Venue: The Allendale Centre, Hanham Road, Wimborne, Dorset, BH21 1AS
Contact: Megan Rochester Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for
absence were received from Cllr Julie Robinson. For the afternoon session,
apologies for absence were received from Cllrs Barry Goringe, Mike Dyer and
Bill Trite. |
Declarations of Interest To disclose any pecuniary,
other registrable or personal interest as set out in the adopted Code of
Conduct. In making their decision
councillors are asked to state the agenda item, the nature of the interest and
any action they propose to take as part of their declaration. If required, further advice
should be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting. Minutes: For the Arne
application, the RSPB was the landowner. Cllrs Bartlett, Brenton, and Tooke
declared that they were all members of the RSPB. As the councillors were not directors,
trustees, or management of the charity, the Senior Lawyer advised that it was appropriate
for councillors who were members of the RSPB to take part in the discussion and
decision. |
To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the
meeting held on Wednesday 7th December 2022 were agreed and signed. |
Public Participation PDF 158 KB Members of the public wishing to speak to the Committee on a planning application should notify the Democratic Services Officer listed on the front page of this agenda. This must be done no later than two clear working days before the meeting. Please refer to the Guidance for speaking at Planning Committee. The deadline for notifying a request to speak is 8.30am on Monday 9th January 2023. Minutes: Representations by the public to the Committee on individual planning applications are detailed below. There were no questions, petitions or deputations received on other items on this occasion. |
Planning Applications To consider the applications listed below for planning permission Minutes: Members considered written reports submitted on planning applications as set out below. |
The creation of intertidal habitat and restricted tidal exchange shallow saltwater lagoons, through managed realignment involving selective breaching of existing tidal embankments. The provision of new set-back earth embankments, including the provision of flapped surface water outfalls, tidal exchange culverts, and an improved channel and outfall for the Furzebrook Stream. The formation of permissive footpaths and screens for public to view birds from, maintenance access tracks and the provision of associated gates, fences and boundary treatment works. Additional documents: Minutes: The Case Officer
presented to members the creation of intertidal habitat and restricted tidal
exchange shallow saltwater lagoons, through managed realignment involving selective
breaching of existing tidal embankments. The provision of new set-back earth
embankments, including the provision of flapped surface water outfalls, tidal
exchange culverts, and an improved channel and outfall for the Furzebrook
Stream. The formation of permissive footpaths and screens for public to view
birds from, maintenance access tracks and the provision of associated gates,
fences, and boundary treatment works. An update was
provided by the Case Officer as follows: •
Statement Chapters 1-4 will be added to condition 2 as an approved document •
Condition 9 updated as presented •
22 is a duplicate of condition 15 and should be a sand lizard condition as
presented. •
updated HRA has been provided by the MMO requiring conditions presented instead
of conditions 23 and 24 •
after paragraph 15. 14.3 should read as underlined: A) Grant permission subject to the completion of a legal
agreement under section 106 of the town and country Planning Act 1990(as
amended) in a form to be agreed by the legal services manager to secure the
following: to secure biodiversity compensation payment and the conditions noted
below. With the aid of
visual representation, members were shown the location and design of the proposed
site. Details regarding neighbouring properties were also provided. The Case
Officer informed members that the site was predominately grassland and was
mostly owned by the RSPB. The importance of the site was discussed due to
rising sea levels, The Case Officer believed that the site had potential to
deliver environmental habitats. Members were
informed that the appearance of the site would change from grassland to
intertidal with footpaths, viewing points, new habitats, and creeks. The most
significant change would be the embankments. The Case Officer informed members
that existing materials on the site would be used if fit for purpose to help
create the new embankments. The Case Officer informed members of the visual
impacts of the site. Members were informed that the construction period would
be approximately 3 years and a result of this led to cause temporary visual
impacts. In addition to this, traffic on local roads would also increase
throughout the construction period. The Case Officer also provided details
regarding proposed parking. Members were shown pictures of new footpaths and
the informal crossing into the permitted route. Dorset Council Highways had
been consulted and raised no concerns or objections. The presentation also included details regarding the significant amount of wildlife habitats being lost. The Case Officer informed members that the loss of habitats require compensation. Members were informed that a financial contribution would need to be secured if approval was granted. In addition to this, members were also informed of concerns raised regarding neighbouring amenity and noise. They were assured that an assessment was carried out for concerns raised. The applicant had agreed to provide noise mitigation and members were informed that ... view the full minutes text for item 320a |
Application No 3/21/1115/FUL - 184 RINGWOOD ROAD, ST LEONARDS AND ST IVES, BH24 2NR PDF 690 KB Demolish existing residential buildings and erect block of 15 apartments with parking, bin and cycle stores. Additional documents: Minutes: The Case Officer
presented to members the demolishing of existing residential buildings and
erect block of 15 apartments with parking, bin, and cycle stores. The Case Officer
gave an update regarding the waste scheme. Members were informed that the
current waste arrangement didn’t comply however this could have been resolved
by movement of the bin store or the option of private waste collection. With the aid of
