Issue - decisions

Revocation of Hazardous Substances Consent on the site of Weymouth Holder Station

14/01/2021 - Revocation of Hazardous Substances Consent on the site of Weymouth Holder Station

1.    That the Council makes a revocation order under s.14(2)(c) of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 to revoke the Hazardous Substances Consent (00/00243/HAZ) in place for the storage of natural gas on the site of Weymouth Holder Station, Newstead Road, Weymouth, Dorset; and


2.    That authority is given to submit the revocation order to the Secretary of State for confirmation, pursuant to s.15 of the Act.


This decision is taken under delegated powers, as set out in paragraph 151 of the Officer Scheme of Delegation, in the Council’s constitution.