Venue: Quarterjack Room - The Allendale Centre, Wimborne. View directions
Contact: David Northover 01305 224175 - Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Councillor David Tooke. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest Minutes: No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2019. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 25 September 2019 were confirmed and signed. |
Public Participation Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guide to Public Speaking at Planning Committee. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion. |
6/2019/0401 - Development at 4 Poole Road, Upton PDF 150 KB Outline application to demolish existing building and erect a detached apartment block comprising 9 flats with details of access (all other matters reserved). Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an outline planning
application - 6/2019/0401 – for a new development at 4 Poole Road, Upton to be able to
demolish the existing building there and erect a detached apartment block,
comprising 9 flats, with details of access being explained in the application
but with all other matters reserved. With the
aid of a visual presentation officers explained what the main proposals and
planning issues of the development were; how these were to be progressed; and
what the benefits of the development entailed; in helping to meet housing needs
in that part of Dorset and make best use of an otherwise vacant site. Plans and
photographs provided an illustration of the location, dimensions and design of
the development, with the presentation also confirming what the highways,
traffic management and access arrangements being proposed would be; how the
housing would look and its setting; showed the development’s relationship with
the characteristics of the surrounding
town development and landscape; other residential development and civic
amenities in Upton and its setting within the town. Moreover, the building was currently unused and the
site was therefore vacant. All other aspects
of the planning permission would be assessed in full as part of any following
reserved matters application but, in officer’s assessment, the:- •
Scale, design and impact on the character and appearance
of the area •
Impact upon neighbouring properties •
Drainage issues •
Impact on trees and hedgerows all appeared to be acceptable in planning
terms, subject to appropriate conditions as necessary. The location was
considered to be sustainable as it was within the designated settlement
boundary and in the officer’s assessment, there were no material considerations
which could warrant refusal of this application. On the basis that all
significant planning matters had been appropriately or adequately addressed.
Based on the reasoning for the material
considerations, officers were recommending approval subject to
conditions. Of significance was what assessment had been
made to meet the developments parking needs, being based on the Bournemouth,
Poole and Dorset Residential Car Parking Study (published in 2011), in
identifying Upton as in a suburban location of Purbeck and, on the assessments
made in that regard, parking provision was considered to be of limited
justification. Moreover, the application had been submitted with a transport
assessment that detailed the varied public transport options available to
future occupiers, including regular buses and well established walking and
cycling routes, so reinforcing the justification that prescribed parking allocation
was not warranted. Furthermore, the Highways Authority had no objection to the
application on road safety grounds and considered there were no relevant
policies which would warrant refusal of this application. However, on this particular issue, Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council had objected regarding the failure to provide any onsite parking, particularly in view of the extant local parking problems in the immediate area and town centre generally. This view was reinforced by the receipt of 11 objections from neighbouring residents. As the comments from the Town Council ... view the full minutes text for item 39. |
Proposed construction of new detached single storey classroom with covered decking area. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to
application 3/19/1463/FUL for the development at West Parley First School, Glenmoor Road, West Parley near Ferndown of the proposed
provision of a new, detached single storey classroom
with covered decking area. The
Committee were informed of the need for the facility: designed to have
sufficient capacity to meet what was required from a first school and to
provide the capability of delivering a full educational curriculum which
satisfied modern standards and expectations. The classroom was to be
constructed of timber and comprise an entrance lobby, a classroom, two offices,
a kitchen area and two toilets, of which one was for disabled users, with all being
fully accessible. The raised, covered deck would provide an outside learning
space. With the aid of a visual
presentation officers explained what the main proposals and planning issues of
the development entailed; how these were to be achieved; and particularly, the
reasoning for the new facility, which was being proposed as a means of
benefitting what the school had to offer. Plans and photographs
provided an illustration of the location, dimensions design and appearance of
the classroom; how the enhancements would look and their setting; showed the
development’s relationship with the characteristics of the other school
buildings; and where the school was situated within the town. The Committee were informed
of what consultation had taken place and what responses had been
received. No formal objections had been received to this with, in particular,
West Parley Parish Council raising no objection to the proposal and the local
Ward member for West Parley, Councillor Andrew Parry, supporting it. Officers considered that
the proposal would be of public benefit by creating an additional classroom to
meet needs given that:- •
there was not considered to be any significant harm to neighbouring residential
amenity. •
there were no adverse landscape impacts. •
there would be no additional traffic movements generated by the development. •
there were no material considerations which could warrant refusal of this application. As
the formal consultation process had not generated any adverse responses or
objections, the Committee were now being asked to approve this in accordance
with the officer’s recommendation and on the grounds that as it was a Council
application a committee decision was required for openness and transparency
purposes. The
Committee were then provided with the opportunity to ask questions of The officer’s presentation,
with officer’s providing clarification in respect of the points raised. Whilst being somewhat rudimentary and functional, the Committee could see the benefits this additional space would bring and the reason it was being proposed. Members considered this type of classroom to be robust and a practical solution in meeting need. However they asked that, if at practicable, any aesthetic enhancement could be made and that, in particular, it should be of an environmentally satisfactory standard, with solar panels being incorporated in the design and build so as to harness what readily available renewable energy was there to use all means necessary in meeting the ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |
Planning Appeal Decisions PDF 79 KB To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a written report setting out details of planning appeal decisions made and the reasoning for this and took the opportunity to ask what questions they had. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |