Agenda and draft minutes

Western and Southern Area Planning Committee - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 10.00 am, NEW

Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions

Contact: Joshua Kennedy  01305 224710


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



No apologies for absence were received at the meeting.


Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registerable or non-registrable interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


Cllr Kimber declared an interest in item 5g as he knew the applicant and therefore, stated that he would not take part in the debate or vote.


Cllr Wheller declared that she was predetermined on application 5a and would not take part in the debate or vote.


Cllr Roper declared that item 5g had been considered by the Portland Town Council Planning Committee, however he had not taken part in the meeting during that item, so was not predetermined.


Cllr Northam declared an interest in item 5a, because he had previously spoken on this item as a Town Council Member and therefore, would not take part in the debate or vote.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 463 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024.


The minutes of the meeting held on 18 April 2024 were confirmed and signed.


Planning Applications

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below.


Application P/MPO/2023/03270 Phases 2-4 Curtis Fields Land south of Chickerell Road Weymouth DT4 0TR pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Modify section 106 agreement dated 17 August 2016 - Relating to Phases 2-4 at Curtis Fields (WP/14/00777/OUT) - to modify a portion of the affordable housing requirements from 30% to 26.24% following receipt of independent viability report (revised description).


(The committee report for this item from the 18 April 2024 meeting has been added as an appendix).  

Additional documents:


The Lead Project Officer introduced the application and explained that it was coming to the committee after being deferred at a previous meeting to allow negotiations with the applicant to take place. The details of the application were summarised, with the main issue being the reduction in affordable housing provision from 30% to 26.24%.


It was explained that the applicant contended that due to abnormal and unforeseen costs associated with the development they were unable to meet the affordable housing contribution. Following an independent report from the District Valuer it was concluded that a contribution of 26.24% would allow the developer to make a profit of 17.5%, which was considered within the reasonable range of 15% - 20%.


Public representation was received from Cllr Sutton, who spoke in objection to the application, noting that there was not a significant difference between the two figures and emphasised the importance of the 18 affordable homes that would be lost, should the application be approved.


Cllr Northam also spoke, as a representative of Weymouth Town Council. He felt that it was wrong that the developers’ profits were protected in this phase of the development, while they were still able to make profit from the other phases. He also noted that the District Valuer had stated in their report that it was surprising that the applicant did not foresee the abnormal costs that arose, causing the reduction in affordable housing.


Cllr Northam and Cllr Wheller left the meeting at 10:24.


In response to a question from one member the Lead Project Officer explained that the NPPF didn’t exist in its current form when the original application was made and the applicant was able to contest viability now.


Having had the opportunity to discuss the merits of the application, several members expressed concerns over the loss of affordable housing and did not come to the same conclusions that had been expressed within the report. Members were also concerned that approval of this application would set a precedent for reducing affordable housing provision going forward and were reluctant to do this.


The Lead Project Officer reiterated that the applicant had originally sought to reduce affordable housing provision and financial contributions to 0, however following the report from the District Valuer, had come to an agreement to provide the full financial contributions and 26.24% affordable housing provision. 


The Committee adjourned from 10:50 – 11:02 to allow officers to find out further information to assist members.



In response to one member’s question, the Development Management Area Manager explained that they did not know the number of affordable houses that could still be provided, if the scheme were to be based on achieving a 15% profit rather than the 17.5% that was calculated in the District Valuers report.


It was considered, that having regard to policy HOUS1, part iii in the Weymouth and Portland Local Plan and based on the information provided by the applicant, that it had not been proven that the development was economically unviable, while providing  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Application P/HOU/2023/06594 18 Osbourne Road, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 3AN pdf icon PDF 145 KB

Erect residential annexe.


The application was presented by the Development Management Team Leader, who explained that the application was for the erection of an annex within a residential garden, located in Bridport. The application site was shown to members, with the boundary of the site highlighted and an aerial photograph was also provided to show the relation of the site to the surrounding area.


Photographs of the front of the property showed that the annex would not be visible from the street and photographs of the garden were provided to give members an idea of the location and surroundings of the proposed annex. There was currently a garden room situated in the location of the proposed annex. Photographs of the boundary of the garden were shown to members, which indicated that there was sufficient screening from neighbouring properties to prevent overlooking.


The presenting officer summarised the key considerations of the application, noting that the proposed annex was supported by planning policy and that there would be no impact on neighbouring amenity due to the screening in place and the elevation changes in the garden. It was explained that usage of the annex would be conditioned to be ancillary to the residential property and it was not proposed to be used as a holiday let.


Public representation was received from Mr McCormick, whose statement was read by the Democratic Services Officer and contained concerns about overlooking onto the neighbouring properties.


The applicant, Mr Wright, also spoke in support of the application, stating that the intended use of the annex was for his son, so that he could live more independently and mature boundary features meant that there wouldn’t be any overlooking onto the neighbouring properties.


In response to members questions the Development Management Team Leader explained that the current garden room was 18sqm, while the proposed annex would be 33 sqm and that the usage of the annex would be conditioned to prevent holiday lettings.


