Venue: South Walks House, Dorchester, Dorset DT1 1EE
Contact: Email:
No. | Item |
ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN To elect a Chairman of the Shadow Executive 2018/19 shadow period. The Chairman will be the Leader of the Shadow Council. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr Jill Haynes and seconded by Cllr Anthony Alford
that Cllr Rebecca Knox be elected as Chairman of the Shadow Executive
Committee. Upon being put to the vote Decision That Cllr Rebecca Knox be elected as Chairman of the Shadow Executive
Committee, and as ex officio Leader of the Shadow Dorset Council. |
ELECTION OF VICE-CHAIRMAN To elect a Vice-Chairman of the Shadow Executive for the 2018/19 shadow period. The Vice-Chairman will be the Deputy Leader of the Shadow Dorset Council. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr Andrew Parry and seconded by Cllr Peter Wharf
that Cllr Gary Suttle be elected as Vice-Chairman of
the Shadow Executive Committee. Upon being put to the vote Decision That Cllr Gary Suttle be elected as
Vice-Chairman of the Shadow Executive Committee, and as ex officio Deputy
Leader of the Shadow Dorset Council. |
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors are required to comply with requirements of the Localism Act 2011 regarding disclosable pecuniary interests. Minutes: There were no declarations by members of disclosable pecuniary interests
under the Shadow Dorset Council’s Code of Conduct. |
PUBLIC PARTICPATION To receive any public questions or statements on the business of the Shadow Dorset Council. Minutes: There were no public questions or statements received at the meeting in
accordance with Standing Order 28. |
SHADOW EXECUTIVE OPERATING PRINCIPLES PDF 135 KB To consider a report by the Interim Monitoring Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Interim Monitoring Officer on
the operating arrangements for the Shadow Executive Committee, its meetings,
task and finish groups, the duty upon existing councils to co-operate with the
Shadow Council/Executive, and the working relationship between the Committee
and the Programme Board. The Shadow Executive Committee arrangements were discussed to shape
meetings for the future and it was recognised that exploration of options would
take place over time to steer agendas and how meetings would work in the light
of Task and Finish Groups and the Forward Plan.
A preference was expressed for meetings to be held on consistent days
and times to be clearer for members and the public. A further request was received which asked
for meetings to be held more frequently than monthly and that all members of
the Committee should be surveyed for their preferences and to have broad
consensus on the arrangements. With regard to decision making, it was explained that the relationship
between the Shadow Executive Committee and each of the Dorset councils needed
to allow for decisions to be made in the right place under a duty to
cooperate. The Committee would be
responsible for decisions which took effect after 1 April 2019. Where decisions would normally be made by
individual councils but would have a significant impact beyond 1 April 2019
they would consult the Committee before a decision was reached by the
respective council. The arrangements
were supported by members as crucial in enabling decisions to be made
throughout the transition period to the new council, but there needed to be
flexibility about final decisions on issues that had been underway for some
time as it was not intended to stop any ongoing activity, and in some cases, it
would not be appropriate for decision making to move away from the sovereign
council so consultation would be key. It
was also noted that the spend thresholds for decisions from the different
councils would be monitored and the Forward Plan would be populated for the
entire shadow period. Task and Finish Groups were discussed and it was noted that there would
be a need to review them to ensure that the right groups were in place,
including those that were currently paused within the programme. The existing groups would continue subject to
the review in an ‘executive advisory’ capacity.
In terms of appointments, it was also noted that the arrangements would
be discussed outside of the meeting by the Leader of the Shadow Dorset Council,
Deputy Leader, Interim Head of Paid Service, and Interim Monitoring Officer. In respect of the alignment of policies and procedures, it was agreed
that delegation should be given to the Leader of the Shadow Dorset Council to
determine the arrangements, which linked with the review of the Task and Finish
Groups. It was noted that there could
also be a key role for portfolio holders as well. Decisions 1. Consider the arrangements made for the first meeting of the Shadow Executive Committee ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
SHADOW EXECUTIVE FORWARD PLAN PDF 223 KB To consider the Forward Plan and Key Milestones for the Shadow Executive. Minutes: Members considered the Forward Plan of the Shadow Executive Committee,
noting that all programme critical decisions had been mapped. However, the
forthcoming decisions for the Shadow Executive in respect of county and
district council matters were being collated and would be included in the
Forward Plan, together with regular Task and Finish Group reporting. Noted |
HIGH LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR DORSET COUNCIL PDF 1 MB To consider a report by the Programme Director. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Programme Director on the
outline Implementation ‘Shaping Dorset Council Plan’ for Dorset Council as
required by the Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole (Structural Changes) Order 2018
which came into force on 26 May 2018. The Plan was considered and agreed by the
first meeting of the Shadow Dorset Council on 7 June 2018 and the Committee was
asked to consider the reporting intervals and mechanism to ensure appropriate
monitoring, accountability and transparency.
The Programme Director introduced the Implementation Plan and explained
that it was under continual review given the ongoing workshops being held to
continue to develop the Plan. It was anticipated that the final version would
comprise of smaller plans which would collectively form the full Implementation
Plan. The Plan would be considered by
the Committee at its meeting on 21 August 2018, but reporting intervals would
mean that the progress would be routinely reported to all meetings of the
Committee. Detail would also be shared
with members outside of formal meetings.
