Venue: MS Teams Live Event
Contact: Kate Critchel 01305 252234 - Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm the minutes of the
meeting held on 2 March 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting
held on 2 March 2021 were confirmed and would be signed by the Chairman at a
date in the future. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations
of interest. Minutes: No declarations of
disclosable pecuniary interests were made at the meeting. |
Public Participation To receive questions or
statements on the business of the committee from town and parish councils and
members of the public. Public speaking has been suspended for virtual committee
meetings during the Covid-19 crisis and public participation will be dealt with
through written submissions only. Members of the public who
live, work or represent an organisation within the Dorset Council area, may
submit up to two questions or a statement of up to a maximum of 450 words. All submissions must be sent electronically
by the deadline set out below. When submitting a question please indicate
who the question is for and include your name, address and contact details. Questions and statements received in line
with the council’s rules for public participation will be published as a
supplement to the agenda. Questions will be read out by
an officer of the council and a response given by the appropriate Portfolio
Holder or officer at the meeting. All
questions, statements and responses will be published in full within the
minutes of the meeting. The deadline for submission of the full text of a
question or statement is 8.30am on Tuesday 30 March 2021. Minutes: There were 7 questions
received from the public. These questions were read out by Matt Prosser, Chief
Executive and Jonathan Mair (Corporate Director,
Legal and Democratic Services) and responded to by the appropriate Portfolio
Holder(s). A copy of the full questions and detailed responses are set out in
Appendix 1 to these minutes. |
Questions from Members To receive any questions from
members in accordance with procedure rule 13. Minutes: There were 4 questions received from Councillors. These along with the detailed responses are
set out in Appendix 2 to these minutes. (Note:
Cllr B Heatley withdrew his question at the meeting) |
To consider the Cabinet Forward Plan. Minutes: The draft Forward Plan for
April to July 2021 was received and noted. |
Capital Programme 2021/22 To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial and Capital Strategy. Decision: Decision (a) That the
capital programme proposed by the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Group
(CSAM) for the period 2021/22 to 2025/26 and beyond be noted and those projects
scheduled to commence in 2021/22 be progressed; (b) That the
impact on future capital budgets of the two approved projects, where there
would be contractual commitments beyond 2021/22 be noted: (c) That any
further release of funds be paused at this stage, given the commitment to the
St Mary’s school site. (d) That a further
review be carried out as part of the 2020/21 capital closedown process. Reason for decision The
budget process and timetable for 2021/22 was very tight and although a
programme total was agreed, individual projects were not sufficiently developed
and more time was needed to bring these investments forward. Minutes: The
Portfolio Holder for Finance, Commercial & Capital Strategy advised that in
approving the 2021/22 budget on 16 February 2021,
Dorset Council allocated £15m of new capital funding for specific projects that
had not been prioritised at that stage. The report asked
members to note the current projects for 2021/22 and to note future
expenditure. The Portfolio Holder reminded members that it had already approved
significant capital expenditure on the St Mary’s school site and he sought
approval to pause any further release of funds at this stage. It was proposed that a
further review be carried out as part of
the 2020/21 capital closedown process. Decision (a) That the
capital programme proposed by the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Group
(CSAM) for the period 2021/22 to 2025/26 and beyond be noted and those projects
scheduled to commence in 2021/22 be progressed; (b) That the
impact on future capital budgets of the two approved projects, where there
would be contractual commitments beyond 2021/22 be noted: (c) That any
further release of funds be paused at this stage, given the commitment to the
St Mary’s school site. (d) That a
further review be carried out as part of the 2020/21 capital closedown process. Reason for decision The
budget process and timetable for 2021/22 was very tight and although a
programme total was agreed, individual projects were not sufficiently developed
and more time was needed to bring these investments forward. |
Public Sector Decarbonisation To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment and the Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets & Property. Decision: (a) Cabinet agreed to begin procurement
exercises that were required in relation to the £18.7m Public Sector
Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) grant; that comprises of individual procurement
activity over the key decision threshold of £500k. (b) That following procurement, the further
step of making any contract award be delegated to the Executive Director for
Place in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders. Reason
for the decision Cabinet was required
to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more. Minutes: Decision (a) Cabinet agreed to begin procurement exercises
that were required in relation to the £18.7m Public Sector Decarbonisation
Scheme (PSDS) grant; that comprises of individual procurement activity over the
key decision threshold of £500k. (b) That following procurement, the further
step of making any contract award be delegated to the Executive Director for
Place in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders. Reason
for the decision Cabinet was required
to approve all key decisions with financial consequences of £500k or more. |
Transfer of Pinemoor Allotments and Open Green Space to Weymouth Town Council To consider a report of Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth Assets and Property. Appendix C ((not for
publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of schedule 12A, Part 1 of the local
Government At 1972, as amended). Additional documents:
Decision: (i) That
the appropriation of the land known as Pinemoor
Allotments and Open Green Space from being held by Dorset Council under the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to being held under the Local Government Act
1972, be approved and (ii) That
the disposal/transfer of the land at a disposal price of one pound (which is
less than best consideration) to Weymouth Town Council on terms to be agreed by
the Executive Director of Place, be approved. Reason
for the decision To promote and
assist in the delivery of the proposed allotments in accordance with the
provisions of the Section 106 Agreement dated 22nd May 2006, varied
by a Deed dated 8th March 2012.
Where there is a Town Council for an area, the responsibility for
allotments lies with them. Minutes: The
Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property sought approval for the land known as Pinemore Allotments and Open Green Space to be transferred
to Weymouth Town Council on a less than best consideration basis. The Portfolio
Holder advised that the land was within his local ward area, but confirmed that
he had no personal interest in respect of the site. Members
were further advised that the transfer of the land required it to be used as
allotments and open space. Decision
(i) That
the appropriation of the land known as Pinemoor
Allotments and Open Green Space from being held by Dorset Council under the
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to being held under the Local Government Act
1972, be approved and (ii) That
the disposal/transfer of the land at a disposal price of one pound (which is
less than best consideration) to Weymouth Town Council on terms to be agreed by
the Executive Director of Place, be approved. Reason
for the decision To promote and
assist in the delivery of the proposed allotments in accordance with the
provisions of the Section 106 Agreement dated 22 May 2006, varied by a Deed
dated 8 March 2012. Where there is a
Town Council for an area, the responsibility for allotments lies with them. |
Extension of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Related Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO's) To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision That the extension of the West Dorset and Weymouth
& Portland Anti-Social Behaviour
(ASB) related Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO’s) to 22 April 2022 and 19
August 2022 respectively, be approved. Reason for the decision (i) To
comply with legislative requirements (ii) To
ensure openness and transparency in the Council’s decision making and to ensure
that those persons affected by ASB continue to be afforded the protection
provided by the Orders. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community
Services presented a report advising that the both the previous councils of
West Dorset District Council (WDDC) and Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
(WPBC) had Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO’s) in place to ensure
anti-social behaviour could be controlled and managed. Dorset Council was now considering putting into
place a county-wide approach to PSPO’s and in the meantime the Portfolio Holder
requested for a 12 month extension to the WDDC and WPBC existing orders. She
further confirmed that any new order
needed to be widely consulted upon before being put into place. Decision That the extension of the West Dorset and Weymouth
& Portland Anti-Social Behaviour
(ASB) related Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO’s) to 22 April 2022 and 19
August 2022 respectively, be approved. Reason for the decision (i) To
comply with legislative requirements (ii) To
ensure openness and transparency in the Council’s decision making and to ensure
that those persons affected by ASB continue to be afforded the protection
provided by the Orders. |
Dorset Council's Digital Vision To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision That, subject to any final changes, the Dorset Council’s Digital Vision and action plan be adopted. Reasons for the
decision The Place and Resources committee met in
December 2020 and February 2021 to finalise the digital vision and recommend
areas of focus. The later have been pulled together and are reflected in the
accompanying delivery plan. Subject to any typographical or minor changes,
these documents have been recommended by that committee to Cabinet for
adoption. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and Change presented the Council’s Digital Vision and action plan for adoption by the committee. The creation of the document was the result of working with community partners, including the NHS, the voluntary sector, business community and staff consultation. There had also been extensive input for councillors through the ICT EAP and the Place and Resources Overview Committee. The Portfolio Holder confirmed that the Place and Resources Overview Committee had considered the final document and action plan and had recommended its approval. Decision That, subject to any final changes, the Dorset Council’s Digital Vision and action plan be adopted. Reasons for the
decision The Place and Resources committee met in
December 2020 and February 2021 to finalise the digital vision and recommend
areas of focus. The later have been pulled together and are reflected in the
accompanying delivery plan. Subject to any typographical or minor changes,
these documents have been recommended by that committee to Cabinet for
adoption. |
Barbeques and other related fire activities options paper The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment to report on the recommendation from Place and Resources Overview Committee of 25 February 2021. Additional documents:
Decision: Decision (a) That a two-step approach be
adopted to the control of disposable barbeques and other fire related
activities firstly focussing on increasing public awareness about the risks and
the wider impacts through campaigns, policies and schemes, then if necessary,
introducing legislation which will result in penalties for those in contravention.
(b) To achieve this the following
options were approved: (1)
Not to
pursue designating areas or Dorset Council areas with a PSPO relating to BBQ’s
and fire related activities this year but evaluate 2022 (Option 1) (2)
Not to
pursue having a specific byelaw at this current time (Option 2) (3)
The Sky
Lantern and Balloon Policy and the new BBQ and campfire/Wildfire Policy be adopted
by Dorset Council (Option 3) (4)
Valley to investigate the gas/electric communal style BBQ option with Forestry
England later (Option 4) (5)
be asked to investigate partnership funding options to support having a new Firewise voluntary warden scheme delivered through the
Dorset Firewise project (Option 5) (6)
The campaign
and communication work be supported and developed and taken forward for 2021
season in line with any recommendations from the report to Cabinet of 6 April
2021. (Option 6) (7)
Dorset Council
initiate a coordinated approach to the banning of disposable BBQs in agreed
high risk area's locations. This work should link with Option 3, 5 and 6
(Option 7). Reason for
Recommendation: This two-step approach considered the cost, the
length of time it takes to introduce new legislation and difficulties in
enforcement as well as the effectiveness of various control methods. The
recommended approach aims to balance the various options presented to Cabinet. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and
Environment set out a report on detailed options that address both the
legislative as well as other alternatives available to control or prohibit
barbeques and other fire related activities in the Dorset Council area. He
advised that the paper set out a two-step approach including Public Space
Protection Orders (PSPO’s) as a method of formal control, but acknowledged that
these take some time to put into place.
In response to a question in respect of widening the
scope of the activities to include beaches.
The Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services advised that
some of the beaches referred to were private and would not be covered by a
PSPO. However she would continue to work with private landowners to support how
they address some of these issues. Decision (a) That a two-step approach be
adopted to the control of disposable barbeques and other fire related
activities firstly focussing on increasing public awareness about the risks and
the wider impacts through campaigns, policies and schemes, then if necessary,
introducing legislation which will result in penalties for those in
contravention. (b) To achieve this the following
options were approved: (1)
Not to
pursue designating areas or Dorset Council areas with a PSPO relating to BBQ’s
and fire related activities this year but evaluate 2022 (Option 1) (2)
Not to
pursue having a specific byelaw at this current time (Option 2) (3)
The Sky
Lantern and Balloon Policy and the new BBQ and campfire/Wildfire Policy be
adopted by Dorset Council (Option 3) (4)
Valley to investigate the gas/electric communal style BBQ option with Forestry
England later (Option 4) (5)
be asked to investigate partnership funding options to support having a new Firewise voluntary warden scheme delivered through the
Dorset Firewise project (Option 5) (6)
campaign and communication work be supported and developed and taken forward for
2021 season in line with any recommendations from the report to Cabinet of 6
April 2021. (Option 6) (7)
Council initiate a coordinated approach to the banning of disposable BBQs in
agreed high risk area's locations. This work should link with Option 3, 5 and 6
(Option 7). Reason for
Recommendation: This two-step approach considered the cost, the
length of time it takes to introduce new legislation and difficulties in
enforcement as well as the effectiveness of various control methods. The recommended
approach aims to balance the various options presented to Cabinet. |
Dorset Council Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment to report on the recommendation from the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee of 25 March 2021. (The recommendation from Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee is to follow). Additional documents:
Decision: Decision That the report be deferred until the next meeting of Cabinet on 18 May 2021. Reason for the
decision To consider the comments and issues raised by the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee of 25 March 2021 and the (withdrawn) question received from Cllr B Heatley. Minutes: Decision (unanimous) That the report be deferred until the next meeting of Cabinet on 18 May 2021. Reason for the
decision To consider the comments and issues raised by the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee of 25 March 2021 and the (withdrawn) question received from Cllr B Heatley. |
Dorchester Office Strategy To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Economic
Growth, Assets & Property. The
Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee has been invited to review the report at
its meeting on 25 March 2021. (The committee’s comments are to follow). Appendices 2 and 4-8 (not for publication by virtue of
paragraph 3 of schedule 12A, Part 1 of the Local Government Act 1972, as
amended) Additional documents:
Decision: Decision (a) That the principle of consolidating the Council’s office
requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as
a ‘public service civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring it takes due regard
to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, be agreed; (b) That the principle of utilizing any surplus space within the
County Hall/Colliton Park site for use by third
sector and other public sector bodies be agreed and to review the possibility to
repurpose and refurbish any such assets currently leased to and in use by them
