To consider a report by the Programme Director.
The Committee considered a report by the Programme Director on the
outline Implementation ‘Shaping Dorset Council Plan’ for Dorset Council as
required by the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole (Structural Changes) Order 2018
which came into force on 26 May 2018. The Plan was considered and agreed by the
first meeting of the Shadow Dorset Council on 7 June 2018 and the Committee was
asked to consider the reporting intervals and mechanism to ensure appropriate
monitoring, accountability and transparency.
The Programme Director introduced the Implementation Plan and explained
that it was under continual review given the ongoing workshops being held to
continue to develop the Plan. It was anticipated that the final version would
comprise of smaller plans which would collectively form the full Implementation
Plan. The Plan would be considered by
the Committee at its meeting on 21 August 2018, but reporting intervals would
mean that the progress would be routinely reported to all meetings of the
Committee. Detail would also be shared
with members outside of formal meetings.
The following updates were also shared at the meeting:
Appointment of interim statutory officers had been
Phase 2 workstream sponsor
for finance had been passed to the Interim Section 151 Officer
The Workstream on
Customer and Services would now be sponsored by Matt Prosser as the Interim
Head of Paid Service
The Boundary Commission had now been engaged in respect
of the Boundary Review (formerly led by MHCLG)
Members commented on feedback received at the first Shadow Dorset
Council meeting in relation to the need to ensure consistent communications and
engagement with members, town and parish councils and the public. The need to ensure high quality and
consistent communications was a high priority and it was confirmed that
resource had been increased in this area and additional officers were joining
the Programme team. There was also a
need to ensure that the information being shared included topics that residents
would want to know about so that members could pass it on. Cllr Graham Carr-Jones,
as the lead member of the Wider Member Engagement Task and Finish Group
indicated that there was also a responsibility upon members to engage with the
process as there had been limited feedback from members to regular
A question was asked in relation to a contract and supplier as part of
Phase 3 of the programme which was clarified that it related to the use of a
facilitator and development of the vision for Dorset Council and the operating
model. It also included the arrangements
to work through the visioning and operating model which may not be the same
organisation and was still to be determined.
Arrangements would be circulated to the Committee in the next 3-4 weeks.
The disaggregation work, although appearing in the Plan to be coming to
an end, required integration into the other workstreams
and embed into phases 2, 3 and 4 of the Programme. There was also a suggestion that it would be
good to look at providing the Implementation Plan in a simple way that would
enable information to easily be lifted and dropped into updates for partners,
towns and parish councils, and the public as a narrative about services. This could also be usefully used by local
members when engaging with their communities.
It was noted that the first meeting of the Shadow Overview and Scrutiny
Committee was scheduled for 20 June 2018 and that it would determine its own work
programme which would identify key areas to ensure delivery of Dorset
Council. Members discussed
representation at the scrutiny meetings by members of the Shadow Executive
Committee, to which the Leader confirmed that she would attend the first
meeting to provide any clarification and overview as needed. It was suggested that monitoring of the
agenda for the Shadow Overview and Scrutiny Committee would need to take place
to ensure the right people would attend meetings. It was also clarified that the latest
guidance from the Centre for Public Scrutiny suggested that executive members
should not routinely attend scrutiny meetings due to the influence they may
have. It was also possible for Shadow
Overview and Scrutiny Committee members to attend and observe the Shadow
Executive Committee. The Leader
indicated that she would speak with the Chairman of the Shadow Overview and
Scrutiny Committee to see how it would wish to operate.
1. That the Shadow Dorset Council’s decisions on 7 June 2018 to:
a) Adopt this plan and note that further iterations and updates on
progress against this plan will be brought forward and overseen through the
Shadow Executive Committee arrangements.; and,
b) Approve the proposed Implementation Team.
be supported.
2. That the Plan’s routine reporting at all meetings of the Shadow
Executive Committee be approved.
Supporting documents: