Venue: Town Hall, Bournemouth
Contact: David Northover 224175 Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes: Resolved That Councillor Lesley Dedman be elected Chairman for the meeting. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: No apologies for absence were received at the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 29 November 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2019 were confirmed and signed, subject to an alternation to the title of Sam Crowe, from “Dr” to Mr”. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
To receive and consider the Board’s Forward Plan. Minutes: The Board’s Forward Plan was noted and, what was due to be considered over the coming months, accepted. |
Future of Public Health Dorset - Update PDF 55 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board considered a summary on progress
with renewing the 2013 partnership agreement for Public Health
Dorset, how this would be applied and what this entailed. Given the current uncertainty over the future
financing of public health and lack of information available in the 2019 Local
Government Settlement, it had been agreed that there was a need to give some
more thought over providing for an extended period to review and invigorate the
agreement to ensure it remained fit for purpose and that how it was applied met
what outcomes were necessary, for approval by the Board at their May 2020
meeting. A key consideration would be whether the
Government planned to continue exploring alternative funding mechanisms to the
public health Grant, including removal of the ring-fence and funding via
retained business rates. The partnership agreement between Dorset and
BCP Councils covered the terms under which each Council payed a
contribution from its Public Health Grant into the partnership. The combined
total paid under this agreement in 2019/20 was £27.7m. The meeting agreed in principle - and
understood the need for – beginning to work towards reviewing and
reinvigorating the legal agreement between the Councils governing the shared
service, so that it was best placed to meet the necessary objectives and
outcomes of Public Health Dorset and could be a basis for accessing and
optimising what opportunities there were for health and wellbeing benefits. Resolved That the update on progress towards renewing
the partnership agreement for the Shared Service be noted, and how this
was proposed to be done,
endorsed. Reason for Decision To keep the Board updated on progress with
renewing the partnership agreement for the Public Health Shared Service. |
To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: With the aid of a visual presentation, Members
were provided
with an update on the use of each Council’s grant for public health, including the budget for
the shared service, Public Health Dorset,
and the other elements of grant used within each Council outside of the public health shared service. The
report described how the funding was being applied and to what services and in
what proportion. The revenue budget for Public Health Dorset
in 2019/20 opened at £27.705M, based on an indicative Grant
Allocation of £32.525M. There had been movement in from reserves and
realignment of the retained elements, giving a shared service budget of
£27.716M. Forecast outturn for 2019/20 showed a £321k underspend.
Dorset Council retained £617k of their 19/20 ring-fenced grant, with forecast
outturn £617k. BCP retained £4.355M of their 19/20 ring-fenced grant. The Spending Round 2019 had announced a
real-terms increase to the overall public health grant in 2020/21. Whilst no
further detail had yet been shared as to what this meant for local authority
allocations, it was hoped this would be published imminently. Until then, each
Council and the Shared Service were working on the basis of the
same grants and retained elements being available as 2019/20, leading to a £56k
reduction in the Shared Service budget. As members, at their last meeting, had also
agreed to look at how the uncommitted shared service public health reserves was
used, it was now being proposed that, after taking anticipated underspend into
account, £870k from reserves should be split pro-rata to
population, with £426k being returned to Dorset Council and £444k returned to
BCP. This would remain ring-fenced in line with the grant conditions and how it
was used would be reported at the next Board meeting in May. It was confirmed that the quality of
services being provided was being monitored effectively to ensure standards
were maintained and enhanced where practicable. The Board were assured that any
concern expressed at how funding for children’s needs were being met could be
allayed by the processes in place to ensure safeguarding was prioritized in
that regard. Moreover, how the drugs and alcohol service
commissioned by BCP - which sat outside the ringfenced funding - was performing,
should be made available to the Board, as applicable. The Director confirmed
that the new Business model now provided for a more transparent mechanism for attainting
the information with how funding was categorised and applied now being readily available.
Furthermore, any revised Partnership agreement would further address this
issue. The Board recognised that the available
funding was being used as efficiently as it could be and was being prioritised
so as to optimise the benefits to Public Health Dorset in achieving its
objectives. Resolved 1) That the shared service 19/20 forecast outturn;
the use of 19/20 retained public health grant in Dorset Council and BCP council respectively and the draft
2020/21 budget and update on grant allocation be noted and duly acknowledged. 2) That the return of £426k to Dorset Council ... view the full minutes text for item 33. |
Prevention at Scale (PAS) Strategy PDF 131 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board acknowledged that prevention was
integral to Public Health Dorset’s Integrated Care System Plans and all that it was
trying to achieve, as well as being critical in both local authority’s corporate strategy in how these were applied and how their priorities would be
delivered. Members were provided with a Public Health
Dorset perspective on progress in transforming the Dorset System approach to
prevention over the previous 5 years, which set out a high level strategy
for the Service and how it could support what was to be done going forward.
Our Dorset - the Dorset Sustainability and Transformation Plan – had been published
in 2015 and included Prevention at Scale as a key programme to help reduce
demand within the system as well as improving population health and wellbeing:
by encouraging healthier lifestyle options before there was a need for more
evasive NHS interventions. Although there was ongoing prevention work across
the system, this was not able to always be readily coordinated or any degree of
consistency, with there being a need for all that was necessary to be readily
available and accessible. The two Authority’s respective Health and
Wellbeing Boards had given consideration to what was necessary to have a more
co-ordinated, sustainable and effective prevention approach across the system,
resulting in a portfolio of work, organised into four programmes: ·
Well, ·
Well, ·
Well and ·
Places. The contribution Public Health Dorset made
to this was in being responsible for delivery of key preventative projects,
integral to the Business Plan, with them providing a supportive or facilitative
role in assisting with the delivery of those services by other partners within
the system. Whilst good progress had been made, there had been challenges due
to interdependencies with other portfolios of work, shifting timelines and
priorities across the system and the inevitably finite resource within the
system to deliver change. How this was being applied since the inception of the
two new authorities was acknowledged with there being a critical need to embed
prevention within the two new councils’ ways
of working and all that it did. So as to have a strategy that was able to meet
the need of the two Unitary Authorities, a rationalisation of the ICS Plan was
necessary so that it remained purposeful. As both Councils were now firmly
established, with corporate strategies developed and the ICS plan updated, it
was seen to be opportune to take stock and refresh the approach taken to
prevention, with Public Health Dorset identifying three main areas of focus
going forward: • Local authority
transformation • Improvements and transformation
within the Public Health Dorset and LiveWell Dorset services • Support to the
Integrated Care System and prevention embedded within the NHS. Members considered the appendix to the report to be very helpful in their better understanding of what Prevention at Scale entailed in seeing how this was being delivered, the way it was being delivered and why it was being done. With the aim ... view the full minutes text for item 34. |
Health Improvement Performance Update PDF 605 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health Additional documents: Minutes: Members were provided with a high-level
summary of performance for LiveWell Dorset; smoking cessation;
weight management services; health checks and Children and Young People’s Public
Health Service (CYPPHS) performance, with supporting data contained in the appendices
to the report. The Service was to deliver additionally on
four key local health and wellbeing priorities: • reducing
smoking, particularly in pregnancy and postnatally • increasing
family physical activity • improving
family wellbeing and mental health • ensuring
children arrive at school ready to learn and achieve. Officers explained that Public Health Dorset
and Dorset HealthCare senior leaders were working with partners on a number of
phased implementation plans to enable changes to key
elements of the new service model and operational delivery namely: workforce,
intelligence, communications and digital. The Board was updated on the performance of each
service since the new procurement model had been implemented. It was considered
that this was seen to be successful in what was being delivered, how this was
being done and the benefits being gained. Integral to improvements being made in
public health and wellbeing was the LiveWell
Dorset initiative, being a pan-Dorset integrated health improvement
service, delivering consistent, high quality behaviour change support for
people wanting to quit smoking, lose weight, be more active and drink less
alcohol, having supported almost 30,000 people since April 2015. It was seen to
be a successful initiative and was pleasing to see that activity had increased
by 43 % in 2019/20 compared with the previous year, and was on track to meet the ambitious target of 10,000 people supported over the
year, compared with 6,600 in 2018/19, this being driven by more digital users
and by supporting organisations. The development of the next LiveWell Dorset Service Plan, for 2020/21, was being
undertaken with already agreed development priorities being enhanced smoking
cessation – with offers for hard-to-reach groups, including vaping - and
further development of the digital LiveWell Dorset
offer to increase the scale and reach of support. Weight management - local weight loss services were delivered
by two national providers, Slimming World and Weight Watchers, with access
managed by LiveWell Dorset to ensure individuals were
in receipt of behaviour change support before taking up the service. Access to
services was good, with there being a 75 % increase in people accessing weight
loss support in 2019, compared with the previous year. Services remained
effective at reaching people living in deprived communities. The Board were
pleased to see that the impact of services had increased in 2019 following the
introduction of a new payment by results contract, with an increase in the
percentage of people achieving and sustaining 5% weight loss at 3 months. Smoking cessation – success was evident from the prevalence for
smoking to continue to decline locally in line with national trends, driven by
more people successfully stopping, fewer young people taking up smoking and the
increasing popularity of vaping products which played a significant part as a
popular and moderate alternative. Health Checks - current ... view the full minutes text for item 35. |
Business Plan Monitoring PDF 119 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board was provided with a quarterly
summary of progress in delivering the agreed outputs from the Public Health
Dorset Business Plan for 2019/20, showing that the public health team was
making good progress in delivering this. The process of refreshing the Plan for
2020/21 was now beginning and would be a relatively light touch review of current
work, with the major areas of change to be in the Prevention at Scale work, the
reasoning for this being explained earlier in the meeting. The approach to
monitoring delivery was illustrated by RAG rating progress against project milestones, together with an
associated commentary on what was being done, how it was being done and why it
was being done. The Director for Public
Health took the opportunity to confirm what Public Health Dorset was doing in response
to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak. He assured the Board that arrangements
were in place in preparedness for any cases being confirmed in Dorset, with any
need for action to be initiated by Public Health England. As it stood, he
confirmed that Dorset remained on alert and watchful of developments. The Board were pleased to see that the
monitoring report showed that Public Health Dorset was making good progress in
delivering against its Business Plan in this financial year and hoped this
could be maintained, and improved, where practicable. Resolved That the progress being made be noted and
that the proposal for a light touch review of the current Business Plan for
2020/21 be endorsed. Reason for Decision To ensure that what was being done and the way this was happening
continued to meet the objectives and outcomes set by Public Health Dorset. |
Dates of Future meetings To consider, and agree, dates for future meetings of the Board. Minutes: Confirmation of the dates of future meetings in May, July, November 2020 and February 2021 were to be determined in conjunction with the Board’s availability. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration at the meeting. |