Venue: Committee Room 3, County Hall, Dorchester, DT1 1XJ. View directions
Contact: David Northover 224175 Email:
No. | Item | |
Election Of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the meeting from the host Authority. Minutes: Resolved That Councillor Laura Miller be elected Chairman for the meeting. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the meeting from the subsequent host Authority. Minutes: Resolved That Councillor Lesley Dedman be appointed Vice-Chairman for the meeting on the basis that she would assume the Chairmanship at the next meeting. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: No apologies for absence were received at the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2019 were confirmed and signed. |
Public Participation To receive questions or statements on the business of the
committee from town and parish councils and members of the public. Minutes: There were no statements or questions from Town and Parish Councils at the meeting, nor public statements or questions. |
To receive the Forward Plan of the Board and to consider its content. Minutes: The Board’s Forward Plan was received and discussed and the opportunity provided to amend this, as necessary. |
Future of the Joint Public Health Board PDF 384 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: Members were updated on progress with the
recommendations made by the Task and Finish Group on the future of Public Health
Dorset, designed to improve the shared service model for Dorset, Bournemouth
and Poole. The Board was asked to consider the future status of the Partnership
and refresh the agreement for the shared service and how it would function going
forward. Officers outlined the progress being made
with the recommendations from the Task and Finish Group in how services were
being proposed to be delivered and what these would entail. The recommendations
around governance and terms of reference for the Board had now been completed
and implemented. There was number of longer-term development proposals relating
to how the public health shared service worked more effectively with both
Councils and an update was provided. The Board recognised the need for a more
integrated approach in considering how public health could support the development
of new operating models and contribute to transformation in both new Councils. This
included longer term opportunities to improve health and wellbeing via the
delivery plans of both Council’s Corporate Plans. This update also highlighted
opportunities for training and development with both Councils, such as The
Local Government Association supporting Dorset Council in early 2020 with a
workshop to look at what a “health in all policies” approach might mean for the
new Council. Similar proposals were being developed for BCP Council. The Board were pleased
to learn what progress had been made and was due to be made as a means of
facilitating improved public health outcomes and were satisfied with how this
was to be managed. They considered the Partnership played a significant part in
ensuring that services were delivered in a coordinated, sustainable and
manageable way. The Board proposed that any discussions around refreshing the
Partnership agreement should ideally include input from both Monitoring and Section
151 Officers. Resolved 1)That progress in meeting the
recommendations made by the previous Task and Finish Group to improve the
shared service model be noted. 2)That support be given to the recommended
timeline and process for renewing a decision
on the Partnership agreement for Public health. Reason for Decision During local government reorganisation the
Public Health Partnership was supported for a further minimum 12 months.
This was due to expire in spring 2020. Continuing as a partnership would ensure
we could provide the Public Health services to both unitary councils and the
integrated care system in an efficient, effective and equitable way. To support both new councils in fulfilling
their legal duty to improve health and reduce inequalities for their respective
populations. |
NHS Health Checks Update PDF 402 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board were provided with a summary of
performance for the NHS Health Checks programme, what this entailed and
what was being done and how this was being delivered. Officers explained that the new procurement model was working
satisfactorily and that uptake of health checks showed signs of improvement,
especially in areas where the service had previously been provided by pharmacy
only. The board was updated on the background for
the new procurement approach. This was because performance had deteriorated as
measured by numbers of checks, delivered partly due to pharmacy providers of
NHS Health Checks being unable to access individual level data held by GPs. The
new model was more flexible and had improved engagement and take up of the
service by providers and users alike.
The procurement model agreed was the ‘Any Qualified Provider’ (AQP)
framework, which enabled providers to register themselves for delivery of NHS
Health Checks in a more accessible way with the user being integral in choosing
where they wish to access the services. As such there has been a rise in
delivery of checks in the new Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council area
compared to the previous year. Whilst there was limited opportunity to
determine how successful the outcome of these interventions was, the fact that more
checks were being undertaken was positive.Public
Health Dorset was working to establish better measurement of people referred to
LiveWell Dorset following a check to establish if there
was indication that this was of some meaningful benefit. Members were pleased that early indications
were that the new model was starting to see consistent increases in the
number of NHS Health Checks being delivered. This was to be supported by
ongoing stakeholder engagement, especially in the areas where delivery was
below expectations, with public awareness of the programme and its benefits
continuing to be raised. Public Health Dorset was now focusing on targeted
communications and awareness campaigns; more effective digital
support and management for those delivering NHS Health Checks; proactively
working with the CCG and Primary Care Networks to improve engagement at both
strategic and operational levels; and further engaging the Dorset CCG Primary
Care Commissioning Committee and the network Clinical Directors, encouraging
the use of NHS Health Checks and subsequent referrals to LiveWell
Dorset to improve positive behaviour change outcomes
for users. The Board were pleased to learn of the
improvements being made and the way this was being done, seeing the benefits of
how the new model was being applied and hoped this progress could be maintained
and enhanced where practicable. Decision That the improving performance on the NHS
Health Check programme be noted and welcomed. Reason for
Decision Close monitoring of performance will ensure
that this programme delivers an important element of cardiovascular disease
prevention, in line with national recommendations. |
To consider a report by the Chief Financial Officer and the
Director of Public Health.
Minutes: The Director of Public Health opened the discussion
on the finance paper by sharing a presentation on how the Public Health Grant
operated and the main programmes it was spent on, as previously requested by
Board members. The presentation also highlighted the change
in budgets over time, the main savings that had been achieved and the forecast
position for 2019/20. Members were informed that the revenue budget for Public
Health Dorset in 2019/20 opened at £27.705M, based on an indicative Grant
Allocation of £32.525M, after allowing for movement in and out of reserves,
giving a shared service budget of £27.716M in total. Forecast outturn for 2019/20, showed a £351k
underspend. The report also provided detailed information on the amount of the
ring-fenced grant retained for use by each Council that did not pass through
the partnership agreement. The Spending Round 2019 had announced a real terms
increase for public health in 2020/21, but no further details were available
since Purdah was announced. Members were particularly keen to understand
how the ring fenced part of the budget was allocated between Dorset Council and
BCP Council and the reasoning for why this was the case. Officers explained
this was essentially a historic arrangement which had reflected the particular
needs of the Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth Councils at that time - when public
health had become the responsibility of local authorities in 2013. However,
those arrangements were gradually now being rationalised and the allocation of
funding realigned to reflect current needs and interventions. Officers
explained that the amount of grant spend was not measured in both Councils.
However, services were monitored to see how successful the take up of services
was, which should closely match population need. Resolved That Board members noted and endorsed the: • shared service
19/20 forecast outturn • use of retained
elements in each local authority • update on 2020/21
grant allocation • Proposed use of
reserves and or underspend in line with prevention at scale and other
priorities. Reason for Decisions Close monitoring of the budget position is
an essential requirement to ensure that money and resources are used
efficiently and effectively. |
Clinical Services Performance PDF 153 KB To consider a report by the Director of
Public Health on performance in respect of:- · Substance Misuse · Sexual Health ·
Community Health Improvement Services (CHIS) Additional documents:
Minutes: The Board were provided with a meaningful
summary of performance for drugs and alcohol and sexual health services, with supporting
data contained in the appendices. Discussion focused on what the information
meant in terms of impact on service delivery, and how outcomes were being successfully
delivered, what it entailed; and how this was being applied in practice. In
particular the Board were
interested to learn more about the performance o drug
treatment services and the explanations for some of the observed variation. Officers
reported that one of the recent successes – getting more people into treatment
in Bournemouth – had now led to pressure within the Service. A plan was being
developed to cope with the additional activity. Members also
recognised the improvements made in interventions like access to Naloxone – a potential
lifesaving intervention used in reversing the effects of opiates. Board members were
also interested to note the different position in relation to the proportion of the population in
need accessing alcohol treatment which was lower than for drug treatment – this
was in line with the national picture. During discussions, officers highlighted
that through the NHS Long Term Plan changes, there was a move to join up
alcohol treatment across the system more effectively. New money was expected to
come to some hospital trusts for alcohol care terms and the Board was
interested to hear how this would work alongside existing services. The director of Public Health agreed to bring
a paper to the May 2020 Board on progress with alcohol work at a system level,
including any findings from the JSNA process that was underway. Resolved That the information on performance in
relation to drugs and alcohol, and sexual health and its effectiveness and
success be noted and endorsed. Reason for
Decision Close monitoring of performance will ensure
that clinical treatment services deliver what is expected of them and that our
budget is used to best effect. |
Business Plan Monitoring PDF 127 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board were provided with a quarterly
summary of progress in delivering the agreed outputs from the Public Health Dorset
business plan for 2019/20. The approach to monitoring delivery was illustrated
by RAG rating progress against project milestones, together with an associated
narrative. Members acknowledged the progress being made by Public Health Dorset
was making in delivering against its Business Plan during this financial year. The monitoring report showed that midway
through the financial Year, most projects were largely on track
for delivery during the year. However, two service areas were experiencing
ongoing challenges with delivery :- ·
Health Checks programme, ·
delivery of effective substance misuse prescribing services to clients in the
BCP Council area. This is due in part to resourcing issues for the provider, compounded
by the success of BCP Council in engaging many more people in treatment
compared with two years ago. This was putting additional strain on the service,
particularly in relation to the need to ensure regular and ongoing review while
in treatment. A mitigation plan was being developed with
the provider to ensure adequate capacity within the service, but this might
well require additional resources above the contract value in order to provide
a safe, effective and sustainable service. Arrangements for this were being
formulated and would be formally negotiated as part of a contract variation
when finalised. The Director of Public Health also explained
to the Board that there was a statutory requirement to provide assurance over
the delivery and effectiveness of public health services commissioned by NHS
England - including major cancer screening programmes and immunisation
programmes. He asked the Board to support a recommendation that assurance of
the delivery of these services would be included in future business plans for monitoring
by the Board. The Board considered this to be a practical
and effective way of managing how those assurance capabilities were being
monitored and were pleased to see the progress being made in successfully delivering
against its Business Plan. Resolved 1)That the information and overall progress
on major projects and deliverables for 2019/20 be noted and endorsed. 2)That the deteriorating position in the
substance misuse prescribing service provided by AWP affecting the BCP Council
area be noted and that, in order to go some way to alleviating this, the Board
support the following recommendations: i) delegated
authority being given to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the
Chairman and Vice-Chairman to agree a mitigation plan, and additional resource
for the service via a contract extension; ii) the inclusion
in future business plan monitoring reports of a summary of the main public health services commissioned from
NHS England under Section 7A of the
Health and Social Care Act (mainly screening and immunisation programmes). Reason for
Decisions Close monitoring of the delivery of projects
in the business plan is important to enable both Councils and the Integrated Care System achieve Prevention at Scale ambitions in the local health and care system. It also assures the Board that spend through ... view the full minutes text for item 25. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration at the meeting.