
Eastern Area Planning Committee - Wednesday, 31st July, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: The Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1AS

Contact: Megan Rochester  Email:


No. Item



To receive any apologies for absence



Declarations of Interest

To disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of Conduct.  In making their decision councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they propose to take as part of their declaration.


If required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 24th April 2024.


Registration for public speaking and statements

Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee.  Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee


The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Monday 29th July 2024.


Planning Applications

To consider the applications listed below for planning permission


P/RES/2024/01209 - 97 and 99 High Street, Sturminster Marshall, BH21 4AT pdf icon PDF 270 KB

Reserved matters application seeking consent for Appearance, Scale and Landscaping in respect to approved outline application P/OUT/2021/04873 (Access and Layout to demolish a pair of semi-detached bungalows and replace with 5 x 3 bedroom dwellinghouses).

Additional documents:


P/FUL/2024/00495 - 1 Cherry Tree Close, St Leonards and St Ives, BH24 2QN pdf icon PDF 325 KB

Alterations to existing dwelling, including removal of swimming pool & demolition of garage. Erection of 1 no. new dwelling.

Additional documents:


P/FUL/2023/03855 - Kemps Country House, Wareham Road, East Stoke pdf icon PDF 319 KB

Sever land and erect a dwelling with associated parking and access.

Additional documents:


P/FUL/2024/00337 - Mushroom Field, Furzebrook Road, Stoborough pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Create vehicular access.

Additional documents:


P/VOC/2024/00411 - 33 Corfe View Road, Corfe Mullen, BH21 3LY pdf icon PDF 296 KB

Application to Vary Condition 2 of Approved P/A P/HOU/2022/04740 (Bungalow Conversion - extensions to form 2 storey dwelling) to amend plans.

Additional documents:


P/HOU/2024/01422 - Alexander House, 33 Stoborough Meadow, Wareham, BH20 5HP pdf icon PDF 520 KB

Grey cladding above the dado line, replacement of UPVC soffits and facias on porch with same cladding, new aluminium white double glazed windows.

Additional documents:


P/FUL/2024/01190 - St Ives County First School, Sandy Lane, St Leonards And St Ives, Dorset, BH24 2LE. pdf icon PDF 430 KB

Proposed annexe to create additional classrooms.

Additional documents:


Urgent items

To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.


Exempt Business

To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is considered.  


There are no exempt items scheduled for this meeting.