Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Poole
Contact: David Northover 224175 Email:
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman To elect a Chairman for the remainder of the 2021/22 year. As the Joint Board is established under the Partnership
Agreement between Dorset Council and BCP, the Terms of Reference or Dorset
Council’s Constitution are unable to be unilaterally changed. On that basis, a written agreement between the two
constituent Councils to vary the Partnership Agreement and Board Terms of
Reference is required and, with agreement of the Board at the meeting, arrangements
can be then made to effect this change, to be ratified when changes are made to
the Constitution at the next Dorset Council meeting . Minutes: Resolved That Cllr Mohan Iyengar be elected Chairman for the meeting. The Board agreed that the Chairmanship should in future be maintained for a full year – and not rotated each meeting between Authorities as had previously been the case - on the basis of the election of the Chairman at the first meeting following appointments made at respective Council’s May meetings. |
Appointment of Vice-Chairman To appoint a Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the year 2021/22. Minutes: Resolved That Cllr Graham Carr-Jones be appointed Vice-Chairman for the meeting. |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr Peter Wharf. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 18 November 2021 were confirmed. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Public Participation PDF 110 KB To receive questions or statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and members of the public. Attached is the public speaking protocol. Although seen to
be tailored for Planning Committees, the principles for speaking are the
same. Minutes: There were no statements or questions from Town and Parish Councils nor public statements or questions at the meeting. |
To receive the Board’s latest Forward Plan. Minutes: The Board’s Forward Plan was received and noted. Whilst it was noted that monitoring of Public Health Dorset commitments and obligations was necessary, it would be beneficial if the Business Plan was seen to be a ‘live’ document which could be modified, as necessary, to reflect changing objectives as they occurred. |
To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Minutes: The Board considered
the Finance Report on the use of each council’s grant for public health, including the budget for
the shared service Public Health Dorset, and the other elements of grant used
within each council outside of the public health shared service. The opening revenue budget for Public Health
Dorset in 21/22 was £25.036M. This is based on a combined Grant Allocation of
£34.267M. Current forecast outturn is £453K underspend, with more detail set
out in section 10 below and appendix 1. It was proposed the underspend be used
to address two specific areas -Safeguarding
Children and Young People and Place-based prevention initiatives What proportion each local authority retained
of the grant to deliver other services with public health impact was explained.
allocations for public health in 22/23 and the combined Grant Allocation of
£35.229M showed an increase of £962k, or 2.81%. A key principle is that as a
minimum both local authorities would continue with their current contributions.
Options for use of the combined £962k uplift are set out in section 12 and proposed
for early Intervention 0-19 and Live Well Dorset. The Board were informed about the 2021/22 shared service budget and what could be looked forward to in2022/23 How future Covid 19 work , wider health protection work and Integrated Care Services development were to be addressed was explained as well as the reasoning why allocations were made as they were. The board were assured that all funding would be spent on public health initiatives and that provision had been made for this to be prioritised on what could be done to the best effect. The emphasis was still first and foremost on prevention. How health checks were being addressed was explained as these had been largely paused, during the Covid -19 pandemic. It was intended that these would be re invigorated going forward. The Director explained the difference between the options :
Option 1 - 40% share of uplift to the
shared service with 60% retained by councils, and Option 2 - 60% share of uplift to the shared service with 40%
retained by councils. Members considered that Option
2 would provide for the necessary funding to achieve what was intended to be
delivered. Resolved 1) That the current forecast position of the
shared service be noted. 2) That use of the underspend as set out in
section 10.4 of the report, be approved. 3) That the current position for the
retained portions of the grant and the audit report for Dorset Council be
noted. 4) That the publication of 2022/23 grant
allocations for the councils on 7 February be noted. 5) That options for the 2022/23 uplift and
implications for shared service budget in 2022/23, as set out in section 12, be
noted and endorsed. 6) That final contributions for financial
annexe for 2022/23 be approved - based on Option 2 being accepted. Reason for Recommendation: The public health grant is ring-fenced, and all spend against it must comply ... view the full minutes text for item 123. |
Clinical Services Performance PDF 166 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board considered a report which provided a high-level summary of performance for drugs and alcohol and sexual health services, with supporting data in appendices. The importance of
monitoring of the clinical treatment services performance was readily
acknowledged so that the delivery of the services might still be able to achieve
all that it might, given what concentrated efforts the pandemic was otherwise demanding
from PHD. Members considered that housing was a consideration which
needed to be taken into account in this performance monitoring.
It was hoped that a proportion of the grant would benefit this to be
able to deliver some difference on targets. The Board considered that, in their close monitoring of
performance, clinical treatment services delivery was still being maintained as
well as it might, with the budget being used to best effect to benefit those in
need of the services. Resolved The information in the report and the performance and changes
in relation to drugs and alcohol, and sexual health be noted and acknowledged. Reason for Decision Close monitoring of performance will ensure that clinical
treatment services deliver what is expected of them and that our budget is used
to best effect. |
Health Checks Update PDF 198 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board were provided with an update of
the current position and thinking for the NHS Health Checks Programme and a high-level
summary of the current position for the NHS Health Check programme. A series of proposals were being made to
achieve what was necessary, these being:- • Agree for physical, face to face provision
of Health Checks in their current form to remain paused until the end of March
2023. This allows sufficient time to carry out the engagement, design and
procurement for a new service, in line with national timelines for the
prevention service and ICS start-up; • Agree to support a continued pausing of the
programme until March 2023. This will allow sufficient time for the necessary
engagement to develop options for alternative delivery models in line with
future national expectations. • Agree to start the development work for a
new local digital health check, thinking about how best to incorporate the LiveWell Dorset behaviour change service with any future
population-based cardiovascular disease check. • Ask the Health Inequalities Group and ICS
Engagement team to support work to identify local barriers to delivery and take
up of the check over the past few years – to inform the future model. The BCP
Council Vibrant Communities Board, Local Healthwatch, and
Dorset Council Stronger Neighbourhoods teams should also be consulted as part
of this work. The Board accepted, reluctantly, the case
for face to face checks being paused and understood the reasoning why this had
to be the case and considered that engagement and accessibility were essential
to health checks being successfully deliver and the participation of
organisations to deliver this to complement those traditional ones, i.e. GP’s, Pharmacies, walk in clinics was
critical to achieving this. Parish Councils could play some part as could other
civic amenities and facilities, including shops that would be more convenient.
There was a need for progressive and flexible thinking in how this could be
delivered effectively. Engagement through primary care network by invitation
and assessment was a means of achieving this. Members understood the inequalities across
Dorset of health checks and what challenges were being faced
. They hoped there might be some quick wins to achieve what was able to
be and asked for an update on the work programme at their next meeting of what
initiatives might be able to be progressed. The Board was pleased to see what
progress – albeit limited - was being made and the continued success being seen
with the Services delivered and what health improvements were being made.