visual representation, members were shown aerial photographs of the site as
well as neighbouring amenities. In addition to this, the presentation included
details regarding the proposed site layout, design of dwellings as well as
street scenes which showed how the proposal would look. Details regarding
retaining most trees on the site was also discussed, members were informed that
some trees would be removed. The Case Officer also provided information
regarding refuse vehicles and informed members that the site had no impacts on
neighbouring amenities. Members were informed that there were no objections
from National Highways or Dorset Council Highways, therefore the recommendation
was to approve planning permission subject to conditions set out in the officer
report or refuse if a section 106 is not secured. Public
Participation Representations of
the public spoke in objection of the development. They raised their concerns
regarding the site contributing to an already busy and dangerous road. This
concerned residents as a serious safety issue. They also believed that the
development would become an unwelcome precedent to the area and would ruin
tranquillity and create noise pollution. The objectors didn’t see how the
development referred and acknowledged the local planning policy. They didn’t
believe it was in an acceptable location and hoped for the proposal to be
refused. The agent spoke in
support of the development. He informed members that careful consideration had
been made to make access to the site safe. He also discussed onsite parking; he
believed that 15 parking spaces would support the site comfortably. In addition
to this, the agent also informed members that the development was designed to
create visual interest and that a retaining existing vegetation to the frontage
would reduce visual impact. Members were informed that the applicant agrees to
the conditions set out in the officer’s report and believed that the proposal
would have provided improved landscaping. The agent hoped the committee would
approve planning permission. Members questions
and comments · Concerns
regarding parking spaces are not sufficient for the number of flats and
visitors. · Concerns
regarding the site being next to a busy and dangerous road. · Financial
contribution to affordable housing was a very low figure. The development
didn’t contribute to affordable housing or conform with the neighbourhood plan. · Concerns
regarding access the proposed development. · Clarification
of refuse vehicles and how it would be managed. · Confirmation
as to whether the site was shared access or not. · Members
requested information regarding nearby public transport. · Members
discussed the lack of parking spaces and requested to revisit the parking
policy as they didn’t believe it was fit for purpose. · Questions regarding if an ... view the full minutes text for item 320b |
Application No: 3/21/1566/RM - Land south of Leigh Road Wimborne Dorset BH21 2DA PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: The Case Officer
presented to members the approval of reserved matters application in respect of
appearance, layout scale and landscaping following outline planning application
3/18/3305/FUL for residential development of 174 dwellings with associated
roads, parking, turning and amenity areas: provision of public open space and
landscaped areas. An update was
provided as follows: •
recommendation for approval has been updated: •
informative in relation to drying areas has been added: The applicant is advised outdoor drying areas should be provided for apartment
blocks where possible With the aid of
visual representation, members were shown details of the site location, an
aerial view of the site altogether with views from the highway and detailed
access to the site. In addition to this, members were also shown designs of the
dwellings and garages. Details regarding the materials used was also discussed,
members were informed that they would be in keeping with other nearby
developments and affordable housing units would use the same materials to help
integration on the site. The Case Officer informed members that the affordable
housing complied with the local plan and section 106 agreement however there
were changes to the open market mix. In addition to
this, members were given details regarding hedgehog highways, parking, and
public open spaces. Mitigation had been considered for protected species. The
Case Officer also provided details regarding flooding and refuse vehicles. The
Recommendation was to approve planning permission subject to conditions in the
officer’s report. Public
Participation The applicant
outlined to members the benefits that the new residential development would
bring to Wimborne. She discussed the need for affordable housing and explained
that the site responded to this need by the provision of 49 affordable housing
units. Members were also informed that the approval of the site would mean
community benefits such as a new open space and leisure services which
residents could rely on. Ms Lobacz also discussed
that after 18 months of collaboration and careful consideration, the site had
been appropriately designed and was the final part of the development. She reillerated to members that the proposed 174 dwellings were
in a sustainable urban location and hoped that they would approve planning
permission. Members questions
and comments · Members
discussed the shortage and need of affordable housing with 4-bedroom affordable
homes. · Members
praised the development and believed it would benefit the area. · Location
of affordable housing on site as well as dark corridors for bats and footpaths. · Clarification
of distance from local amenities to the site. · Members
discussed refuse vehicles and were pleased to be informed that there were no
objections. · Landscaping
and materials of the roads. · Garage
sizing for the dwellings. · Comments ... view the full minutes text for item 320c |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b) of the Local Government Act 1972 The reason for the urgency shall be recorded in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items. |
Exempt Business To move the
exclusion of the press and the public for the following item in view of the
likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of
schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) The public and
the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the item of business is
considered. Minutes: There were no exempt items. |