Venue: Cattistock Room, Civic Centre, Poole BH15 2RU
Contact: David Northover 224175 Email:
No. | Item | |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the meeting. The Chairmanship of the Board alternates between the host authorities. On this occasion the Chairman shall be elected from BCP Council. Minutes: Resolved That Councillor Lesley Dedman be elected Chairman for the meeting. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman from the Authority to host the next meeting. This appointee – from Dorset Council - will Chair that next meeting. Minutes: Resolved That Councillor Graham-Carr Jones
be appointed Vice-Chairman for the meeting. On this basis he would assume the
Chairmanship at the next meeting. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor Laura Miller (Dorset Council). |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Public Participation To receive questions or statements on the business of the
committee from town and parish councils and members of the public. Minutes: There were no statements or questions from Town and Parish Councils at the meeting, nor public statements or questions. |
Welcome Presentation PDF 56 KB To receive a presentation on what Public Health Dorset does and how it does it; the role and responsibilities of the Board; the relationship between the two and; the part both can play in fulfilling public health outcomes. The Boards’ Terms of Reference and Working Arrangements are attached for reference. Minutes: The Board had a
presentation from the Director of Public Health introducing how the public
health function was delivered across the two Councils; the role and purpose of
the Joint Board, and identifying the areas of work most likely to be brought to
the Board over the coming year. This included the
Prevention at Scale programme, and joint working with partners in the
Integrated Care system, key commissioning activities for the next year and work
with partners in the new Councils. The Board requested
further detail on the public health finaces and how the grant was allocated. This
would be shared with the November Board. There was also a request to clarify
voting rights of Board members, and to confirm that the Chairman would have a
casting vote should the instance arise. The Board were
pleased to have had this opportunity to learn more about Public Health Dorset
and in having a clearer understanding of the part they could play in bringing
about improved public health outcomes. |
2019/20 Business Plan PDF 105 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The report set out
the 2019/20 Business Plan for Public Health Dorset and proposed a regular
monitoring approach so that the Board could be assured of progress. The report
highlighted the main priorities from the Business Plan, along with some of the
risks and issues of delivery. The Board were satisfied with how this was to be managed,
noted the Plan and agreed with the approach to monitoring in future meetings. Resolved 1)That the
Business Plan for 2019/20 be considered and approved 2)That the
approach to monitoring be endorsed; 3)That the high
level summary of the business plan for use with public and partners be noted. |
Minutes: Finance officers
presented the budget monitoring report which presented the final outturn
figures for 2018/19 and the opening budget for 2019/20.The Revenue Budget for
Public Health Dorset in 2019/20 was £27.704M, based on an indicative Grant
Allocation of £32.525M. The report explained how this would be managed in
year. The report also included a final
outturn figure for 2018/19, which showed a £45k underspend. Public health
reserves were now at £1.784M, with £791k being committed to Prevention at
Scale. Board members enquired
about the background to how the reserves had built up. Officers explained that
this had largely accumulated as contracts had been reduced in value to make the
national savings required in the Grant. The Chairman was pragmatic in her view
that if savings were being made, then an underspend appeared inevitable. Board members were
interested in how the cost increases associated with opiate substitution
therapy were being managed and what the financial consequences might be of the
increase. The Consultant in Public Health leading clinical treatment services
explained that this was a national price rise and the services were working to
limit the impact in price rises on service delivery. The Board were assured that ways in which this
Service could be delivered more cost effectively were being sought as far as
practical. The Board was also interested in understanding how the Grant allocation
was being used across both Councils, and whether this was providing value and
meeting the needs of the respective populations. The Director of Public Health agreed
to develop a presentation for the next Board meeting in November that would explain
the finances in greater depth. Members were
largely satisfied with this and with he ways in which the finances were being
run and the reasoning for this. Resolved The Board noted: • the 2018/19
outturn; • the provisional
forecast for Public Health Dorset in 2019/20; • the movement in
reserves during 2018/19. Reason for Decision Close monitoring
of the budget position was an essential requirement to ensure that money and
resources were used efficiently and effectively. |
Developing commissioning options for sexual health services in Dorset PDF 444 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board was informed that
Sexual Health Services in Dorset were currently provided by a consortium of NHS
providers. As the two-year contract was due to expire in April 2020, the
service required re-tendering under full, open competition in order to comply
with Public Contract Regulations. The report summarised local consultation on a
preferred model and the approach to be taken; reported on service
transformation which had been conducted to date and the way this had been done;
and recommended a preferred commissioning option – as set out in paragraph 4.6
of the report. There was discussion by
Board members about the recommendation to proceed with the tender for local authority
commissioned elements first, with the option to further integrate NHS England
and Dorset CCG commissioned elements of service at a break in the second year
of the contract. The proposed contract length was discussed and officers agreed
to supply a post meeting note giving the advice of the procurement team on
contract length. The Board were satisfied with this approach and what was being
proposed as a means to proceed. Resolved 1) That the recommended
option for re-tendering sexual health services - at paragraph 4.6 of the report
- be supported and endorsed; 2) That the development of
a procurement process and proceeding with an invitation to tender for a
new contract, be approved; 3) That delegated authority
be given to the Director of Public Health, after consultation with the two
Portfolio Holders for Health, to award a contract to an appropriate provider on
the best terms achievable and within the budget. Reason
for Decision The preferred option
allowed continued service development, aiming for full integration of the services
current commissioned by Public Health Dorset on behalf of Councils. It also
allowed for integration with NHS England commissioned sexual health services at
a future break point in the proposed contract. |
Health Improvement Services Performance Monitoring PDF 217 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board were
provided with a report outlining current performance for health improvement
services and children and young people’s public health services. This included
information and a better understanding on performance of LiveWell
Dorset, smoking cessation, and what alternatives were available, weight
management services, health checks and Children and Young
People’s Public Health Service (CYPPHS) key performance indicators. The Board acknowledged
how improvements were being achieved and what this meant for public health
outcomes. The Board were pleased to see the progress being made with health improvements in these initiatives and saw encouraging signs that these could be maintained. Officers affirmed that Public Health Dorset would remain committed to achieving these improvements going forward. Resolved That the progress being
made in the performance on health improvement services and children and young people’s
services be noted and acknowledged. Reason
for Decision Close monitoring
of performance will ensure that health improvement services deliver what is
expected of them and that our budget is used to best effect. |
To receive and consider the Board’s Forward Plan. Minutes: The Board’s Forward Plan was received and discussed and additional items were proposed. This included reviewing the Health Checks programme; considering the future of the Public Health Partnership, based on the findings of the Task and Finish Group; the background to the Public Health Grant and how the Budget was allocated in the way it was and what successes were being derived; and updating on major tenders. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Questions from Council Members To answer any questions received in writing by the Chief Executive by not later than 10.00 am on Wednesday 10 July 2019. Minutes: No questions were received from Council Members. |