Members were pleased to see the new initiatives proposed to be implemented and
what benefits these could bring. The advent of advancements in the availability
of digital services should be used to complement face to face contact, as
necessary and where practicable. Officers affirmed that Public Health
Dorset would remain committed to maintaining and developing these improvements
going forward. Resolved That the following proposals for the NHS
Health Check programme be acknowledged and endorsed: 1) Pause ... view the full minutes text for item 125. |
Prevention at Scale (PAS) Stocktake PDF 130 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes: Members were informed that Prevention at Scale (PAS) was one of the key portfolios set out in Our Dorset Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP). It set out an ambitious programme of transformation work aimed at building prevention approaches into everyday contacts in our local health and care system. Prevention at Scale aimed at building
prevention approaches into everyday contacts in our local health and care
system. Work included transformation projects and influencing work under four
programmes of Starting Well, Living Well, Ageing Well and Heathy Places. Prevention at Scale was designed to build the capacity of all health and care partners to support their staff and how they engage more people to improve their health and wellbeing and reduce their risks of longer-term conditions and need for health or social care. The Board was pleased to see what
progress was being made and the continued success being seen with the Services
delivered and what health improvements were being made. Members were pleased to
see the new initiatives proposed to be implemented and what benefits these
could bring. Officers affirmed that Public Health
Dorset would remain committed to maintaining and developing these improvements
going forward. Resolved The Joint Public Health Board endorsed the
recommendations being made and: • noted progress on our Prevention at Scale
portfolio • agreed a continued focus on prevention; and • considered a refreshed approach in how the
shared service take this forward to feed into the Public Health Dorset 2022/23
business plan. Reason for Decisions Prevention at Scale was one of three key
portfolios in Our Dorset Sustainability and Transformation Plan. It is now
timely to review progress. There is also a recognition that a different
approach may be needed as the ICS develops that fits with the national vision
and operating model for ICSs. |
Business Plan Update PDF 125 KB To consider a report by the Director of Public Health. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Board considered an update
on the Business Plan which provided for:- ·
COVID-19 outbreak
management and response; ·
Wider System
working (prevention and inequalities – with Integrated Care System); ·
Public health
programmes – our services and delivery; ·
Our organisation
including supporting functions. The Plan showed what was being
done, how it was being done and what was being achieved by Public Health Dorset
in meeting its obligations and commitments to public health. Given the ongoing commitment to
addressing COVID-19 and especially the recent omicron issues, a significant
impact had been seen on the ability of Public Health Dorset to maintain its
routine public health work. In addition, the prevention and inequalities work
had been delayed because of the national timescales for the ICS launch being
put back to July 2022. Given this, agreement was being
sought for an extension to developing a detailed monitoring plan, recognising
that there had not been the capacity to undertake the necessary work. The development of new programmes for 22-23 would form
a substantial part of the plan, subject to agreement following confirmation of
the budget, prioritisation and allocation of team capacity. Risks and challenges to developing the plan
- not least that the majority of the public health team still being deployed in
responding to the pandemic – had made it challenging to return to business as
usual activities. Given this, agreement was being sought for a pause in the
process – under the circumstances - so as to be able to manage the plan in a
meaningful, flexible and considered way to ensure its objectives could still be
met. The Board recognised the challenges being
faced and acknowledged the need for the pause to allow the means of catching up
on all that was necessary. They hoped that whatever progress could be made
would be made though so that the pause might be able to be restarted as soon as
practical. Resolved That the Board endorse the following
recommendations: 1) Support giving further time to developing
a detailed monitoring plan for the high level business plan agreed with the
board in May 2021, recognising that there is still considerable uncertainty
about current responsibilities in relation to COVID-19 local outbreak response,
and the delay to the Integrated Care System. 2) Continue to endorse the organisation of
our work into the four categories of: a) COVID-19 outbreak management and
response; b) Wider System working (prevention and
inequalities –
with Integrated Care System); c) Public health programmes; d) Our organisation. 3) Support the high level emerging
priorities for 22-23 that are starting to emerge as we start to recover from
the pandemic and prepare for the ICS going live in July 2022. Reason for Decision Since the last Board in November 2021 the public health team has been going through it’s busiest time in response to the Omicron wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The volume of incidents and outbreaks that have required input from the team has been higher than at any time previously. This is due ... view the full minutes text for item 127. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items for consideration. |
Dates for Future Meetings To note the dates for future meetings of the Board:- · Monday 30 May · Thursday 21 July – to be rearranged · Thursday 1 December · Thursday 16 February 2023 Minutes: The dates for future meetings of the Board were noted:- ·
Monday 30 May ·
Thursday 21 July – to be rearranged ·
Thursday 1 December ·
Thursday 16 February 2023 |