How does it work?

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The agenda for the meeting is normally published five working days before the committee date and is available to view on the council’s website at Dorset Council Committees or via the app which is free to download.

You can also track progress of a planning application by visiting the council’s website at planning application search and comment

Alternatively you can email a member of the Democratic Services Team or contact the Democratic Services Officer whose details are listed on the front page of the agenda, they will be able to advise you on whether an application will be considered by a committee meeting.

Formal meetings are open to the press and the public and during the meeting you may come and go as you wish. Please keep disruption to a minimum to allow the business to be conducted smoothly. Members of the press and public will normally only be asked to leave the meeting if confidential / exempt items are to be considered by the committee.

Members of the committee and the public have access to individual representation letters received in respect of planning applications and rights of way matters in advance of the meeting. It is important to note that any comments received from the public cannot be treated as confidential.

How do I register to speak?