To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4)b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes.
The following item of
business were considered by the Chairman as urgent pursuant to section 100B (4)
b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The item was considered to
be urgent in the interest of the public.
Item: Rapid Response Vehicle - Purbeck/Swanage Car
The Chairman outlined what the committee could and could not
do in relation to this agenda item. Her statement is attached as an annexure to
these minutes.
The Programme Director for Urgent and Emergency Care and the
County Commander, South West Ambulance Trust gave a presentation which is
attached as an annexure to these minutes.
The Chairman read a statement that had been received from
Cllr Debby Monkhouse from Swanage Town Council, which is also attached to these
minutes for ease of reference.
Cllr William Trite, ward member for Swanage, outlined the
level of concern within the community of Swanage. Swanage had the largest
population in the district and the time to A&E was one of the longest in
the county. The severe road congestion was highlighted especially in the summer
months. Swanage had the highest
population of elderly and retired people in the county. Asked for confirmation
that the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) would come back to committee before
any decision was made.
The Chairman advised that she had agreed to put this item on
late as she was taking a pragmatic approach.
It was still very early on in the consultation and wanted to get as much
information out to elected members and members of the public as soon as
Cllr Gary Suttle, ward member for Swanage, highlighted that
the retention of Rapid Response Vehicle (RRV) to Swanage was hugely important.
There was a campaign ongoing in Swanage. He was unsure what engagement would be
carried out for the community. The ‘listening event’ referred to was not open
to members of the public. Reference was made to the commitment made by the
previous Dorset County Council (DCC) and noted that Dorset Council had taken on
all the roles and commitments from the county council. He asked members of the
committee to ensure there was a wider public meeting in order to let members of
the public give their points of view.
The Chairman reminded the councillor that this committee was
not the appropriate committee to look at this before any decisions were made.
The Programme Director advised that engagement plans were
still being finalised as this was really early stages. It was confirmed there were no proposals and
no options worked up as yet. The
Chairman asked that the Plan be shared with the Council to ensure members were
Cllr Cherry Brooks, ward member for South East Purbeck. Understood the concerns from residents. Asked if the call centre assesses whether to
follow up with an ambulance or was that something for the paramedic. The County
Commander advised that calls were prioritised in the call centre, there were
categories that would trigger certain vehicles but decisions were also taken by
paramedics. Cllr Brooks made reference to a number of ambulances promised in
the past which was different to the number actually received.
The Programme Director undertook to capture members’
thoughts and comments for the next part of the process.
Cllr Laura Miller (Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care
and Health), ward member for West Purbeck,
found it reassuring there had been a clear statement from the CCG that
there was no proposal to remove the car and no decisions as yet taken. She
wanted to ensure services were available to all residents of Dorset and to
ensure no one was put at risk. She would be overseeing the Dorset Council
response to ensure services were equitable and safe.
Cllr Ray Bryan (Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel & Parking,
Environment & Wellbeing) highlighted the highway and travel
issues in the local area. He would like the opportunity to speak on this at
future meetings before any final decisions were made.
Cllr David Tooke, ward member for Cranborne and Alderholt,
asked a question about times taken by RRVs and Double Crewed Ambulances (DCAs)
to attend incidents, and how important was a defibrillator in terms of saving
lives and the time taken for this to be in the right place. The programme Director advised that these
questions were more for the next stage of the work. However, it was important
to know the worries and concerns of members.
Committee members
Cllr Robin Legg was particularly interested in understanding
the process of consulting with the public before it comes back to a committee.
Importance of qualitative and quantitive information for the public highlighted. The nature of consultation would play a part
in members feelings about any decision that might be made. The Programme Director advised this would
form part of the next steps and this would be shared with colleagues.
Cllr Nick Ireland had been a previous member of the DCC
Health Scrutiny Committee so was aware of the history. He highlighted that RRVs
were quicker than a DCAs. The Local
Member for Parliament, Richard Drax had written to Swanage Town Council in May
saying about a proposal that already been made.
The Programme Director accepted they needed to do more listening and
work and accepted that further scenarios could help with the next phases. She
reiterated that no proposals had been made, the work had been delayed by Covid
was now ongoing.
The Chairman made reference to the letter from Richard Drax
and asked officers from the CCG to look into this and provide further clarity.
Cllr Rennie made reference to misinformation which had the
potential to cause real issues.
The Chairman commented that it was evident how emotive this issue would be and reiterated there were no proposals on the table at this time. Dorset Council’s role would only be in responding to the consultation which would be within the remit of the People and Health Overview Committee but she would be interested in timescales for when it might come forward for scrutiny.
Supporting documents: