Issue details

To grant planning permission for application P/OUT/2021/05309, Land Adjacent Broadmead, Broadmayne, subject to conditions, and once an associated Section 106 agreement has been completed.

Application P/OUT/2021/05309 seeks approval for the following:


Development of up to 80 residential dwellings, together with open space, allotments and enhanced drainage features (outline application to determine access only).




Application P/OUT/2021/05309 was considered by the Western and Southern Area Planning Committee on 14 March 2024. The committee resolution was as follows:




Delegate authority to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to grant subject to the completion of S106 Agreements to secure the following:




36 affordable dwellings (45% of total dwellings) to be provided in accordance with an agreed Affordable Housing Scheme. 28 dwellings (35% of total dwellings) to provide a minimum of 70% social/affordable rent and a maximum of 30% intermediate affordable housing. 8 dwellings (10% of total dwellings) to intermediate affordable housing.


Provision of a Local Area for Play (LAPs) comprising a minimum of 100 sq. m and complying with Fields in Trust Guidance for Outdoor Sport and Play (2020), including management of the LAP, any allotments and any other publicly accessible open spaces in perpetuity.


Off-site highway improvement works as shown on Drawings 23054-04-6 Rev B and 23054-04-7 Rev B and comprising:


No entry for vehicles along Rectory Road northbound of the junction with Conway Drive – retaining access southbound from the A352 into Rectory Road;


Alteration to the arrangement and priority of the Broadmead Rectory Road junction, including improved pedestrian facilities;


Alterations to the Rectory Road/Chalky Road junction – providing an improved pedestrian environment and informal crossing point with tactile paving;


Associated pedestrian improvements – tactile paving provision at St Martins Close; providing the missing sections of footway along Chalky Road, from its junction with the A352 to that of Rectory Road; and


Access only signage to Bramble Drove, which is a private road.


Phased provision of a 8.9ha Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) including SANG management Plan.


Off-site nutrient neutrality mitigation at two sites comprising replacement and ongoing maintenance of septic tanks with more efficient package treatment plants in accordance with the submitted Nutrient Neutrality Assessment and Mitigation Strategy dated 15 February 2023 or alternatively a nutrient credit-based solution subject to a Habitats Regulations Assessment and satisfactory consultation with Natural England. Off-site upgrades or credit-based solution to be provided prior to the occupation of any new dwellings. If legislation comes into force which no longer requires the proposed mitigation to be secured, members delegate authority to the Head of Planning and the Service Manager for Development Management and Enforcement to amend and/or remove this planning obligation prior to completion of the S106 Agreement(s) in consultation with the Chair of the Western and Southern Planning Committee. In the event that the Section 106 Agreement(s) are completed prior to new legislation being enacted the Section 106 Agreement(s) shall include clauses to allow for revised and/or no mitigation should current requirements to achieve nutrient neutrality be amended.




And subject to planning conditions.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/06/2024

Decision due: 25 Jun 2024 by Officer Delegated Decision

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Planning and Emergency Planning

Lead director: Executive Director, Place

Contact: Officer Delegated Decision.