The following updates were also shared at the meeting: ·
Appointment of interim statutory officers had been
completed ·
Phase 2 workstream sponsor
for finance had been passed to the Interim Section 151 Officer ·
The Workstream on
Customer and Services would now be sponsored by Matt Prosser as the Interim
Head of Paid Service ·
The Boundary Commission had now been engaged in respect
of the Boundary Review (formerly led by MHCLG) Members commented on feedback received at the first Shadow Dorset
Council meeting in relation to the need to ensure consistent communications and
engagement with members, town and parish councils and the public. The need to ensure high quality and
consistent communications was a high priority and it was confirmed that
resource had been increased in this area and additional officers were joining
the Programme team. There was also a
need to ensure that the information being shared included topics that residents
would want to know about so that members could pass it on. Cllr Graham Carr-Jones,
as the lead member of the Wider Member Engagement Task and Finish Group
indicated that there was also a responsibility upon members to engage with the
process as there had been limited feedback from members to regular
briefings. A question was asked in relation to a contract and supplier as part of
Phase 3 of the programme which was clarified that it related to the use of a
facilitator and development of the vision for Dorset Council and the operating
model. It also included the arrangements
to work through the visioning and operating model which may not be the same
organisation and was still to be determined.
Arrangements would be circulated to the Committee in the next 3-4 weeks. The disaggregation work, although appearing in the Plan to be coming to an end, required integration into the other workstreams and embed into phases 2, 3 and 4 of the Programme. There was also a suggestion that it would be good to look at providing the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
PROTOCOL ON SPENDING AND COMMITMENTS PDF 117 KB To consider a report by the Interim Section 151 Officer. Minutes: The Committee considered a report by the Interim Section 151 Officer
which presented a working protocol developed by the Budget Task and Finish
Group to enable a successful new unitary by ensuring that the financial activities
undertaken in the existing councils did not adversely impact upon the new
Dorset Council. Decision 1. That a Section 24 notice is not pursued. 2. That the protocol on spending and commitments be agreed. Reason for Decisions The protocol aimed to ensure that decisions taken before 1 April 2019
did not adversely impact on the budget of the future Dorset Council. |
UPDATE ON PROGRESS IN RESPECT OF CONSEQUENTIAL ORDERS To receive a verbal update from the Interim Monitoring Officer. Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Interim Monitoring
Officer and Chief Executive of Purbeck District Council in relation to the
progress and development of the consequential orders required to complete the
transition to Dorset Council. The Interim Monitoring Officer summarised that there were consequential
orders in addition to the Structural Change Order that were being drafted which
related to finance, staffing and miscellaneous matters. The latest draft miscellaneous order would be
received on 20 June 2018 from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local
Government (MHCLG) and responses were required within 5 days, and the second
draft would then be provided 2 days later with a response expected within 2
days. It was noted that there had not
been consultation with the Governance Task and Finish Group about how this
would be considered by members, but Cllr Anthony Alford as the lead member for
the Group indicated that arrangements would be put in place to consider as a
matter of urgency. It was noted that
some comments would need to be dealt with by email unless an additional meeting
was scheduled. Information had been circulated to the Shadow Executive Committee
outside of the meeting in relation to an issue about local development plans
and the proposed arrangements to consider the issue. It was requested that the Interim Monitoring
Officer would contact Cllr David Walsh, as the Chairman of the Strategic
Planning Forum, after the meeting to have a conversation about the proposed
arrangements. It was acknowledged that
the sensitivity of local plans for the different areas of Dorset, which were
all at different stages, could not be overestimated and had to be managed very
carefully. The Chief Executive
of Purbeck District Council summarised a further requirement in relation to the
harmonisation of Council Tax for Dorset Council, following a request made by
MHCLG for the Leader of the Shadow Council to write to the Local Government
Minister setting out a clear preference for harmonisation. It was previously agreed by the Dorset Area
Joint Committee on 8 March 2018 to harmonise on day one of the new council with
the use of alternative notional amounts.
The Secretary of State, when making a decision, would use three criteria
to determine the future arrangements based on a clear local preference; to
ensure taxpayers would not face substantial council tax rises; and to minimise
the period to achieve harmonisation. Background information had been shared
with the Shadow Executive Committee outside of the meeting. The letter would
also be shared with Dorset MPs as the Minister would consult them to ensure
they were content with the approach. An update would be reported back to the
Committee in due course. Members discussed the effect of harmonisation, noting that there would be an impact on a lot of people across Dorset. Clarification was provided that the potential increase was similar to Council Tax increases in 2018/19. However, Council Tax itself would not be set through this process as it would be considered by the Shadow ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
DECISION MAKING ACTIVITY OF DORSET COUNCILS For information only – the links below provide background information regarding the decision making of each of the Dorset area councils:- Dorset County Council East Dorset District Council North Dorset District Council Purbeck District Council West Dorset District Council Weymouth & Portland Borough Council Minutes: The Committee received notification of the decision activity of Dorset
councils. There were no matters raised
in respect of decision making of Dorset Council. Noted |
To consider any items of business which the Chair has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be specified in the minutes. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business pursuant to section
100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 considered at the meeting. |