deferred for a site visit and be brought back to the next committee meeting. |
Siting of a temporary rural worker's dwelling, erect extension to existing barn and change of use of land and buildings to a mixed use of agriculture and community education facility. Minutes: The Senior Planning Officer presented the application for the siting of a temporary rural worker's dwelling, the erection of an extension to an existing barn and change of use of land and buildings to a mixed use of agriculture and community education facility. Members were shown a site plan, with the location of the site, as well as location of the access roads to the site and the area where the temporary accommodation would be located and the extension to the existing barn. The Senior Planning Officer provided the background of the application site and explained that it was to be used partly for agricultural use, partly for educational purposes and to provide a space where children can learn within a rural setting. There would be a small commercial agricultural element, however usage of the site would be primarily for education. The details of the proposal were outlined by the Senior Planning Officer, including the existing and proposed elevations of the barn extension and temporary dwelling; the floor plans of the proposed extension and dwelling and proposed planting. An assessment of the site had been conducted by Reading Agricultural Consultants (RAC), who had concluded that there was no need for 24-hour presence on the site for its intended usage. Oral representation was received from the agent for the applicant, Ms Harper, who spoke in support of the application, noting the Parish Council had provided their support and the rural location was necessary for the business. Several members felt that the support from the Parish Council for this application ought to be given significant weight and that there was a need for the applicant to live on-site for the security of their business assets. The meeting adjourned at 16:30 and reconvened at 16:45, for the planning officers to provide conditions for approval of the application. Proposed by Cllr Ireland and seconded by Cllr Kimber. Decision: That authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the conditions being first agreed with the Chairman of the Committee |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered. There is no scheduled exempt business for this meeting. Minutes: There
was no exempt business. |