for residential purpose or for disposal; (c)
Agree to retain the Library facility in South Walks House with a Customer Access Point; (d) That Cabinet reaffirms the principle that we are a member led
authority and that local Members should always be consulted on issues affecting
their Wards; (e) That planning permission be sought to repurpose South Walks
House and South Annexe for residential use through a
process of refurbishing or redeveloping the existing buildings whilst retaining
the Library facility in South Walks House and a Customer Access point; (f) Agree to the Council, whilst planning consent is being sought for the
repurposing of South Walks House and South Annexe for
residential use, to continue to explore and investigate alternative uses so as
to ensure that the Council achieves best commercial (including hotel use),
social and economic value prior to bringing forward the final recommendation to
Cabinet for approval as to future use. Reason for the decision The
effective use of the asset base will help enable the Council to meet its social
and financial challenges through asset disposals, generation of capital
receipts, savings in costs through the reduction, rationalisation and improved
efficiency of the estate and more importantly the generation of value through
income generation and the repurposing, redirecting and reuse of land and
buildings for housing, schools and other essential service needs. Minutes: Cabinet considered
a report on the rationalisation of the council’s property asset for office
accommodation in Dorchester following the reorganisation of local government in
Dorset. A number of options had been
considered by officers and the changes in technology and access to information
were also taken into account. The Portfolio
Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property advised that the Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee
had reviewed the Cabinet report at its meeting of 25 March 2021 and had made
the following recommendations: 1. Agree to the principle of consolidating
the Council’s office requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as a ‘public service civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring that
it takes due regard to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 2. Agree to the principle of utilising any
surplus space within the County Hall/Colliton Park site
for use by third sector and other public sector bodies and to review the possibility to repurpose
and refurbish any such assets currently leased to and in use by
them for residential purpose or for disposal 3. Agree to retain the Library facility in
South Walks House with a Customer Access Point 4. Reaffirms the principle that we are a
member-led authority and that local Members should always be consulted on
issues affecting their Wards. 5. Agree to the Council seeking planning
permission to repurpose South Walks House and South Annexe for residential use
through a process of refurbishing or redeveloping the existing
buildings whilst retaining the Library facility in South Walks House and a
Customer Access Point. The Portfolio Holder proposed the above recommendations for approval
with the following addition set out as 6 below.
Recommendations 1 to 6 were also seconded by Cllr J Haynes. 6. Agree to the Council, whilst planning consent is being sought for the
repurposing of South Walks House and South Annexe for
residential use, to continue to explore and investigate alternative uses so as
to ensure that the Council achieves best commercial (including hotel use),
social and economic value prior to bringing forward the final recommendation to
Cabinet for approval as to future use. In
response to questions, the Portfolio Holder confirmed that:- ·
Local ward Councillors would be kept fully
informed of progress; ·
The use for government offices was explored with
no success; ·
When the final recommendations report comes
forward it would be made available to Place and Resources Scrutiny Committee
before being considered by Cabinet for approval. Upon being put to
the vote recommendations 1-6 were approved. Decision
(unanimous) (a) That the principle of consolidating the Council’s office
requirements on the County Hall/Colliton Park site as
a ‘public service civic hub’ subject to the Council ensuring it takes due
regard to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010, be agreed; (b) That the principle of utilizing any surplus space within the County Hall/Colliton Park site for use by third sector and other public sector bodies be agreed and to review the possibility to repurpose and refurbish any such ... view the full minutes text for item 124. |
Update(s) on Policy Development Matters referred to an Overview Committee for Consideration Cabinet Portfolio Holder(s) to report. Minutes: There were no referred matters to report. |
Portfolio Holder - Lead Member(s) Update Summary Cabinet Portfolio Holder(s) and Lead Members to report. Minutes: The Chairman invited Cllr A Parry the Portfolio Holder for Children, Education, Skills and Early Years to address the committee. He verbally updated members on the following: ·
That he
had met with Bridport Area members to informally discuss matters relating to
Children & Education in their area. This has proved a good way to
understand very local issues and Lead Members are active in following up these
matters. ·
Also met
with Portland Members to discuss way forward for strengthening Youth Provision,
on the Isle. ·
Dorset Schools welcomed pupils back into a classroom setting. The attendance
rating reported, has been excellent. ·
Members have been in attendance and provided support for Portfolio Holder at a
range of events including Schools Forum. · The Portfolio Holder invited Cllr Jane Somper to update members on her role as the Lead member for Safe Guarding.
