Venue: MS Teams Live Event
Contact: Kate Critchel 01305 252234 - Email:
Note: This meeting will now be held as a virtually instead of the previously advertised "in person" meeting. Please use the link below if you wish to observe.
No. | Item |
Welcome and Statement from the Leader of the Council In consultation with Group Leaders, the Chief Executive had
exercised his delegated powers to revert to virtual informal meetings of
council committees during the remainder of July and throughout August and
September. This decision was made in the light of the increasing Covid-19
case rates and projected increases for August into September. This would be
reviewed in September. As Executive Leader, Cllr S Flower confirmed that he had
also decided that Cabinet informal meetings would continue to be held virtually
during that time. Members were advised that where a Cabinet decision was required, the appropriate Portfolio Holder would be the responsible individual to make the decision, whilst considering the views expressed by the wider Cabinet membership. |
To approve the minutes of 6, 29 April, 18 May and 22 June 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 22 June 2021 were received and noted. |
Declarations of Interest To
disclose any pecuniary, other registrable or non-registrable interest as set
out in the adopted Code of Conduct. In making their disclosure councillors are
asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and any action they
propose to take as part of their declaration. If
required, further advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in
advance of the meeting. Minutes: There were no declarations of
interest to report. |
Public Participation To receive questions or
statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and
members of the public. Members of the public who live,
work or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area, may submit up
to either 2
questions, or 2 statements or 1 question and 1 statement at each meeting. Sub divided questions count towards this total. All submissions must be sent electronically
by the deadline set out below. When
submitting a question please indicate who the question is for and include your
name, address and contact details. Questions and statements received in line with
the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a supplement
to the agenda. All questions, statements and
responses will be published in full within the minutes of the meeting. The deadline for submission of the full text of a
question or statement is 8.30am on Thursday 22 July 2021. Minutes: There were 7 questions/statements
from the public. These questions were read
out by Matt Prosser, Chief Executive and Jonathan Mair (Corporate Director,
Legal and Democratic Services) and responded to by the appropriate Portfolio
Holder. A copy of the full questions and the detailed responses are set out in
Appendix 1 these minutes.
Questions from Councillors To receive questions submitted by councillors. The deadline for
receipt of questions is 8.30am on Thursday
22 July 2021. Minutes: There was 1 question from
Councillor C Sutton. This along with the response was set out in Appendix 2 to
these minutes. |
To consider the Cabinet Forward Plan. Minutes: The draft Cabinet
Forward Plan was received and noted. |
Dorset Council Budget Quarterly Performance Report - Q1 To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy. Decision: Cabinet noted: - (a) the Senior
Leadership Team’s forecast of outturn for the Council at the end of Qtr1
including progress of the transformation and tactical savings incorporated into
the budget. (b)
the size of the capital programme
for 2021/22 including the slippage from previous years and the work taking
place to review this position. (c)
the opening position for the Medium-Term
Financial Plan (MTFP) refresh and the budget timetable headlines. (d)
the budget movements (virements) as set
out within report. Minutes: In setting out the financial management report Q1 2021/22, the Portfolio
Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital outlined the difficult challenges being
faced in carrying on with business as usual whilst responding to a world-wide
pandemic. At the end of Q1, the council was forecasting a net budget pressure
of £8.259m. He highlighted the pressures faced by services and in particular, by
Adult Services & Housing. These included: - ·
were more people entering Council funded care than predicted, because of the
accelerated discharge from the hospital discharge programme. · Unrecoverable
costs of operating the Hospital Discharge Programme in Dorset and · Consequential
impact on savings. Significant work was on-going within all
services to address the shortfall but there would remain challenges for the
budget due to the continuing impact of Covid-19. Members discussed the lasting effect of the
Covid-19 “tail” on all service budgets, for example the impact of hospital
discharges and care home costs. This was also recognised as a national
challenge in the field of Adult Services. Cabinet noted: - (a) the
Senior Leadership Team’s forecast of outturn for the Council at the end of Qtr1
including progress of the transformation and tactical savings incorporated into
the budget. (b)
the size of the capital programme
for 2021/22 including the slippage from previous years and the work taking
place to review this position. (c)
the opening position for the
Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) refresh and the budget timetable headlines. (d)
the budget movements (virements) as
set out within report. |
Low Carbon Dorset Grant Payments over £500,000 To consider a report from the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment. Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and
Environment (a) That
Low Carbon Dorset can issue a grant award letter for £1,500,000 to the Canford Renewable Energy project that has been approved by
the Low Carbon Dorset Grants Panel and Board, given that the value is over the
£500,000 threshold for Executive Director decision, be agreed (b) That,
following any future decision by the Low Carbon Dorset grants panel and board
to award grants over the key decision threshold of £500k, agreement to make any
such award be delegated to the Executive Director for Place after consultation
with the relevant portfolio holders. Any use of this proposed recommendation
would be exercised transparently, being publicised in advance in the forward
plan and afterwards in decision notices published on the Council’s website. Decision
- Low Carbon Dorset Grant payments Over £500,000 - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the Decision: The Low Carbon Dorset grant fund and the method by which
grants are paid out by Dorset Council and claimed back from the European
Regional Development Fund has already been agreed by the predecessor Dorset
County Council Cabinet. When the Low Carbon Dorset programme is successfully
completed it will be cost neutral to Dorset Council. However, Cabinet is
required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500,000
or more. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment presented a report seeking grant funding of £1,500,000 to the Canford Renewable Energy project. He confirmed that the Low Carbon Dorset Grants Panel and Board had already approved the project, but it needed to come forward to Cabinet as the value of funding was over the £500,000 threshold for an Executive Director decision. Cabinet members confirmed that they were “minded to” approve the recommendation as set out within the report. Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and
Environment (a) That
Low Carbon Dorset can issue a grant award letter for £1,500,000 to the Canford Renewable Energy project that has been approved by
the Low Carbon Dorset Grants Panel and Board, given that the value is over the
£500,000 threshold for Executive Director decision, be agreed (b) That,
following any future decision by the Low Carbon Dorset grants panel and board
to award grants over the key decision threshold of £500k, agreement to make any
such award be delegated to the Executive Director for Place after consultation
with the relevant portfolio holders. Any use of this proposed recommendation
would be exercised transparently, being publicised in advance in the forward
plan and afterwards in decision notices published on the Council’s website. Decision
- Low Carbon Dorset Grant payments Over £500,000 - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the Decision: The Low Carbon Dorset grant fund and the method by which
grants are paid out by Dorset Council and claimed back from the European
Regional Development Fund has already been agreed by the predecessor Dorset
County Council Cabinet. When the Low Carbon Dorset programme is successfully
completed it will be cost neutral to Dorset Council. However, Cabinet is
required to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500,000
or more. |
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change. Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Development and Change (a) That the decision for contract award, following conclusion of the procurement process, be delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development. (b) That the decision to enter into the necessary subsequent grant agreements with Building Digital UK (BDUK), which is part of the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sports (DCMS) to delivery this programme of activity, be agreed and delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development. Reason for the decision: To enable the GHCiRD (BDUK) project to complete due diligence, grant agreement, contract award and finalisation which will facilitate the quickest possible deployment by December 2022 Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change reported on the procurement on 110 sites associated within the Gigabit Hub Connectivity in rural Dorset. As a result of the procurement, he now sought support to delegate decisions to enable the work to continue, against a tight timescale, for a grant application and contract award in August 2021. Cabinet members were “minded to” support that the delegated decision be given the Portfolio Holder to proceed. The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Changed confirmed his decision as set out below:- Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate
Development and Change (a) That the decision for contract award, following conclusion of the procurement process, be delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development. (b) That the decision to enter into the necessary subsequent grant agreements with Building Digital UK (BDUK), which is part of the Department for Digital, Culture Media and Sports (DCMS) to delivery this programme of activity, be agreed and delegated to Cllr Peter Wharf as Portfolio Holder, after consultation with Aidan Dunn, Executive Director – Corporate Development. Reason for the decision: To enable the GHCiRD (BDUK) project to complete due diligence, grant agreement, contract award and finalisation which will facilitate the quickest possible deployment by December 2022 |
Asset Transfer Policy To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property (a) That
the Asset Transfer Policy relating to the transfer of Council owned property
assets of both Low and High Value to Town & Parish Councils together with
Voluntary and Community based (third sector) organisations, be agreed (b) That
authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and