Members discussed the merits of the application and felt that the application complied with the neighbourhood plan, although recognised objections that had been submitted by the Town Council.


Proposed by Cllr Monks and seconded by Cllr O’Leary.

Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes.


Application P/LBC/2024/01189 Weymouth Seafront, The Esplanade, Weymouth pdf icon PDF 119 KB

Installation of 6 downlighters to each of the 7 Victorian shelters along the Esplanade.


The application was presented by the Conservation and Design Officer, who explained that it had been brought to the committee for determination because the structures relating to the application were owned by Dorset Council. The application related to the installation of downlighters in the roofs of shelters situated on Weymouth seafront.

Members were shown the location of the shelters, as well as photographs of the existing structures and it was explained that the shelters held historical and architectural significance. It was considered that the installation of the downlighters would enhance the appearance of the shelters and encourage usage of them in the evenings and that this would outweigh the less than substantial harm caused by the loss of historic material.


Members were in agreement that this application would have a positive impact on the area.


Proposed by Cllr Wheller and seconded by Cllr O’Leary.


Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes.




Application P/LBC/2024/01599 9 The Esplanade, Weymouth, DT4 8EB pdf icon PDF 162 KB

Modifying internal basement layout; relocation of bathroom and kitchen; creating utility/launderette; creating access through doorway to coal shed from kitchenette; changes to electrical lines and water pipes.


Using the aid of a visual presentation, the Conservation and Design Officer presented the application for the modification of the internal layout of a listed building, which included the relocation of the bathroom and kitchen.


A summary of the application was provided to members and photographs of the Georgian listed building, that was located within the Weymouth Town Conservation Area, were shown.


The case officer explained that there would be no loss of historic fabric and that the proposed works would not impact on other nearby listed buildings or the Conservation Area.


In response to a question from one member, the Conservation and Design Officer explained that the rear door would still be functional and provide access from the utility room to the courtyard.


Proposed by Cllr O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Wheller.

Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes.  


Application P/FUL/2024/01216 Charmouth Road Car Park, Charmouth Road, Lyme Regis pdf icon PDF 121 KB

Erect 15m mast for CCTV.


The Planning Officer presented the application for the installation of a 15m tall CCTV mast in the skate park located within the Charmouth Road Car Park. The application had come to the committee for determination because the applicant was Lyme Regis Town Council and the land was owned by Dorset Council.


An aerial image of the skate park and surrounding car park was shown to members, with the proposed location of the mast highlighted, as well as plans detailing the size and specifications of the mast.


Several members expressed approval of the application and noted that the application was supported by the Town Council.


Proposed by Cllr Bawden and seconded by Cllr Northam.


Decision: That the application be granted subject to the minutes set out in the appendix to these minutes.


Application P/ADV/2024/01585 Fence on land running adjacent to the entrance to Bradford's Building Supplies, Sea Road South, Bridport, DT6 3DW pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Display a non-illuminated vinyl banner on a hard backed board advertising Bridport Leisure Centre and what it offers - Swim, Gym, Classes. It will display the Centre logo along with what exit to take at the approaching Crown Roundabout.


The Planning Officer presented the application for the installation of a non-illuminated banner, advertising the Bridport Leisure Centre. The application had come to the committee for determination because the land was owned by Dorset Council.


Members were shown the location of the application site, photographs of the site and views from the road towards the proposed location of the advertising board. The Planning Officer summarised the key constraints of the application and noted that Dorset and National Highways had been consulted and no objections had been raised.


Proposed by Cllr O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Shortell.


Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes.


Application P/FUL/2023/02429 Part of Tout Quarry, Prior Road, Portland pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Enhancement of existing aggregates pathway in the Tout Quarry Sculpture Park & Nature Reserve with geological interpretation spaces & erection of Portland stone archway to be relocated from Grade II listed building at 81 Fleet Street, London.


The Planning Officer explained that the application had come to the committee for determination because Dorset Council owned the land on the application site. The details of the application were summarised for members and included the relocation of a Portland stone archway from a Grade II listed building in London and various other works throughout the site.


The application was considered acceptable and it was noted that the work would be in keeping with the character of the area and there would be no adverse impacts as a result of the application.


Public representation was received from Cllr Kimber who expressed support for the application and was pleased to see Portland stone being returned to the local area, he subsequently left the Council Chamber at 12:28. The applicant Ms Sofaer, also spoke in support of the application and expressed the importance of the application for the Quarry Trust for delivering educational opportunities to visitors.


In response to a question from one member, the Planning Officer explained that the structural stability of the arch was not considered within the planning application, as it would be covered by other legislation, but assured the committee that the applicant had been working with structural engineers to ensure the arch would be structurally sound.


Proposed by Cllr O’Leary and seconded by Cllr Wheller.


Decision: That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the appendix to these minutes.


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


There were no urgent items.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).

The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.


There is no exempt business scheduled.


There was no exempt business.


Update Sheet pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Appendix pdf icon PDF 177 KB