This and the other available written portfolio holder reports are attached to these minutes as Appendix 3. |
Climate & Ecological Emergency Executive Advisory Panel Update To receive an update from the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment. Minutes: There was no update to report. |
Urgent items To consider any items of business which the Chairman has had
prior notification and considers to be urgent pursuant to section 100B (4) b)
of the Local Government Act 1972. The reason for the urgency shall be recorded
in the minutes. Minutes: There were no urgent items
considered at the meeting. |
Exempt Business To move the exclusion of the press and the public for the following
items in view of the likely disclosure of exempt information within the meaning
of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). The public and the press will be asked to leave the meeting whilst the
item of business is considered. (The MS Teams Live Event will end) Decision: There were two items of exempt
business consider by the committee under paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the Local
Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: It was proposed by
Councillor P Wharf seconded by Cllr J Haynes Decision That the press and the
public be excluded for the following item(s) in view of the likely disclosure
of exempt information within the meaning of paragraph 3 of schedule 12 A to the
Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). |
The Chairman closed the public element of the meeting and the MS Teams Live Event ended |
Leisure Services Future management Arrangements
To consider a report of the Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services. Decision: Decision That a public consultation be undertaken to consider the implications of an alternative operating arrangement for the management agreement of Leisure Services and a report be brought back to Cabinet in the summer for consideration. Reason for the
decision To consider Leisure Services future management arrangements and ensure this provides value for money. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services presented a report on future management arrangements for Leisure Services. Decision That a public consultation be undertaken to consider the implications of an alternative operating arrangement for the management agreement of Leisure Services and a report be brought back to Cabinet in the summer for consideration. Reason for the
decision To consider Leisure Services future management arrangements and ensure this provides value for money. |
Letting of the Sherborne Hotel, Weymouth
To consider a report of Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets & Property. Decision: Decision That Cabinet authorise the letting of The Sherborne Hotel, 116 The Esplanade, Weymouth on term to be agreed by the Executive Director of Place. Reason for the
decision To
bring the hotel back into service and enable the provision of good quality
hotel and guest house provision in Weymouth. To help support and assist the
local economy. Minutes: The Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth, Assets and Property presented a report on the letting arrangement for the Sherborne Hotel, Weymouth, Dorset. Decision That Cabinet authorise the letting of The Sherborne Hotel, 116 The Esplanade, Weymouth on term to be agreed by the Executive Director of Place. Reason for the
decision To
bring the hotel back into service and enable the provision of good quality
hotel and guest house provision in Weymouth. To help support and assist the
local economy. |
Transfer of Pinemoor Allotments and Open Green Space to Weymouth Town Council - exempt appendix C Exempt appendix associated with the report on Transfer of Pinemoor Allotments and Open Green Space to Weymouth Town Council. Minutes: An exempt appendix associated with the report ‘Transfer of Pinemoor Allotments and Open Green Space to Weymouth Town Council
‘was made available to members. However, cabinet did not move into exempt business in order to
discuss the information at the meeting. |
Dorchester Office Strategy - exempt appendices 2, 4 to 8 Exempt appendices associated with the report on Dorchester Office Strategy. Minutes: The exempt appendices associated with the report ‘Dorchester
Office Strategy’ had been made available to Cabinet. However, Cabinet did not
move into exempt business in order to discuss the confidential information at
the meeting. |
Appendix 3 - Portfolio Holder Update Summary - April 2021 |