Property and the Portfolio Holder for Customer Services & Communities when
acting in agreement with each other the authority to determine and approve all
such transfers including those decisions that amount to key decisions. Prior notice will be given in the
forward plan for any proposal relating to a transfer amounting to a key
decision albeit that the two portfolio holders are identified as the decision
makers instead of Cabinet. Decision - Asset Transfer Policy - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision: Dorset Council recognises that the devolution of assets to local communities, particularly to town and parish councils and voluntary and community based organisations (third sector) can make a significant contribution to enabling them to be stronger, more resilient and sustainable in order to support services within their local areas. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property presented a report on the development of a policy to facilitate and support communities to access council property assets, whilst protecting the Council’s financial integrity, fiduciary duty and wider accountabilities. He confirmed that the policy had been considered by the Place & Resources Overview Committee of the 1 June 2021 (extract minutes of that meeting were set out at appendix 3 to the report). Cabinet members indicated that they were “minded to” agree the Asset Transfer Policy and associated delegation. The Portfolio Holder confirmed and as out his decision. Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets
and Property (a) That
the Asset Transfer Policy relating to the transfer of Council owned property
assets of both Low and High Value to Town & Parish Councils together with
Voluntary and Community based (third sector) organisations, be agreed (b) That
authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and
Property and the Portfolio Holder for Customer Services & Communities when
acting in agreement with each other the authority to determine and approve all
such transfers including those decisions that amount to key decisions. Prior notice will be given in the
forward plan for any proposal relating to a transfer amounting to a key
decision albeit that the two portfolio holders are identified as the decision
makers instead of Cabinet. Decision - Asset Transfer Policy - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision Dorset Council recognises that the devolution of assets to
local communities, particularly to town and parish councils and voluntary and
community based organisations (third sector) can make a significant
contribution to enabling them to be stronger, more resilient and sustainable in
order to support services within their local areas. |
Local Development Scheme Update To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Planning. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Planning (a) That the revised timetable for the production of the Dorset Council Local Plan within the Local Development Scheme, be acknowledged and (b) This would come into effect as of the date of this meeting. Decision - Local Development Scheme Update - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision: To enable the publication of the updated Local Development Scheme to outline the revised timetable for the production of the Dorset Council Local Plan as required by section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Planning set out a report on the proposed revised timetable to produce the Dorset Council Local Plan within the Local Development Scheme. Cabinet members indicated their “mind to” view in support of the recommendations as set out in the report. The Portfolio then confirmed his decision as follows: - Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Planning (a) That the revised timetable for the production of the Dorset Council Local Plan within the Local Development Scheme, be acknowledged and (b) This would come into effect as of the date of this meeting. Decision - Local Development Scheme Update - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision: To enable the publication of the updated Local Development Scheme to outline the revised timetable for the production of the Dorset Council Local Plan as required by section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended) |
Dorset Council Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety. Additional documents:
Decision: (a) That
the adoption of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 - 2026 2, be
approved. (b) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio
holder for Housing and Community Safety to make minor amendments to the
strategy and action plan and any amendments necessary to reflect legislative
change. Reason for the decision: To ensure Dorset Council has a legally compliant
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy that meets our responsibility for
tackling and preventing homelessness Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Safety presented a report on the adoption of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 – 2026. He further advised that the design for the new strategy had also involved a working group led by People and Health Overview Committee and other additional councillors. Non-executive members addressed the meeting and expressed their support for the proposed strategy. Cabinet members were “minded to” support the recommendations as set out within the report. Following this the Portfolio Holder confirmed his decision to adopt the Strategy. Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Housing and
Community Safety (a) That
the adoption of the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2021 - 2026 2, be
approved. (b) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio
holder for Housing and Community Safety to make minor amendments to the
strategy and action plan and any amendments necessary to reflect legislative
change. Reason for the decision: To ensure Dorset Council has a legally compliant
Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy that meets our responsibility for
tackling and preventing homelessness |
SEND Capital Strategy - Beaucroft School Expansion To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help. Appendix 1 (not for publication by virtue of paragraph of
schedule 12A, Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended). Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder of Children, Education,
Skills and Early Help (a) Support the use of the former Wimborne First School site, in School Lane Wimborne, to increase the capacity of Beaucroft School to create additional specialist provision for Dorset children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). (b) That the budget allocation as set out in Appendix 3 to enable the project to be delivered, be approved and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for People – Children to enter into a construction contract at the appropriate time, in line with an existing delegation, subject to the outcome of the formal consultation process and provided the project is within the set budget level. (c) That the commencement of the required 4 week formal consultation period, in consultation with the Governors of Beaucroft School to formally expand the capacity of the Beaucroft Foundation School by more than 10% or 20 places, at the appropriate time, be agreed. (d) That a report will be brought back to Cabinet for a decision on the formal expansion of the school following the consultation process. (e) To lease the former Wimborne First School site to the Governors of Beaucroft School for use as post 16 provision on terms to be agreed by the Executive Director of Place, noting that further legal advice is being sought on this matter. Decision - SEND Capital Strategy: Expansion of Beaucroft School - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision: To support the delivery of this project as part of the
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Capital Strategy 2020 – 2025
which was approved by Dorset Council Cabinet at its meeting on 8th December
2020. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Help set out a report that outlined proposed work required to make the accommodation at Beaucroft School suitable for use as a special school. The project would allow the school to increase its capacity in the creation of Beaucroft College. As the local ward member, Cllr S Bartlett spoke in support of the proposal and welcomed the proposed consultation process. Cabinet members confirmed their “minded to” view to support the recommendations as set out in the report. The Portfolio Holder read out his decision in details and as set out below. Decision of the Portfolio Holder of Children, Education,
Skills and Early Help (a) Support the use of the former Wimborne First School site, in School Lane Wimborne, to increase the capacity of Beaucroft School to create additional specialist provision for Dorset children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). (b) That the budget allocation as set out in Appendix 3 to enable the project to be delivered, be approved and authority be delegated to the Executive Director for People – Children to enter into a construction contract at the appropriate time, in line with an existing delegation, subject to the outcome of the formal consultation process and provided the project is within the set budget level. (c) That the commencement of the required 4-week formal consultation period, in consultation with the Governors of Beaucroft School to formally expand the capacity of the Beaucroft Foundation School by more than 10% or 20 places, at the appropriate time, be agreed. (d) That a report will be brought back to Cabinet for a decision on the formal expansion of the school following the consultation process. (e) To lease the former Wimborne First School site to the Governors of Beaucroft School for use as post 16 provision on terms to be agreed by the Executive Director of Place, noting that further legal advice is being sought on this matter. Decision - SEND Capital Strategy: Expansion of Beaucroft School - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for the decision: To support the delivery of this project as part of the
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Capital Strategy 2020 – 2025
which was approved by Dorset Council Cabinet at its meeting on 8th December
2020. |
Portfolio Holder - Lead Member(s) Update Summary Cabinet Portfolio Holder(s) and Lead Members to report. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder update summaries were attached to these minutes as Appendix 3. The Portfolio Holder for Childrens, Education, Skills and Early Help and the Cabinet lead member for Education advised on the following areas: · The work of the education scheme to support children to thrive in the difficult period of a pandemic · A Strategic Alliance Conference at the Dorset Centre of Excellence · A recent area cluster member engagement with eastern area councillors. Further clusters would be held in the future. · An increase in numbers of children being home educated before and during the pandemic was causing concern · Member engagement and resident issues in respect of SEND provision, school transport and safeguarding. |
Cabinet member update on policy development matter referred to an Overview Committee(s) for consideration Cabinet Portfolio Holders to report. Minutes: Listed below was the items reported to be coming forward in the next few months. Cllr L Miller – report to People and Health Overview Committee in the autumn on Young adult transfer to Adult Services. |
Climate & Ecological Emergency Executive Advisory Panel Update To receive an update from the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment advised that the Climate & Ecological Emergency Strategy was considered by Council on 15 July 2021 and had now be adopted. He also advised on progress in relation to the decarbonisation work of council buildings. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of
the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in
the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items
considered at the meeting. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public
for the following item in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information
within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the
meeting whilst the item of business is considered. Minutes: It was proposed by Cllr P Wharf seconded by
Cllr T Ferrari Decision That the press and the public be excluded
for the following 3 item(s) in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information
within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act
1972 (as amended). |
Land Sales and Future Process at Dorset Innovation
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property (a) That the leasehold transaction as set out in the report be approved (b) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets & Property after consultation with the Executive Director for Place responsibility for agreeing the final terms of the sale (c) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder of Economic Growth, Assets & Property in consultation with Executive Director for Place, the authority to approve future land sales at Dorset Innovation Park up to a value of £2m. Decision - Land Sales and Future Process at Dorset Innovation Park - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for decision: To facilitate land
sales on Dorset Innovation Park in order to bring significant third-party
investment to the park through the development of new high technology
engineering facilities, thereby, satisfying the Park’s wider occupation policy
and the Council’s economic development aims. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property presented a report on land sales and future process at Dorset Innovation Park. Following discussion, Cabinet members expressed a “mind to” view in support of the report’s recommendations. The Portfolio Holder confirmed his decision that was in accordance with the report’s recommendations. Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property (a) That the leasehold transaction as set out in the report be approved (b) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets & Property after consultation with the Executive Director for Place responsibility for agreeing the final terms of the sale (c) That authority be delegated to the Portfolio Holder of Economic Growth, Assets & Property in consultation with Executive Director for Place, the authority to approve future land sales at Dorset Innovation Park up to a value of £2m. Decision - Land Sales and Future Process at Dorset Innovation Park - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for decision: To facilitate land
sales on Dorset Innovation Park in order to bring significant third-party
investment to the park through the development of new high technology
engineering facilities, thereby, satisfying the Park’s wider occupation policy
and the Council’s economic development aims. |
North Dorset Business Park Land Disposal
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property (a) That the conditional sale of 1.67 acres of employment
land at North Dorset Business Park, Sturminster Newton be approved, in
accordance with the details set out in the exempt report. Decision
- North Dorset Business \Park Land Disposal - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for decision: The proposed sale of the site, if planning
is granted for the proposed use, will secure a major retailer for Sturminster
Newton in an area that is undersupplied at present. The sale will bring forward
the development of a currently constrained brownfield site with the creation of
c 40 new permanent jobs for the area. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property presented a report on North Dorset Business Park Land Disposal. Following discussion, Cabinet members set out their “minded to” view to support the proposed recommendations. The Portfolio Holder confirmed his decision as set out below: - Decision of the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth,
Assets and Property That the
conditional sale of 1.67 acres of employment land at North Dorset Business
Park, Sturminster Newton be approved, in accordance with the details set out in
the exempt report. Decision
- North Dorset Business \Park Land Disposal - Dorset Council (wdwp.local) Reason for decision: The proposed sale of the site, if planning
is granted for the proposed use, will secure a major retailer for Sturminster
Newton in an area that is undersupplied at present. The sale will bring forward
the development of a currently constrained brownfield site with the creation of
c 40 new permanent jobs for the area. |
SEND Capital Strategy - Beaucroft School Expansion - Exempt Appendix Exempt appendix associated with the report “SEND Capital
Strategy: Expansion of Beaucroft School” (Not for publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of schedule
12A, Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended) Minutes: The exempt appendix associated with the report “SEND Capital Strategy – Beaucroft School Expansion was made available to Cabinet. However, members did not need to move into exempt business to discuss the detail of the confidential appendix. |